[MINUTES] W3C CCG {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf2639 Call - 2022-08-22

Thanks to Our Robot Overlords and Our Robot Overlords for scribing this week!

The transcript for the call is now available here:


Full text of the discussion follows for W3C archival purposes.
Audio of the meeting is available at the following location:


education\ Transcript for 2022-08-22

  1. IP Note\
  2. Call Notes\
  3. Introductions and Reintroductions\
  4. Announcements and Reminders\
  5. DID:EBSI v2\
  Our Robot Overlords and Our Robot Overlords
  Simone Ravaoli, Deb Everhart, Dmitri Zagidulin, John Kuo, Andy 
  Griebel, Irene Hernandez, Fiona, Razvan Braghesiu (Lightpass), 
  xander - ASU/Pocket, Rebecca Busacca, Territorium, Jacob W, 
  JennGreene, TimG, Marty Reed, Jeff O - HumanOS, JoAdel, Jim 
  Kelly, Kayode Ezike, Eric Shepherd, Akshar Patel, Stuart Freeman, 
  Janko, Markus Sabadello, Keith Hackett, Tim Bouma, Phil L (P1), 
  James Chartrand, Nate Otto, Azeem., David Ward, Ryan Grant, 
  Tayken (LEF), Mahesh Balan - pocketcred.com, Chandi 
  Cumaranatunge, TallTed // Ted Thibodeau (he/him) 
  (OpenLinkSw.com), Jonathan Bethune, Sandro Cacciamani, Jim 
  Goodell, Kaliya Young, Timothy Summers

<deb_everhart_(credential_engine)> hi Simone!\
<deb_everhart_(credential_engine)> Hi Dmitri!\
<simone_ravaioli_(vc_edu)> Hello Deb ! Hello everyone... let's 
  wait a few mins for people to join\
Our Robot Overlords are scribing.
Eric_Shepherd: So I just went off mute Simone.\
Eric_Shepherd: Can you hear me okay.\
<phil_l_(p1)> We hear you\

Topic: IP Note\

<simone_ravaioli_(vc_edu)> Anyone can participate in these calls. 
  However, all substantive contributors to any CCG Work Items must 
  be members of the CCG with full IPR agreements signed. 
  https://www.w3.org/community/credentials/join . Ensure you have a 
  W3 account: https://www.w3.org/accounts/request -- b. W3C 
  https://www.w3.org/community/about/agreements/cla/ \

Topic: Call Notes\

<simone_ravaioli_(vc_edu)> a. These minutes and an audio 
  recording of everything said on this call are archived at 
  https://w3c-ccg.github.io/meetings/ -- b. We use chat/IRC to 
  queue speakers during the call as well as to take minutes. 
  http://irc.w3.org/?channels=ccg or http://irc.w3.org:6665/#ccg  
  or the Jitsi text chat. -- c. In chat/IRC type \'93q+\'94 to add 
  yourself to the queue, with an optional reminder, e.g., \'93q+ to 
  mention something\'94. The \'93to\'94 is required. More IRC 
  commands here: https://w3c-ccg.github.io/irc_ref.html -- d. If 
  you\'92re not on chat/IRC, simply ask to be put on the queue. -- 
  e. Please be brief so the rest of the queue get a chance to chime 
  in. You can always q+ again.\

Topic: Introductions and Reintroductions\

Topic: Announcements and Reminders\

Eric_Shepherd: Okay thanks Phil I wasn't sure the first time on 
  this platform we're about spoken I did attend last week as far as 
  announcements go I thought it might be useful to know that we're 
  setting up something we call the C3 initiative which is a site is 
  aligned with the T3 initiative but it's focused on bringing 
  together communities of confidence so those interested in 
  comparing two definitions and competency Frameworks this will be 
  a monthly call starting in.\
<phil_l_(p1)> Ok to cross post that info Eric\
<eric_shepherd> C3 - Connecting Competence Communities 

