Re: ACDCs in production

Congrats! Are there any open-source implementations of ACDC I can look at?


On Wed, Dec 14, 2022 at 10:28 AM Daniel Hardman <>

> Just thought the credentials group might be interested in this milestone:
> the ACDC technology, and its technical foundations of KERI and CESR, are
> now officially "in production." GLEIF's vLEIs (identity for organizations)
> is the sponsoring use case; see their press release at
> I am appending a JSON serialization of one of the first production ACDCs
> for the curious.
> --Daniel
> {
>   "v": "ACDC10JSON0005c8_",
>   "d": "EB9yGbWXOn_MhTQsHltftAsNrlWAxgedMPIQl4rg6C1e",
>   "i": "ED88Jn6CnWpNbSYz6vp9DOSpJH2_Di5MSwWTf1l34JJm",
>   "ri": "EKfi58Jiv-NVqr6GOrxgxzhrE5RsDaH4QNwv9rCyZCwZ",
>   "s": "ENPXp1vQzRF6JwIuS-mp2U8Uf1MoADoP_GqQ62VsDZWY",
>   "a": {
>     "d": "ELUlUSOL4bYgaeZSUkP1gpacXsO7cAvqgxL0RugLdYdc",
>     "i": "EFcrtYzHx11TElxDmEDx355zm7nJhbmdcIluw7UMbUIL",
>     "dt": "2022-12-08T17:42:25.518350+00:00",
>     "LEI": "506700GE1G29325QX363"
>   },
>   "e": {
>     "d": "EEyVJC9yZKpbIC-LcDhmlS8YhrjD4VIUBZUOibohGXit",
>     "qvi": {
>       "n": "EMatUqz_u9BizxwOc3JishC4MyXfiWzQadDpgCBA6X9n",
>       "s": "EBfdlu8R27Fbx-ehrqwImnK-8Cm79sqbAQ4MmvEAYqao"
>     }
>   },
>   "r": {
>     "d": "EDIai3Wkd-Z_4cezz9nYEcCK3KNH5saLvZoS_84JL6NU",
>     "usageDisclaimer": {
>       "l": "Usage of a valid, unexpired, and non-revoked vLEI Credential,
> as defined in the associated Ecosystem Governance Framework, does not
> assert that the Legal Entity is trustworthy, honest, reputable in its
> business dealings, safe to do business with, or compliant with any laws or
> that an implied or expressly intended purpose will be fulfilled."
>     },
>     "issuanceDisclaimer": {
>       "l": "All information in a valid, unexpired, and non-revoked vLEI
> Credential, as defined in the associated Ecosystem Governance Framework, is
> accurate as of the date the validation process was complete. The vLEI
> Credential has been issued to the legal entity or person named in the vLEI
> Credential as the subject; and the qualified vLEI Issuer exercised
> reasonable care to perform the validation process set forth in the vLEI
> Ecosystem Governance Framework."
>     }
>   }
> }

Received on Wednesday, 14 December 2022 12:52:52 UTC