- From: Naomi Szekeres <naomi.szekeres@velocitycareerlabs.com>
- Date: Sat, 14 Jan 2023 02:05:51 +0000
- To: "public-vc-edu@w3.org" <public-vc-edu@w3.org>
- CC: "public-credentials (public-credentials@w3.org)" <public-credentials@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <DB9PR03MB74975C2D391F0886E2F7EC41F0C39@DB9PR03MB7497.eurprd03.prod.outlook.com>
Hi, W3C colleagues! Per my mention last week, attached is the Brief on the Education Cluster that Velocity is kicking of on 2/7/23 with bi-weekly meetings to run through March and then the group will decide what to do next. The mission is to drive adoption of verifiable digital credentials in the education sector. The group will decide exactly what that means in terms of scope/geography/etc., but the point is that this is about actioning goals with respect to verifiable digital credentials, not about standards, etc. While you do have to be a member to directly participate in this group, I want to point out that finances should not be a blocker if you want to participate. Velocity has a new Start-up Sponsorship Program that enables free membership for a year. Please reach back to me if you need to leverage this program. The board will meet on January 31st, and we'll want to have your applications in time to present to the Board. Otherwise, here is info about Membership: 1. Link to Membership Agreement: https://velocitynetwork.foundation/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/VNF-Membership-Agreement.pdf 2. Link to Info about Membership: https://www.velocitynetwork.foundation/main2/membership 3. Link to Info on Committees: https://www.velocitynetwork.foundation/main2/committees Please note that you do NOT have to be a Member to use Velocity technology (SDK, Credential Agent, etc.), which is all free and open source! Membership only applies to Governance roles, getting implementation support from the Foundation, running a node on the Network, etc. Please let me know if you have any other questions. I know many of you personally, and we'd love to have you officially Members in time for these key milestones. Best, Naomi Naomi O. Szekeres Head of Global Education Ecosystem Strategy Velocity Network Foundation Cell: 202.321.2613 (US - EST) [cid:8c80500b-1791-4133-8ca4-3ecab934f85d]
- image/png attachment: Outlook-ae2uofcx.png
- application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document attachment: Velocity Education Cluster Launch Brief.docx
Received on Friday, 20 January 2023 14:03:10 UTC