Topic: DID:EBSI v2\

<simone_ravaioli_(vc_edu)> About VUI - 
<simone_ravaioli_(vc_edu)> This post - 
<manu> Simone -- select "Start Closed Captions" to get the 
  Transcriber back into the meeting.\
Our Robot Overlords are scribing.
<manu> or "Start CC" in your admin menu. Transcriber left the 
  meeting because you left the meeting. You have to invite it back 
  in if you want it to continue transcribing.\
<manu> There we go.\
<simone_ravaioli_(vc_edu)> thx Manu !\
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA): The EPS later and these the ID registry 
  would contain the IDS for both natural persons and legal persons 
  but has been for a car last couple of years ongoing discussions 
  within the European commission and with experts from DPR from 
  within and outside the European commission meaning also from 
  member states on whether daes where personal information or not 
  for the sake of GDP are.\
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA):  compliance and there were.\
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA): Very hot discussions and the last 
  conclusion was yes the ID is a personal data because it is a 
  seldom name of that person's identity and it can be related back 
  to that specific natural person and that conclusion was very 
  important because that meant that we could not store the IDS on 
  the absolute nature why because you PR makes it very clear.\
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA):  clear there are very specific rules.\
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA): The most familiar one is the right to 
  be forgotten that obviously a blockchain that your dad's not 
  allowed to and therefore if you cannot erase information from a 
  blockchain you cannot publish things that you cannot erase 
  personal data among that and if the ID is considered a personal 
  data it cannot be stored on a black teenager that was the main 
  conclusion so FC started working.\
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA): Spot on a new version of the IDS for 
  for natural persons which resulted in this V2 method and so they 
  preserve the 144 legal persons it is okay and there are going to 
  steal record dids at the ID documents for legal persons in the 
  app select your as you can see here in this table and V2 is 
  mainly intended for.\
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA):  all persons so.\
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA): He's and AE documents will be from now 
  on generated and stored solely in the world not on not recorded 
  on the absolute edger the way it works is basically let me switch 
  to this Slide the way it works is that in b 1 you have the the 
  daad scheme obviously the ID method is AB c-- and then you had a 
  random identifier here in V2 which is the blow the the second.\
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA):  line here that that third.\
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA): Part it is where they encode the public 
  key Associated to that specific d i d so it basically in in the 
  same D ID you can encode the the IDS public key so you only need 
  to share that Eid for a verifier to then extract what the 
  associated public key is and this is how they overcame the 
  problem that okay and how do we distribute public Keys Associated 
  to the.\
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA):  IDS if they're not stored on the 
  blockchain that.\
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA): And so if you look now I okay what's 
  the process now in V1 and for legal persons it's still the same 
  and Israel would record it's the idea on the app selector and a 
  verifier would go to the absolute liar to obtain the associated 
  the ID document to get the public key and then verify the 
  signature on that specific verifiable credential whereas.\
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA): Specific credential let me go back here 
  now specifically then should you have the idea of the issuer but 
  you also have the idea of the holder so for the issuer that 
  verifier would go to the absolute error but not for the holder 
  for the holder it would gasp the do use the public key out of the 
  same the ID so if we go to how this would work for natural 
  persons that Israel would issue the very first production to the 
  whole layer and then the Hogan would say.\
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA):  share that same very fiber 
  presentation that includes.\
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA): Each of the holder and the verifier 
  simply extracts the the DAV key the public key out of the deity 
  to verify the hollers signature.\
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA): Okay so that's the how it works so to 
  speak let me now move to what does this really mean for everyone 
  it's just an important change a minor change what what should we 
  do for companies for instance at Gattaca we are blocked in 
  agnostic we integrate with any trust framework so that means that 
  any change in those trust Frameworks imply a change in our 
  technology same goes for.\
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA): Or any other technology.\
<markus_sabadello> Example resolution of EBSI v1 DID: 
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA): At once to integrate with the apps you 
  later and what are the main the Imp really the impact on changing 
  to a method that does not store they disowned the block to 
  measure well to start the let me start with the arguments that 
  were in favor of proposing these beat you obviously if according 
