[Bug 16588] New: Grid spec should describe shrink-to-fit behavior of Grid element
[Bug 16587] New: Grid Spec Algorithm should ensure Max Breadth is at least as big as Used Breadth
[Bug 16585] New: Grid Spec should be explicit about grid's baseline behavior
[Bug 16584] New: Spec Algorithm Error: DistributeSpaceToTracks should only use TracksForGrowth instead of all GridTracks
[Bug 15938] Attaching events to content flows
[Bug 16545] New: Clarify the restart of an animation
[Bug 15938] Attaching events to content flows
[Bug 15938] Attaching events to content flows
[Bug 15938] Attaching events to content flows
[Bug 16527] New: getFlowByName and shadow DOM
- [Bug 16527] [Shadow]: getFlowByName and shadow DOM
- [Bug 16527] [Shadow]: getFlowByName and shadow DOM
[Bug 16521] New: Rounding of integer values is inconsistent with SVG and SMIL
[Bug 16517] New: CSS variables: Need a way to define a default value
[Bug 16483] New: Clarify why blocks inside of an inline [do|do not] get their own flexbox item)
[Bug 15938] Attaching events to content flows
[Bug 16475] New: 'Modules interaction' and 'Values' sections are missing
[Bug 16474] New: Improve Example 3 about exclusion order
[Bug 16460] New: Specify overflow behavior for shape-inside
[Bug 16456] New: direction property should support auto as a value
- [Bug 16456] direction property should support auto as a value
- [Bug 16456] direction property should support auto as a value
- [Bug 16456] direction property should support auto as a value
- [Bug 16456] direction property should support auto as a value
- [Bug 16456] direction property should support auto as a value
- [Bug 16456] direction property should support auto as a value
[Bug 16448] New: Should we revisit the decision to not allow SVG path syntax in the shape-inside, shape-outside properties
[Bug 16445] New: (editorial) Ch 4. Flexbox Items
- [Bug 16445] (editorial) Ch 4. Flexbox Items
- [Bug 16445] (editorial) Ch 4. Flexbox Items
- [Bug 16445] (editorial) Ch 4. Flexbox Items
[Bug 16444] New: (editorial) s/establish block container boxes/establish containing blocks/
[Bug 16437] New: Consistent use of start/end/top/bottom
[Bug 16429] New: Ensure that non-rectangular grid-template regions are explicitly called out as forbidden in the grid layout spec
[Bug 16410] New: Define the interaction of animation-fill-mode with running/completed animations
- [Bug 16410] Define the interaction of animation-fill-mode with running/completed animations
- [Bug 16410] Define the interaction of animation-fill-mode with running/completed animations
[Bug 16407] New: Rename 'Transform Values and Lists' to 'Transform Lists' + remove duplicated definition of values
- [Bug 16407] Rename 'Transform Values and Lists' to 'Transform Lists' + remove duplicated definition of values
- [Bug 16407] Rename 'Transform Values and Lists' to 'Transform Lists' + remove duplicated definition of values
- [Bug 16407] Rename 'Transform Values and Lists' to 'Transform Lists' + remove duplicated definition of values
[Bug 16406] New: Add section about just supporting the 2D part
[Bug 16405] New: s/Transformation Function/Transform Function/
- [Bug 16405] s/Transformation Function/Transform Function/
- [Bug 16405] s/Transformation Function/Transform Function/
- [Bug 16405] s/Transformation Function/Transform Function/
[Bug 16404] New: Fix specification dependencies
[Bug 16403] New: innerWidth and innerHeight are inconsistent across browsers (especially mobile)
[Bug 16050] (editorial) keyword values should not be quoted
[Bug 16397] New: Document allowable non-letters in grid-template property and their role
[Bug 16396] New: Document the behavior of the grid-template property when the number of letters in each string is unequal
[Bug 16391] New: regionLayoutUpdate needs to be async
[Bug 15931] WebIDL snippets need updating
[Bug 15931] WebIDL snippets need updating
[Bug 16389] New: resolved value for top/left/bottom/right doesn't match most browsers
[Bug 15931] WebIDL snippets need updating
[Bug 16383] New: Strictly disallow pseudo-elements to flow into regions directly.
- [Bug 16383] Strictly disallow pseudo-elements to flow into regions directly.
- [Bug 16383] Strictly disallow pseudo-elements to flow into regions directly.
- [Bug 16383] Strictly disallow pseudo-elements to flow into regions directly.
[Bug 16382] New: Should we have a NamedFlow.getRegionsByFlowRanges?
- [Bug 16382] Should we have a NamedFlow.getRegionsByFlowRanges?
- [Bug 16382] Should we have a NamedFlow.getRegionsByFlowRanges?
