Re: Elision in DID document

Hi Will,

Thanks for raising this. I've heard about the idea of selective disclosure
of DID Docs before, but I've not heard of use cases for it. My model for
DIDs is that the identifier is bound to a DIDDoc of information (public
keys, services) that you want every resolver to see.  What are the use
cases for some of the content of a DID being selectively disclosed?

Note that I'm a big fan of peer DIDs, where the DID (both identifier and
the DIDDoc) are shared only with the peer(s) that you want to be able to
resolve it, but I think that is pretty different from selective disclosure
for a given DIDDoc.


On Fri, Mar 14, 2025 at 6:32 AM Will Abramson <> wrote:

> Hey,
> On the DIDWG call yesterday there was a discussion around selective
> disclosure and elision for DID document.
> It got me thinking about what a minimal effort approach to supporting
> elision in DID documents might look like.
> I put my thoughts together here:
> TLDR: I think we could just define a new type or types in a DID extension
> that would enable a form of elision.
> Interested what folks think, is this worth pursuing or just plain wrong :)
> Cheers,
> Will


Stephen Curran
Principal, Cloud Compass Computing, Inc.

Received on Friday, 14 March 2025 16:25:18 UTC