  to the epr the IDS are considered personal information there is.\
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA):  is no other way to go.\
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA): We cannot store that on the Block to 
  nature but also there were all their arguments along V 2 is 
  better than be one for natural persons and these that in the end 
  you know the majority of deities are public including AB c-- that 
  can be read publicly and somehow storing anything really anything 
  related or tied to a holders identity somehow risks such as.\
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA):  visee more than security but 
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA): I see because in the end you never know 
  what will happen in the future what that the ID will mean and 
  having that stored forever in the blockchain public Ledger Daphne 
  risks of future use cases were that Prime that privacy can be 
  compromised and the last argument was okay a person lives sorry 
  the IDS or any records on a Blog team that you're is.\
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA):  supposed to last forever.\
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA): Because it's immutable indestructible 
  Etc but a person that's not and a person person is not Eternal 
  but even if the person is not Eternal and identity can even have 
  a shorter life span than the person itself so why storing things 
  on the letter that could be used at a later stage by a malicious 
  hacker to obtain access to that lost or inaccessible.\
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA):  double identity.\
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA): Jessica Mead identity fraud it's like 
  okay has a red cord or the identity of a person that passed away 
  and now as a hacker I can take advantage of that identity that 
  somehow still lives to then commit identity fraud so those all of 
  those were high level arguments in favor of me too but there are 
  some inconvenient truths as a someone always says.\
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA):  in which you to me the.\
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA): First one is that having one single key 
  Associated to the the ID has two major limitations one is key 
  rotation what if my didd my private key is compromised for 
  whatever reason my private the ID is compromised now the only 
  thing I can do if my public key is embedded in my vad is to 
  change  DID/\ if I change my D ID.\
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA):  that implies that all the.\
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA): Issued to the original the ID are no 
  longer valid so I need to reissue all the credentials that were 
  associated to that compromised the ID and that's really one of 
  the major disadvantages of having the public key and bapt or 
  encoded in the daad itself now the second limitation and it's not 
  small in my opinion is that now we only have one public key or 
  one key pair better set as you see D to that day.\
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA):  Eid but there are multiple views.\
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA): Where well the ID documents are 
  prepared to associate multiple key pairs to a specific D ID so I 
  would have in my id id document 34 different public peace and I 
  would store obviously in my wallet Associated private keys but I 
  could have one different public key Associated or keep are 
  associated to a specific use case 1,000 dictation or even 
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA):  current key pairs the.\
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA): Ending on the technology that crop that 
  cryptographic protocols that are allowed by a verifier so there 
  are multiple use cases and interest in having multiple Keepers 
  Associated to at the ID that is really not easy to implement in 
  V2 where the public is encoded in the in the same the ID so that 
  will limit a lot of different use cases in the future and that 
  seems far.\
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA): In current SSI Market maturity I think 
  that will be very detrimental in the future and of course many 
  people argue that these are not really personal information the 
  random identifiers and like any random identifiers like what 
  makes really and identities not that the idea itself but verify 
  your credentials that associate the the idea with the natural 
  person but that's that discussion is is out of scope.\
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA):  and that the ultimate decision is by 
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA): And I'm whether the IDS are are 
  considered so then I mean your personal information or not so 
  that's the current situation I wanted yes to provide an overview 
  if you want we have a brief blog post where we try to express all 
  of these arguments in favor and against the ADV to but most 
  importantly explaining what we do is and how to implement that.\
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA):  so now I will be.\
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA): I'm going to.\
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA): Since I was not looking at the chat 
  happy to initiate the discussion.\
<phil_l_(p1)> Q\
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Thanks yep thank you thank you Danny for for 
  presenting this is really interesting my name question is so when 
Dmitri Zagidulin:  V-22 developers what are some what are some 
  reasons that a developer should use EDTV to as opposed to 
