[MINUTES] W3C CCG Traceability Call - 2023-01-03

Thanks to Benjamin Collins and Our Robot Overlords for scribing this week!

The transcript for the call is now available here:


Full text of the discussion follows for W3C archival purposes.
Audio of the meeting is available at the following location:


Verifiable Traceability Task Force Transcript for 2023-01-03

  Orie Steele, Mike Prorock, Mahmoud Alkhraishi
  Benjamin Collins and Our Robot Overlords
  Nis Jespersen , Benjamin Collins, Paul Dietrich GS1, Chris 
  Abernethy, TallTed // Ted Thibodeau (he/him) (OpenLinkSw.com), 
  Orie Steele, Mahmoud Alkhraishi, Ted Thibodeau

Benjamin Collins is scribing.
Our Robot Overlords are scribing.
Nis Jespersen :  Happy new year everyone, and welcome back to the 
  trace-call standing meeting [scribe assist by Benjamin Collins]
Nis Jespersen : 
Nis Jespersen :  Remember to sign the contributor guidelines 
  [scribe assist by Benjamin Collins]
Nis Jespersen :  Today is vocab day, we do have a bunch of pull 
  requests on trace [scribe assist by Benjamin Collins]
Nis Jespersen : 
Nis Jespersen : 
Nis Jespersen :  This is from adam who is not on the call [scribe 
  assist by Benjamin Collins]
Orie Steele:  Miss was aligning examples with schemas or 
  intention was to cover 100 percent over the required fields in 
  the example and there's two ways to do that you delete the schema 
  fields that are not there or you add fields to the example I 
  believe he did the wrong one first according to us wrong one and 
  that the request was to do the other one instead.
Benjamin Collins:  Also this do you want to turn off it looks 
  like we just got transcribed.
Nis Jespersen :  I'll go ahead and merge is there are no 
  objections [scribe assist by Benjamin Collins]
Nis Jespersen : 
Nis Jespersen :  Next one is from Russel [scribe assist by 
  Benjamin Collins]
Chris Abernethy:  I can't say that I've familiar with what 
  happened here, but it looks like it aligns with work he;'s done 
  previously [scribe assist by Benjamin Collins]
Nis Jespersen :  Okay, I'll go ahead and merge [scribe assist by 
  Benjamin Collins]
Nis Jespersen : 
Nis Jespersen :  This is a similar pull request, and adding 
  fields to agriculture product as well as an import application 
  [scribe assist by Benjamin Collins]
Nis Jespersen : 
Nis Jespersen :  Next one is 673, this an update to mill test 
  report by adding inspectors to align the example with schema. 
  [scribe assist by Benjamin Collins]
Nis Jespersen :  Any objections to merging out of meeting once 
  the merge conflict has been addressed? [scribe assist by Benjamin 
Nis Jespersen :  I'll write a note on the pull request page to 
  that effect. [scribe assist by Benjamin Collins]
Nis Jespersen : 
Nis Jespersen :  This is a gtin8 which is the short form of 
  gtins. this is a credential from a gs1 member about a product. 
  which is an example from vc-data-model from GS1. [scribe assist 
  by Benjamin Collins]
Nis Jespersen :  Is there any objections to me merging offline 
  once this get's fixed [scribe assist by Benjamin Collins]
Mahmoud Alkhraishi:  Sounds good to me, i can remove the change 
  request on the assumption it's going to get fixed [scribe assist 
  by Benjamin Collins]
Benjamin Collins: Paul: Looking file 103 in the file change, that 
  looks like a prefix and not a gtin8
Nis Jespersen :  It is a prefix example, these are taken from the 
  gs1 data model [scribe assist by Benjamin Collins]
Benjamin Collins: Paul: i'll follow up offline
Nis Jespersen : 
Nis Jespersen :  This is narrowing down some of the files to not 
  use the generic organization that only uses the parts related to 
  this credential. As well as place. We have three approvals, any 
  objects to merging 676? [scribe assist by Benjamin Collins]
Nis Jespersen :  There is a conflict, I'll make a note to merge 
  offline once resolved [scribe assist by Benjamin Collins]
