Re: Web credibility community

Wow awesome. Here is a draft of an unsubmitted lit review I did.

It is more k12 students and web credibility rather than technological
solutions to peer review

I will throw it up my blog with a CC license for others to remix.

Keep meaning to submit somewhere, someday but will be open peer reviewed
publication so being in the wild won't matter.

As a tenured professor making the commitment to open access only publishing
is easier but I do encourage you to share a "working draft" for community

On Thu, Sep 27, 2018, 3:09 AM Ashley Williams <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm a close-to-completion PhD student undertaking a software engineering
> research project that relates to web credibility. My particular focus is on
> developing a set of software tools, together with methodology and theory,
> for (semi-) automatically identifying credible online content. A particular
> application of the tools would be supporting grey literature reviews and
> multi-vocal literature reviews e.g. to identify more credible content to be
> used by (software) practitioners in their decision-making and by (software
> engineering) researchers in their research. I recently signed up to the web
> credibility group, and have reviewed the Google Doc.
> I notice in the Google Doc that a proposal was made to conduct a
> literature review. I thought you would be interested to know that I have
> undertaken a literature review of credibility, and it has been submitted
> for peer-reviewed publication. If you are interested in the details I can
> share a technical report or similar. The particulars of the review may not
> be relevant, but the discussion around the concept of credibility may be of
> value and could provide some useful citations etc.
> I’ve some other thoughts relating to the Google Document too, and I can
> raise them in due course.
> On a separate matter, I accidentally signed myself up on behalf of my
> institution when in fact my registration should have been for an
> individual. How could I go about amending that?
> Cheers
> Ashley

Received on Thursday, 27 September 2018 10:09:52 UTC