  did:key\ since they played such similar roles.\
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA): Well that all depends on how you want 
  to use the app framework and integration you have with AB c-- so 
  for specific use cases the ab c-- method specifically when 
  willing to store or to deal with the the whole as AB c-- trust 
  framework the ab c-- D ID is required but if you go out of school 
  for FC you definitely can use the ID key.\
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA): Weeds yes it's very.\
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA): Or let's say that the ID f-- C V2 was 
  built based on the adk they're very similar but it all it all 
  depends on the developers willingness to integrate into the FC 
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Thank you and if I may oh no Marcus next you 
  go ahead.\
Markus Sabadello:  Thank you my question is almost the same as 
  Dimitri's when I looked at type c V2 I also thought isn't that 
  similar to something like ti-tiki my understanding is that one 
  difference is that the fcv to Deeds are not just the public Keys 
  as it is indeed key but it's actually a hashed public key so my 
  question is is that is that correct and and does if it's correct 
  I think it.\
Markus Sabadello:  You can only resolve.\
Markus Sabadello:  Did if you already know additional information 
  which is the the public key so the question is just is that 
  correct and until you have some additional thoughts on why they 
  chose to design it that way.\
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA): So what map to my knowledge let me 
  present this again for send this.\
<phil_l_(p1)> No slide visible here.\
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA): Okay this is how they defined video and 
  yes just speak your question to my knowledge and I might be wrong 
  or definitely the European commission support team will be best 
  to answer some of the questions but to my knowledge they 
  definitely based V2 on the ID key spec so it's an evolution.\
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA): If you want from.\
<markus_sabadello> Right, it's a public key HASH rather than 
  simply a public key.\
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA): E and what they do is to encode the 
  public key like you're seeing here like a jwk some point which is 
  how they encode the public key into the this identifier the 
  method specific identifiers but it also has some some bites and 
  let me actually share this with some might even more interesting 
  to you.\
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA): Okay sure here there you go here so the 
  definitely the size of these random identify or the identifier 
  that follows the daily method is different for legal persons or 
  V1 than for natural persons with u and v 2 what they do is to put 
  that yeah as I was saying the jwk some print from the public key 
  into that identifier so you have a few examples here on how idid 
  would look like.\
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA):  like for a natural person.\
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA): Which is the yellow jwk thumbprint as 
  you can see here and this is what is encoded in the in the vad 
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA): Um so that's one on how the IDS are 
  made that wasn't the main decision from the European Commission 
  on how to implement this but these only as I was saying this only 
  enables one single key to be encoded into the d i d natural 
  Marcos if I'm and I'm answering while your question or if you 
  have a follow-up question.\
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA): Not that's that's right that's right 
Markus Sabadello:  No I'm sorry I know I think you'll confirmed 
  it right so it's it's a thumbprint of a public key and not just 
  the public itself that that's the difference where to something 
  like that key thank you.\
Phil_L_(P1): Yes can you hear me.\
Phil_L_(P1): Very good I just wanted to confirm you mentioned the 
  problem of key rotation and the consequence thereof is there can 
  you it sounds like this is something that is just has remained on 
  addressed in a practical way and I'm wondering if there's any 
  further discussion about the requirements that would need to be 
  done to make key rotation functionally work for them.\
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA): Okay not on the public side those 
  conversations have happened the the main gas to again describe 
  what the problem here is with key rotation so when when we have 
  the D ID document stored on the app select your there are many 
  ways to implement key rotation mechanisms that means to update 
  that the ID document on the blockchain.\
<dmitri_zagidulin> does anybody have a link to the ebsi v2 spec 
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA): Have a time-stamped record of past the 
  ID documents so that even if say a private Keys compromise you 
  can steal for auditing purposes proof that a specific credential 
  was issue there was valid at a specific point in time because 
  there is a historical record of the public Keys Associated to 
  your Dae and that's very easy to implement when you have the 
  block to you later and it's the.\
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA): Your rotation mechanisms can be 
  implemented in a super user-friendly way in a way that even the 
  user does not even realize because you can automate that in the 
  wallet like every and every day please rotate my keys and that 
  can happen without holders Intervention which is very important 
