Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-ui-4] Change the pointer cursor to indicate any interactive element.

I don't think this issue is ready to be approved, as there is not broad consensus that the current mis-use of this cursor is something that makes sense from the user point of view. 

There is been feedback on twitter from me and other people that a "hand" cursor in a browser means I should be able to ctrl+click or click using the mouse wheel to open the link in a new tab. I sincerely believe that buttons that do not adhere to this shouldn't have a hand cursor, and that doing so is an authoring mistakes. Authoring mistakes shouldn't be encouraged in specs.

For instance, HTML Tables shouldn't be used for layout, yet a lot of developers used them for layout; still, the spec never stopped saying you should not use them for layout. 

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Received on Tuesday, 24 April 2018 23:52:56 UTC