Nis Jespersen : 
Nis Jespersen :  This is from fkim7 to upload bank account vc. 
  There are a few good looking updates. We have three approvals. 
  Any objections to merging 677? [scribe assist by Benjamin 
Nis Jespersen : 
Nis Jespersen :  This is for the GS1 key credential which is 
  issued to claim that you have made a GTIN, another example from 
  the GS1 data model. I only see one approval, can we get more? 
  [scribe assist by Benjamin Collins]
Nis Jespersen :  Or if anyone wants to discuss what this is 
  about, I'd be happy to talk about it. [scribe assist by Benjamin 
Mahmoud Alkhraishi:  Can you do a quick walk-through? [scribe 
  assist by Benjamin Collins]
Nis Jespersen :  The GS1 data model has the end of the line. It 
  starts from GS1 global to regional, and they can issue 
  credentials directly, or the local office issued prefix licenses 
  to companies. Once you have a prefix license you can issue key 
  credentials. [scribe assist by Benjamin Collins]
Nis Jespersen :  This is at the end of the line where you issue a 
  credential to something  being identified. [scribe assist by 
  Benjamin Collins]
Nis Jespersen :  I hope that helps. [scribe assist by Benjamin 
Mahmoud Alkhraishi:  It does, thanks. [scribe assist by Benjamin 
Nis Jespersen : 
Nis Jespersen :  This is removing geo-coordinates from the bill 
  of lading. We have strong push back from the industry that they 
  didn't have the data for the parties. so this is removing it from 
  the document to align closer with the industry use. [scribe 
  assist by Benjamin Collins]
Nis Jespersen : 
Nis Jespersen :  This is adding cargo description, because i was 
  doing the bill of lading, and this was an issue we have around 
  for a while. And I used the term "particulars" as it's the most 
  common term for this on bills of lading. [scribe assist by 
  Benjamin Collins]
Nis Jespersen :  If there are no objections i will leave a 
  comment to myself to merge offline once merge conflict has been 
  addressed [scribe assist by Benjamin Collins]
Nis Jespersen :  We have four pending pull requests and we are 
  through the entire list. [scribe assist by Benjamin Collins]
Nis Jespersen : 
Nis Jespersen : 
Nis Jespersen :  For trace-interop we have no pull requests, so 
  let's go back to trace-vocab and let's look at issues [scribe 
  assist by Benjamin Collins]
Nis Jespersen : 
Nis Jespersen :  The first one is 461 from Orie [scribe assist by 
  Benjamin Collins]
Orie Steele:  We had conversations about whether raw materials 
  could be traced, and we dont really have certificated related to 
  this mine produces this material that makes it into mined 
  products. The MTR is the first credential that we have around raw 
  materials. So could we have credentials for a raw ore extracted 
  from a mine? [scribe assist by Benjamin Collins]
Orie Steele:  We can use existing terms such as inchikey to 
  represent minerals, but we don't have any certificates where 
  minerals start,. even to the point of going to twitter and asking 
  for help around credentials for raw materials. [scribe assist by 
  Benjamin Collins]
Nis Jespersen :  Let's go ahead and add a "Help Wanted" tag on 
  the issue [scribe assist by Benjamin Collins]
Nis Jespersen : 
Nis Jespersen :  " Hashlink is no substitute for proper semantic 
  description of content" [scribe assist by Benjamin Collins]
<tallted> "point of extraction" doc will be good for efforts 
  against things like "conflict diamonds"
Orie Steele:  Yes, I agree with this [scribe assist by Benjamin 
Orie Steele:  It's about a specific type, commission event to see 
  if it's still as described. [scribe assist by Benjamin Collins]
Orie Steele:  And it still has hashlink on it [scribe assist by 
  Benjamin Collins]
Nis Jespersen :  The proposal is to change this to a definition 
  of products [scribe assist by Benjamin Collins]