  for user experience to add this layer of security Without Really 
  impacting negatively on user.\
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA):  Zur on disability.\
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA): If we move to reach you version where 
  the data is encoded in the the and yet the idea itself another 
  sir problem because okay my kids are compromised and I've already 
  shared my or I already have my wallet say one academic diploma 
  Associated to my vad but hopes the private key Associated to that 
  the ID is compromised I should change it what I should really 
  change is the keep are associated to that the ID but.\
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA):  but because the the key pair is.\
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA): I've door encoded in the DNA itself if 
  I change the public key that will change my D ID and if I change 
  my ID I need to ask again the issuer to reissue my credential to 
  that new the ID and that is really not useful from the users 
  perspective if my keys are compromised I definitely need to go 
  all over again to all these words and start downloading again all 
  of these credentials and repopulate my.\
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA):  wallet that is not user friendly.\
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA): That is really not and how do you 
  provide with these kid rotation mechanisms really if those dids 
  embed the the public itself so it's kind of losing some extra 
  security that really doesn't make sense I've not heard about 
  discussions in these line like what do we do with pure rotation 
  I've not heard them yet but I'm sure that's something that is in 
  mind that your.\
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA):  young commission and how to solve 
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA): Probably they're thinking about making 
  compromises the reality is that if you want to implement a 
  society in a specific jurisdiction like Europe you need to abide 
  to the regulation in that jurisdiction if you want to have legal 
  validity to those credentials you need to comply and and there 
  are some compromises that we need to make not just sure if we 
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA): Tradition or the right compromise to 
<phil_l_(p1)> That's what I thought you had mentioned - and 
  you've confirmed it's an unresolved problem if you want to comply 
  with the EBSI rules.\
Dmitri Zagidulin:  I got so two questions does anybody have a 
  link to the V-22 specification handy you could paste it in the 
  chat and my main question is I think innate is.\
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Do you have an example of what the did 
  document looks like that the V2 would resolve.\
Dmitri Zagidulin:  And is the dino if the intention is to make 
  use of the service endpoint feature the documents or is this just 
  for the public key.\
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA): Sorry I missed the last question I 
  definitely have an Excel in the same link that Nate added you can 
  have examples of how that the ID document looks like for natural 
  persons yes remember that the European commission always use the 
  acronym and P4 natural person so look yeah look for that in the 
Dmitri Zagidulin:  So my question is about service endpoints 
  right so the ended its back what did the two things public keys 
  and service endpoints and so my question is is there an intention 
  to use.\
Dmitri Zagidulin:  He did V2 to specify service endpoints or is 
  it just for public key.\
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA): To my knowledge cities just for public 
Markus Sabadello:  Just one more question it feels like this new 
  V2 did method doesn't have much to do with that Epsilon lighter 
  and could also be useful outside of the FC ecosystem would you 
  agree with that pigment perhaps do you think it could have made 
  sense to give that V2 did method a new name so maybe call the V1 
  method heh.\
Markus Sabadello:  You can call the veto.\
Markus Sabadello:  I'm watching Eric Maybe.\
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA): I would definitely agree that because 
  the this method will not be stored on the absolute jury can be 
  used outside of the FC scope or the I don't think the apps you 
  want to have a global AB c-- or to maintain and non-arab see 
  method I think they're their scope is very specific and it is to 
  implement the IDS for natural persons in Europe.\
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA): And therefore the.\
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA): Methyl still be named the ADF see but 
  that's not mean that kind of be used outside of Europe like any 
  other the ID method the it the the ID methods back can be 
  published also even in the w3c registration of the ad methods and 
  can be used externally like why not there's nothing technically 
  at least speaking that can avoid that question.\
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA):  is do we want.\
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA): The div FC or let's say let's rephrase 
  it the will want to use the IDS issued according to the idea of 
  TV to Method outside of Europe or do we want to take advantage of 
  these new div method definition to define a generic the ID method 
  definition that could be implemented somewhere else it's 
  different for the first the first approach is the way we want 
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA):  to leverage I.\
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA): And identities to be used outside of 