[Bug 15932] References missing or out-of-date
[Bug 15958] Remove links to SVG Transforms
[Bug 16380] New: Define what happens if content is in a display: none iframe
[Bug 16377] New: Define handling of singular 3D transforms
- [Bug 16377] Define handling of singular 3D transforms
- [Bug 16377] Define handling of singular 3D transforms
- [Bug 16377] Define handling of singular 3D transforms
- [Bug 16377] Define handling of singular 3D transforms
- [Bug 16377] Define handling of singular 3D transforms
- [Bug 16377] Define handling of singular 3D transforms
[Bug 16376] New: Add paragraph how to deal with arguments on animateTransform
- [Bug 16376] Add paragraph how to deal with arguments on animateTransform
- [Bug 16376] Add paragraph how to deal with arguments on animateTransform
[Bug 16375] New: Remove SVG atttributeType definition
[Bug 16374] New: Allow transform function list with out explicit separation
- [Bug 16374] Allow transform function list with out explicit separation
- [Bug 16374] Allow transform function list with out explicit separation
- [Bug 16374] Allow transform function list with out explicit separation
- [Bug 16374] Allow transform function list with out explicit separation
- [Bug 16374] Allow transform function list with out explicit separation
- [Bug 16374] Allow transform function list with out explicit separation
- [Bug 16374] Allow transform function list with out explicit separation
- [Bug 16374] Allow transform function list with out explicit separation
- [Bug 16374] Allow transform function list with out explicit separation
- [Bug 16374] Allow transform function list with out explicit separation
- [Bug 16374] Allow transform function list with out explicit separation
- [Bug 16374] Allow transform function list with out explicit separation
- [Bug 16374] Allow transform function list with out explicit separation
[Bug 15930] Issues link broken
[Bug 15931] WebIDL snippets need updating
[Bug 15932] References missing or out-of-date
[Bug 15933] Terms in WebIDL snippets inconsistently linked
[Bug 15938] Attaching events to content flows
[Bug 15952] CSSOM section should define REGIONS_RULE on CSSRule
[Bug 15952] CSSOM section should define REGIONS_RULE on CSSRule
[Bug 15938] Attaching events to content flows
[Bug 15931] WebIDL snippets need updating
[Bug 16349] New: backface-visibility underdefined
- [Bug 16349] backface-visibility underdefined
- [Bug 16349] backface-visibility underdefined
- [Bug 16349] backface-visibility underdefined
- [Bug 16349] backface-visibility underdefined
- [Bug 16349] backface-visibility underdefined
- [Bug 16349] backface-visibility underdefined
[Bug 16348] "CSS layout box" definition missing
[Bug 16345] New: removeProperty doesn't define returned value
[Bug 15430] Interaction with getBoundingClientRect/elementFromPoint is not defined
[Bug 15797] Computed value for 'transform' should be "As specified" again
[Bug 15797] Computed value for 'transform' should be "As specified" again
[Bug 15797] Computed value for 'transform' should be "As specified" again
[Bug 15430] Interaction with getBoundingClientRect/elementFromPoint is not defined
[Bug 16064] perspective-origin syntax should match 2D transform-origin syntax
[Bug 16328] New: Definition of 3D rendering contexts isn't clear
- [Bug 16328] Definition of 3D rendering contexts isn't clear
- [Bug 16328] Definition of 3D rendering contexts isn't clear
- [Bug 16328] Definition of 3D rendering contexts isn't clear
- [Bug 16328] Use of "containing block" does not match CSS2.1 definition
- [Bug 16328] Use of "containing block" does not match CSS2.1 definition
- [Bug 16328] Use of "containing block" does not match CSS2.1 definition
[Bug 16327] New: perspective and perspective matrix poorly described
- [Bug 16327] perspective and perspective matrix poorly described
- [Bug 16327] perspective and perspective matrix poorly described
- [Bug 16327] perspective and perspective matrix poorly described
- [Bug 16327] perspective and perspective matrix poorly described
- [Bug 16327] perspective and perspective matrix poorly described
- [Bug 16327] perspective and perspective matrix poorly described
- [Bug 16327] perspective and perspective matrix poorly described
- [Bug 16327] perspective and perspective matrix poorly described
- [Bug 16327] perspective and perspective matrix poorly described
- [Bug 16327] perspective and perspective matrix poorly described
[Bug 16326] New: Various table-related elements are not transformable per spec
- [Bug 16326] Various table-related elements are not transformable per spec
- [Bug 16326] Various table-related elements are not transformable per spec
[Bug 16325] New: Add a detached keyword for mesh specification
[Bug 16324] New: how exclusions affect flexbox layout?