Orie Steele:  It seems like APCIS has a definition we could be 
  using, maybe that could be a better starting point? [scribe 
  assist by Benjamin Collins]
Nis Jespersen : 
Nis Jespersen :  Next is cosmetics on EPCIS [scribe assist by 
  Benjamin Collins]
Nis Jespersen :  Why is this being debated on trace? Should this 
  be on GS1 EPCIS repo? [scribe assist by Benjamin Collins]
Nis Jespersen :  Or am I missing something? [scribe assist by 
  Benjamin Collins]
Orie Steele:  I included a link to an example in a previous issue 
  [scribe assist by Benjamin Collins]
Orie Steele:  It is a difficult issue to parse, if there is 
  something useful in their repo, we reference it here. [scribe 
  assist by Benjamin Collins]
Orie Steele:  I'll ask a question to clarify this in the issue 
  [scribe assist by Benjamin Collins]
Nis Jespersen : 
Nis Jespersen :   Product defects: ids (how to represent an 
  individual product), quantities [scribe assist by Benjamin 
Nis Jespersen :  Mahmoud I see you commented on this, can you 
  introduce this if you remember? [scribe assist by Benjamin 
Nis Jespersen :  This does related to the key credential we did, 
  and since we debated this the GS1 white paper came out [scribe 
  assist by Benjamin Collins]
Mahmoud Alkhraishi:  I think part of this was there was confusion 
  between product id or gtin in the product schema [scribe assist 
  by Benjamin Collins]
Mahmoud Alkhraishi:  One of the reasons was because some of the 
  products we have doesn't have a GTIN, for example things like 
  order. There were other places where batch could be used in the 
  location of GTIN. [scribe assist by Benjamin Collins]
Nis Jespersen :  I'm pretty sure schema.org makes this 
  distinction. I assume Vlad would know that better than me. Can we 
  assign you (Mahmoud) and me to this issue? [scribe assist by 
  Benjamin Collins]
Nis Jespersen : 
Nis Jespersen :  I made a pull request on the EPCIS, but i didn't 
  have time to wrap it up, so i pulled it into an issue. And I've 
  been focusing on the GTIN ones. If anyone is interested please 
  shout-out. Otherwise we'll leave it for when we get a chance. 
  [scribe assist by Benjamin Collins]
Nis Jespersen : 
Nis Jespersen : 
Nis Jespersen :   Inconsistently spelled schema.org URLs. This 
  looks out dated. So I think these are all dead. So I think we can 
  safely close this issue. [scribe assist by Benjamin Collins]
Ted Thibodeau:  You should probably re-run the command. [scribe 
  assist by Benjamin Collins]
Orie Steele:  Agreed I just made a comment to that effect on the 
  issue. [scribe assist by Benjamin Collins]
Nis Jespersen :  I'm going to ping Vlad and assign him on the 
  issue. [scribe assist by Benjamin Collins]
Orie Steele:  Anyone with Linux can run the command, so I think 
  you should assign yourself or Ben to this issue [scribe assist by 
  Benjamin Collins]
Nis Jespersen : 
Nis Jespersen : 
Nis Jespersen :   https://w3id.org/identifier does not exist 
  [scribe assist by Benjamin Collins]
<mahmoud> unfortunately need to drop
Orie Steele:  I just searched for this in the repo. I don't see 
  it showing up anymore. [scribe assist by Benjamin Collins]
Orie Steele:  I don't think it's in the code anymore, oh wait now 
  it's showing up [scribe assist by Benjamin Collins]
Nis Jespersen :  I'm going to assign Mahmoud on this. [scribe 
  assist by Benjamin Collins]
Nis Jespersen : 
Nis Jespersen :   Identifier wrongly used as class, this seems 
  like it's align the same lines at what we just looked at. So I'm 
  inclined to assign Russel. [scribe assist by Benjamin Collins]
Nis Jespersen : 
Nis Jespersen :   Avoid schema.org datatypes [scribe assist by 
  Benjamin Collins]
Orie Steele:  We love schema.org datatypes. here's not wrong, 
  this date-time issue we've had problems with before. There's also 
  the date-type attributes versus the data-time type. I think this 