  European Scopes and the answer is yes of course now that we want 
  to take advantage of all the work that I've seen is doing to 
  implement blockchain agnostic or not non-block to relate edid 
  methods that's also something that can be discussed with the 
  European commission information is public I don't see any 
  limitation in in building a generate the ID based on what I've 
  seen is doing.\
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA): Nightmare um now that doesn't that's a 
  good point C mon so we've been working with a couple of use cases 
  in Europe one is the issuance of student IDs and to verify the 
  student IDs to for authentication purposes to provide the student 
  with some University resource access to the student portal 
  whatsoever and that was you know a normal experience the 
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA): These Kima was sort that.\
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA): Easy to implement in wallets but then 
  we came across these other use case that I was talking about 
  earlier on with Paulo band and Luna Rabe and with what they 
  wanted to do is to have an exchange student so one student from 
  one University moving out temporarily for one semester to another 
  University in another country in Europe and being able to 
  continue their studies in that destination University.\
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA):  for at least six months and then come 
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA): Adversity with a few more subjects 
  approved by the destination University and that implied in real 
  life that's possible but it's an administrative nightmare in the 
  sense that in the home University you need to get your transcript 
  of Records present them to the destination University to 
  demonstrate to prove what signatures you've already done and then 
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA):  to tell them with signature you want.\
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA): All you you have those courses in the 
  destination country and then when you go back you need to get the 
  same transcript of records for those new classes from the 
  destination University and present them into the home University 
  so that your end-to-end transcript of Records is complete and 
  because you know it's University manages their own data model.\
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA):  as for transcript of Records.\
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA): Is very difficult in real life so they 
  thought okay this is a super nice use case because with very 
  fertile credentials is yes the mayor of downloading these 
  transcript of Records nicely and in one click into my wallet and 
  presenting that verifier credential to these verifier which is 
  the destination University and likewise in the destination 
  University they will be able to give me these transcript of 
  record one of these new signatures and present them very easily 
  to my home.\
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA):  University Now problem was okay.\
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA): How does a transcript of record look 
  like and it ended up to be a very complex Json file that was 
  almost impossible to represent in a wallet in a nicely way so we 
  executed the whole pilot by introducing what we call complex 
  credentials in the wallet and at the beginning complex 
  credentials where shown literally by showing the Json file which 
  is definitely not.\
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA):  now what I wanted to show a holler.\
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA): But it got us going in at least to 
  implement the pilot between these two universities but promise 
  okay transcript of record is just an example how do we represent 
  complex credentials in the wallet and that comes to the fact that 
  it's not only important at data model when defining a schema it's 
  also very important to take into account that that data model 
  needs to be.\
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA): Did you know what it and then is when 
  it comes to okay let's define a set of default values that can be 
  presented that layer 1 and and how different wallets represent 
  this situation files like let's embed in those cameras some hints 
  so that wallets can nicely represent in a generic way any type of 
  complex credential what is definitely not scalable.\
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA):  is too.\
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA): Fine I represent patreon or our way to 
  represent our very specific type of credential because that would 
  imply that any time a new schema appears into the schema catalog 
  and you wanted version would need to be deployed and holders 
  would need to update their wallets all the time to make sure the 
  credentials are seeing correctly so that's not usable that's not 
  really another way to go so the problem here.\
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA):  our our Challenge and we don't have.\
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA): Sorry yet but the challenge is how do 
  you define or including those data model definitions these hints 
  for what providers on how to present them so far we have an 
  approach that generic approach for complex credentials but it's 
  not what we believe should be the final version.\
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Yeah we're definitely looking at.\
Dmitri Zagidulin:  We're definitely looking at transcripts and 
  diplomas both.\
