Re: 2022-2026 Verifiable Data Standards Roadmap [DRAFT]

On 3/18/22 4:10 AM, Snorre Lothar von Gohren Edwin wrote:
> to set up a herding group (I know that is probably impossible)

Not impossible, but it would take volunteers from this community (and others)
to step up to do the work, and that might be more than we can muster at this
point in time.

That is what I took from Heather's commentary -- it wasn't about building
silos and walling ourselves off from each other -- it was about being
pragmatic and working with what we have right now because everyone's time is
limited and precious and, like it or not, we can't address everyone's high
priority items simultaneously.

The talent it takes to do this stuff is an extremely limited resource and
they're focusing on what they think is the most effective use of their time.

At least, that's what I took away from Heather's statements. Heather, did I
misread the gist of what you wrote?

> The second answer to this question I would say is just be open to 
> collecting, no need to go out and pull information.

Here are two concrete actions that have been suggested so far that are do-able:

1. Re-implement the Verifiable Data Roadmap in mermaid.js
   in an attempt to make it a collaborative document.

2. Take pull requests from the owners of particular work
   items (Editors/Chairs), across organizations, to put
   items on the roadmap.

I can do #1 above, #2 would need some sort of committee/maintainer (and I'm
not volunteering to do that because 1) I don't have those sorts of spare
cycles -- I'm already weeks behind on the DID Spec Registries duties I have,
and 2) I don't want to be put in a position of saying "No, sorry,
Centralized-VC-Exchange really shouldn't be on an SSI Roadmap".

I'll commit to doing #1; it's a solid idea, thank you Snorre.

#2 will need some set of brave souls that don't mind playing the part of
villain or doormat.

-- manu

Manu Sporny -
Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
News: Digital Bazaar Announces New Case Studies (2021)

Received on Friday, 18 March 2022 12:41:07 UTC