- From: Charles E. Lehner <charles.lehner@spruceid.com>
- Date: Thu, 14 Apr 2022 18:13:39 -0400
- To: public-credentials@w3.org, id-wg@DIF.groups.io
- Message-ID: <20220414181321.0bb4b4ab.charles.lehner@spruceid.com>
Dear W3C CCG and DIF I&D WG, DWeb Camp is happening this year! August 24th-28th, at Camp Navarro, CA, USA: https://dwebcamp.org/ Here is a description of its purpose and philosophy: https://dwebcamp.org/our-mission/ https://getdweb.net/principles/ > The goal of DWeb Camp is to create a collaborative space for people to > connect, learn, share, and have fun as we work towards building a > better, decentralized web. A web that actualizes the principles of > trust, human agency, mutual respect, and ecological awareness. Registration is open: https://buytickets.at/gatheringsforgood/683906 Volunteers are needed: https://dwebcamp.org/participate/ There is a fellowship program taking applications: https://dwebcamp.org/fellowships/ You can propose a project or workshop/talk: https://dwebcamp.org/proposals/ Sponsorship opportunities are available: https://ia801505.us.archive.org/12/items/dweb-camp-2022-sponsorship-opportunities/DWeb%20Camp%202022%20Sponsorship%20Opportunities.pdf For interested volunteers, the setup period is August 22-23rd and take-down is August 28-29th. The Internet Archive and volunteers previously hosted DWeb Camp 2019: https://2019.dwebcamp.org/ https://dwebcamp2019.sched.com/ https://archive.org/details/dwebcamp2019 Here are some reflections on DWeb Camp 2019 from Jolocom: https://jolocom.io/blog/dweb-camp-2019/ and from the Secure Scuttlebutt community: https://viewer.scuttlebot.io/%25wqSr67eznU6uTGjpWJQCcZIXRYmAD7amJexpS4ddIp8%3D.sha256 Previously, there was Decentralized Web Summit 2016 and 2018: https://2016.decentralizedweb.net/ https://decentralizedweb.net/ (2018) https://decentralizedwebsummit2018.sched.com/ More info about the history and progression: https://getdweb.net/origin-story/ At these events, many projects have been represented, such as SOLID, Matrix, IPFS, GUN, Secure Scuttlebutt, and LibreRouter. (A lot more than this, really) In 2018, a CCG work item was represented, the BTCR DID Method (Christopher Allen, Kim Hamilton Duffy); as was DIF's Universal Resolver (Markus Sabadello): https://decentralizedweb.net/science-fair/ I've also mentioned this DWeb Camp here: https://matrix.org/blog/2022/04/14/this-week-in-matrix-2022-04-14#dweb-camp and here: https://viewer.scuttlebot.io/%25qXTEgW9IDL4wkFrRmG4klZCHLKvxg5%2FA4IyyX1SlEpY%3D.sha256 I hope this information is useful, and that we may see eachother there! Sincerely, Charles E. Lehner
Received on Thursday, 14 April 2022 22:19:31 UTC