Re: [Agenda] W3C CCG 3/7/23 - Lists of Verifiable Issuers and Verifiers

On Tue, Mar 7, 2023 at 10:33 AM Bob Wyman <> wrote:

> Note: I do understand Manu's statement in chat that one benefit of a
> list-based approach is that an external party is somewhat thwarted
> in discovering which member of the list is the subject of one's interest.
> This is a useful privacy benefit, but I'm wondering how it can be
> maintained at scale.

It would be pretty easy to use elided Gordian Envelopes to create a large
list of parties where their details are redacted, where the verifier also
has to receive a "proof of inclusion" as part of the VP that they are
included in that list, or the verifier some other way to determine
inclusion in that list. This technique could address many privacy issues,
and also some scaling problems.

Think of this as being a form of private & decentralized "certificate
transparency" approach. If there is interest in exploring this further, I'd
be glad to team up with others to understand more about the requirements
and jointly make a proposal using elision.


* Video: "Existence Proofs" at
* Transcript of This Video:
* Docs on Existence Proofs in Gordian Envelope:
* Existence Proofs in Envelope-CLI:

-- Christopher Allen

Received on Tuesday, 7 March 2023 19:54:41 UTC