  issue conflates those two. Because it mixes the type and property 
  [scribe assist by Benjamin Collins]
Orie Steele:  In order to make this ticket actionable, we should 
  re-run the command, and then we make an issue for every instance. 
  So that we have a lot of smaller issues that are easier to close 
  out [scribe assist by Benjamin Collins]
Orie Steele:  Unless someone want to pick up a big issue. [scribe 
  assist by Benjamin Collins]
Nis Jespersen : 
Orie Steele:  Ben, can you run the command and make an issue, and 
  then address the instances in the schemas's we maintain. [scribe 
  assist by Benjamin Collins]
Benjamin Collins:  Got it [scribe assist by Benjamin Collins]
Orie Steele:  These grep attacks Vlad is running on us is good. 
  [scribe assist by Benjamin Collins]
Orie Steele:  Same kind of deal, we need to update all of the 
  cases where that's showing up [scribe assist by Benjamin Collins]
Nis Jespersen :  Do we want to slice it up the same way? [scribe 
  assist by Benjamin Collins]
Orie Steele:  I don't know what the relative priority is for 
  this. If there are any of these IRI's showing up. I want to see 
  separate issues for Transmute to address these issues for 
  credentials we're interested in. [scribe assist by Benjamin 
Orie Steele:  As a related point, every time these url's are 
  wrong we're breaking the ability to query over the data. And this 
  is an objective of the traceability vocabulary. [scribe assist by 
  Benjamin Collins]
Nis Jespersen :  For now I'll assign myself, Mahmoud and Russel 
  and ideally we'll split it up. [scribe assist by Benjamin 
Nis Jespersen : 
Nis Jespersen :   Declare datatype in $linkedData [scribe assist 
  by Benjamin Collins]
Nis Jespersen :  The problem with this is that it applies to 
  everything [scribe assist by Benjamin Collins]
Orie Steele:  I have some experience to changing JSON-LD to 
  property graphs, if you have different types when you change to 
  n-quads. [scribe assist by Benjamin Collins]
Orie Steele:  I do think there is a strong argument that all of 
  the data types and IRI's should be correct for everything. This 
  doesn't work well when there is one issue to say "fix everything" 
  versus smaller issues for breaking down specific tasks that can 
  be visualized and crossed off. Similar to our undefined terms 
  graph that let's us know there is still work to be done. [scribe 
  assist by Benjamin Collins]
Orie Steele:  Vlad has good suggestions in, I'm not sure how to 
  address this at the moment, but this does seem like a high value 
  issue to invest some time in. [scribe assist by Benjamin Collins]
Nis Jespersen :  What is the next step? [scribe assist by 
  Benjamin Collins]
Orie Steele:  You could do this on a credential with manual 
  review, there is nothing that's going to say this should be a 
  boolean versus a string. But if you look at the n-quads and you 
  see a boolean, but the type is a string you would know that's 
  wrong. [scribe assist by Benjamin Collins]
Orie Steele:  So the way to address this would be a line-by-line 
  review of the n-quads to make sure each line gets checked off. 
  [scribe assist by Benjamin Collins]
Orie Steele:  Effectively it could be done with an issue per 
  line. [scribe assist by Benjamin Collins]
Ted Thibodeau:  I think that rather than having an issue per 
  issue, it could be done with one issue with checkboxes. [scribe 
  assist by Benjamin Collins]
Orie Steele:  It might be possible to do a CLI that automatically 
  creates an issue, but it's not something you might want to do. 
  [scribe assist by Benjamin Collins]
Nis Jespersen :  I'll self assign, and do one as a proof of 
  concept. To say "this is a credential that is well defined, and 
  this is what we want the other credentials to look like". [scribe 
  assist by Benjamin Collins]
<orie> sry, I will need to drop

Received on Tuesday, 3 January 2023 20:46:56 UTC