Re: [csswg-drafts] Let’s Define CSS 4 (#4770)

To be clear — both in response to @ahmadalfy's comment, and to some reactions I saw on Twitter: no one is proposing that the CSSWG put all the separate specifications back into one giant (extra giant now) single spec. That would change how the CSSWG works, and create a significant impediment to their process. 

It's true, CSS1 and CSS2 were specs that had everything. CSS3 basically consisted of all the newly-separated specs, that had all been incremented to Level 3. Since the splitting-out of the specs, brand new specs (like Flexbox) are started at Level 1. Some of those have reached Level 2, even 3. Some of the other specs went on from Level 3 to 4 or 5... (For anyone who's unclear about this, I explain it with more detail [in this video](

If we define CSS4, it will include some specs that are at Level 1 or 2 (Like Grid 1 and Grid 2). It will include some specs that do happen to be at Level 4. It may include somethings that were added to a Level 3 spec much later than "CSS3", or include work that's in a Level 5 spec. 

“CSS4” will be an umbrella term, meaning a bucket of stuff that happened roughly between 2011 and 2020, without any regard for the actual Level of the individual specs included. And it will have no impact on how individual specs are created or numbered by the CSSWG. 

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Received on Friday, 14 February 2020 19:28:53 UTC