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Thank you so we're just looking okay so this 
  is e-learning credential wallet are the first iteration of it has 
  been looking at very simple credentials what I think it's being 
  called micro credentials in the industry so student ID completion 
  of a single course that sort of thing.\
Dmitri Zagidulin:  We have on our roadmap to implement complex 
  credentials like like transcripts but don't have experience with 
  it yet so we're looking to to Europe to to AB c-- for the 
  transfer of data model for guidance.\
Nate_Otto_(he/him): Sure I could comment on just sort of the 
  analogy here CL are very much like open badges is just kind of 
  like a bucket for a bunch of open Badges and so it's one more 
  onion layer of verifiable credentials inside another verifiable 
  credential and what that means for how the ecosystem builds out 
  support for it is that any piece of software that wants to do 
  something with the actual meaning of the data inside the complex 
Nate_Otto_(he/him):  they need to have.\
Nate_Otto_(he/him): Special support for that schema in the 
  software otherwise it's treated much like we saw the complex 
  credentials in the pilot phase wallet you just can display the 
  Json but it's not very meaningful for the users and so it will 
  kind of remain to be seen which wallets will invest in supporting 
  this additional schema and that will probably depend on how much 
  verifier support there is we're all building the.\
Nate_Otto_(he/him):  the ecosystem together.\
Nate_Otto_(he/him): You know with driving building the car as 
  we're driving it and whenever we add a layer of complexity like 
  that nesting that happens in CLR it's an extra may be an order of 
  magnitude of complexity for wallet implementers and verifiers to 
  make sure that not only do they support the basic verifiable 
  credentials features but they also support the nesting of 
  credentials within credentials and that's similar to the MCV to.\
Nate_Otto_(he/him):  did here where you can't actually.\
Nate_Otto_(he/him): All of the Dead back to a did document itself 
  because you can't go from a thumbprint to the key so in order to 
  support credentials issued to these dids the ecosystem is going 
  to and have to include wallets that have specific support for the 
  sharing of the did documents in the presentation along with the 
  issued credentials another example of how we roll up another 
  layer of complexity into our.\
Marty Reed:  Well I you know agree with what made coming in on 
  and one thing I just think is important is the CLR has a concept 
  of associations where the VCS within the CLR BC can be related 
  and you can identify those relationships so I point to folks like 
  territory mmm.\
Marty Reed:  We could work as far as how those relationships 
  occur and national student Clearinghouse also has that Concept in 
  their industry credential as well so there are some there are 
  some demonstrable use cases out there for in the case of 
  territory mm as well as the North Dakota transcript in production 
  that are actively using Concepts like associations.\
Marty Reed:  I do think that the FC work is.\
Marty Reed:  Really far along and there should be some cheering 
  between where CLR has come to at this point and and where the 
  kind of the global transcript work is that really we discussed 
  and had a special work group with it and within this VC edu or 
  group called complex credentials and maybe it's time to resurrect 
  that subgroup.\
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA): Very quickly I just wanted to mention 
  that perhaps a good approach would be to have a default mode for 
  anyone at provider to be able to represent complex credentials 
  not just related to specific crl for instance type of credentials 
  but any type of God complex credential to always relate to our 
  default mode and then let wallet invest more or less time on 
  building specific look and feel sore.\
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA): Ways of representing specific.\
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA): To get into on each if they want but at 
  least to be able to enable that default mode so that 
  interoperability really happened some we don't implicitly kind of 
  add vendor lock-in situations yes because of all its kind of 
  represented correctly a specific credential.\
<phil_l_(p1)> 1Edtech nee IMSGLOBAL.\
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA): I can't answer that question I'm not 
  sure really we had got that guy we knew about this pact with not 
  been working on it I would say that currently the da DB schema 
  catalog at Pepsi is is in development face so I wouldn't say that 
  they have already a mature schema catalog where they can start 
  thinking about how they're gonna include.\
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA): That but that's my personal opinion.\
<phil_l_(p1)> The CLRv2 is not public yet and that's the version 
  that is VC compatible.\
<nate_otto_(he/him)> Yes, probably-november\
Marty Reed:  I believe so I'm not 100% on that right now it's 
  just in its in the security review phase before the candidate 
  final but that that candidate final is imminent.\
Marty Reed:  In the next you know couple of months here so.\
<phil_l_(p1)> Colin's security review seemed to reveal very 
  little in terms of issues.\
<nate_otto_(he/him)> (Actually, I think Marty is right. CLR v2.0 
  Candidate Final Public should be released after security 
  review... maybe weeks not months)\
Irene_Hernandez_(GATACA): Thank you so much thank you.\

Received on Tuesday, 27 September 2022 21:44:25 UTC