Re: Organizing CCG repos (was: Re: Migrating supporting repositories to CCG?)

We currently have 98 repositories under CCG... perhaps we could use the

> "Topics" feature in Github to mark each repository with a specific work
> item tag.
> Like the 10-ish repositories associated with VC-API spec, use cases, and
> testing would all be tagged with "vc-api". All the repos associated w/ the
> VC
> EDU work would be tagged with "vc-edu"... Traceability would be tagged with
> "traceability", and so on.
> We could then create a web page on the CCG website that retrieves the
> Github
> repository list and categorizes all repos into sections of a page under "VC
> API", "VC EDU", "Traceability", etc.
> That would mean that the Chairs/Community no longer needs to manually
> update
> this file:
> -- manu
Best thing i have heard in a while ;)

Received on Thursday, 14 April 2022 17:13:23 UTC