[Bug 16322] New: same-sign flexibility in flexing algorithm
[Bug 16321] New: clarify definition of 'definite size
[Bug 16316] New: Resolved value for "width" underspecified when box-sizing: border-box
- [Bug 16316] Resolved value for "width" underspecified when box-sizing: border-box
- [Bug 16316] Resolved value for "width" underspecified when box-sizing: border-box
[Bug 16300] New: Remove 'skew' from transform functions
- [Bug 16300] Remove 'skew' from transform functions
- [Bug 16300] Remove 'skew' from transform functions
- [Bug 16300] Remove 'skew' from transform functions
- [Bug 16300] Remove 'skew' from transform functions
- [Bug 16300] Remove 'skew' from transform functions
- [Bug 16300] Remove 'skew' from transform functions
- [Bug 16300] Remove 'skew' from transform functions
- [Bug 16300] Remove 'skew' from transform functions
- [Bug 16300] Remove 'skew' from transform functions
- [Bug 16300] Remove 'skew' from transform functions
- [Bug 16300] Remove 'skew' from transform functions
- [Bug 16300] Remove 'skew' from transform functions
- [Bug 16300] Remove 'skew' from transform functions
- [Bug 16300] Remove 'skew' from transform functions
- [Bug 16300] Remove 'skew' from transform functions
- [Bug 16300] Remove 'skew' from transform functions
- [Bug 16300] Remove 'skew' from transform functions
- [Bug 16300] Remove 'skew' from transform functions
- [Bug 16300] Remove 'skew' from transform functions
- [Bug 16300] Remove 'skew' from transform functions
- [Bug 16300] Remove 'skew' from transform functions
- [Bug 16300] Remove 'skew' from transform functions
[Bug 16115] Animation sandwich model does not consider CSS3 Transitions and SMIL Animations
[Bug 16286] New: NamedFlow should return a static node list
- [Bug 16286] NamedFlow should return a static node list
- [Bug 16286] NamedFlow should return a static node list
- [Bug 16286] NamedFlow should return a static node list
- [Bug 16286] NamedFlow should return a static node list
[Bug 16276] New: "elements" don't have "edges"
[Bug 16274] New: SVG documents should always have a new stacking context
- [Bug 16274] SVG documents should always have a new stacking context
- [Bug 16274] SVG documents should always have a new stacking context
[Bug 16266] New: Specify that <shape> is serialized with commas
[Bug 16265] New: Define transition for "z-index: auto"
[Bug 15943] Should transform-style behave specially for tables (as it seems to in WebKit)?
[Bug 15943] Should transform-style behave specially for tables (as it seems to in WebKit)?
[Bug 15937] Clarify that units in the matrices are CSS pixels
[Bug 15943] Should transform-style behave specially for tables (as it seems to in WebKit)?
[Bug 15937] Clarify that units in the matrices are CSS pixels
[Bug 15937] Clarify that units in the matrices are CSS pixels
[Bug 15385] 6.1.2 discusses 'inherit' as a specified value, yet 'inherit' can never a specified value
[Bug 15387] Not clear what 'inherit' on shorthand properties means
[Bug 16228] New: Font matching algorithm should explain cluster-based matching
- [Bug 16228] Font matching algorithm should explain cluster-based matching
- [Bug 16228] Font matching algorithm should explain cluster-based matching
- [Bug 16228] Font matching algorithm should explain cluster-based matching
- [Bug 16228] Font matching algorithm should explain cluster-based matching
[Bug 16226] New: Margin collapsing: Clarify Note in 8.3.1 to use computed values of properties
- [Bug 16226] Margin collapsing: Clarify Note in 8.3.1 to use computed values of properties
- [Bug 16226] Margin collapsing: Clarify Note in 8.3.1 to use computed values of properties
- [Bug 16226] Margin collapsing: Clarify Note in 8.3.1 to use computed values of properties
[Bug 16225] New: Margin collapsing: switch the order of the "adjoining" and "collapsing" parts of 8.3.1
[Bug 16145] CSSOM for pos-flex, neg-flex and preferred-size
[Bug 16115] Animation sandwich model does not consider CSS3 Transitions and SMIL Animations
[Bug 16082] Sandwich model graphic should use 'CSS Animation'
[Bug 16115] Animation sandwich model does not consider CSS3 Transitions and SMIL Animations
[Bug 15943] Should transform-style behave specially for tables (as it seems to in WebKit)?
[Bug 15797] Computed value for 'transform' should be "As specified" again
[Bug 16185] New: Serialization of <angle> and <family-name> don't match browsers
- [Bug 16185] Serialization of <angle> and <family-name> don't match browsers
- [Bug 16185] Serialization of <angle> and <family-name> don't match browsers
- [Bug 16185] Serialization of <angle> and <family-name> don't match browsers
- [Bug 16185] Serialization of <angle> and <family-name> don't match browsers
- [Bug 16185] Serialization of <angle> and <family-name> don't match browsers
[Bug 15710] Serialization of inline style should be specified for function lists (e.g., transform)
[Bug 16183] New: Make parsing of non-positive perspectives consistent
- [Bug 16183] Make parsing of non-positive perspectives consistent
- [Bug 16183] Make parsing of non-positive perspectives consistent