[MINUTES] W3C CCG Verifiable Credentials for Education Task Force Call - 2021-04-26 12pm ET

Thanks to  for scribing this week! The minutes
for this week's CCG Verifiable Credentials for Education Task Force telecon are now available:


Full text of the discussion follows for W3C archival purposes.
Audio from the meeting is available as well (link provided below).

CCG Verifiable Credentials for Education Task Force Telecon Minutes for 2021-04-26

  1. Introductions & Reintroductions
  2. Announcements & Reminders
  3. Learner Wallet Discussion
  Kim Hamilton Duffy and Wayne Chang and Heather Vescent
  Kim Hamilton Duffy, Nate Otto, Dmitri Zagidulin, Kristina Yasuda, 
  Anthony Camilleri, Adam Lemmon, Phil Long, Brent Shambaugh, Jim 
  Goodell, John Gasper, Jeff McCullough, Jim Kelly, Keith Kowal, 
  Juan Caballero, Kerri Lemoie, Marty Reed, Simone Ravaoli, Matt 
  Lisle, James Chartrand, Stuart Freeman, Stuart Sutton, Taylor 
  Kendall, David Ward, Jarlath O'Carroll, Nick Hathaway, Kayode 
  Ezike, Balázs Némethi, Victoria Feng, Peter Mackinnon, Eric Kuhn, 
  Andy Miller, Rick Barfoot

Topic: Introductions & Reintroductions

<kimhd> Introduced Rick Barfoot, Velocity
<kimhd> Introduced Andy Miller, IMS
<kimhd> Introduced Kristina Yasuda, MSFT

Topic: Announcements & Reminders

Topic: Learner Wallet Discussion

Kim Hamilton Duffy: Slides: 
Kim Hamilton Duffy:  Introducing background of DCC and MIT DOEd 
  wallet project. [scribe assist by Kim Hamilton Duffy]
<kimhd> ...Approach includes data model, interface, and 
  implementation. Can adopt at any level. Approch allows 
  applicabiliy to a broader set of wallets as well. For example the 
  Aries wallet is contributing at the data model layer. You could 
  in theory export your Aries data wallet and import it into 
  something else.
<kimhd> ...How the univeral wallet works. On one side you have 
  generic wallet concepts...on the other, ones that are specfic for 
  verifiable credentials...so for queries it might help to query 
  specific types of verifiable credentials.
<kimhd> ...Allows the functionality to implemented in a variety 
  of ways...e.g. backed by Encrypted Data Vault (EDV) 
<kimhd> ...Interaction flows inform wallet abstractions
<kimhd> ...Learners may provide an identifier...possibly an 
  decentralized identifier... 
Nate Otto:  How does the wallet know what to request (like 
  credential offer) [scribe assist by Kim Hamilton Duffy]
Kim Hamilton Duffy:  Currently assumes that context is given by 
  issuer. that would be a good contribution to the draft spec, in 
  the presentation exchange part [scribe assist by Kim Hamilton 
Dmitri Zagidulin:  I wanted to ...about the issuance spec....part 
  of ... spec community holder v... meaning either the issuer ...  
  the university or emailing .... the university...the holder 
  contacting the issuer ...I would like you to issue me a 
  credential ... one of the proposed standards is how do we ... in 
  the other mode...so that is the [scribe assist by Kim Hamilton 
Kim Hamilton Duffy:  We anchored to the vc http api...this flow 
  should work for both styles ... even though we have these breeaks 
  ... even though we call it out in the languguage...n [scribe 
  assist by Kim Hamilton Duffy]
Kristina Yasuda:   One is you can technically use ... is it for 
  verifiable credential ... how do you establish trust with each 
  user wallet...currently being discussed in the connect working 
  group....sort of a claims idea...using connect to issue the 
  credential is sort of seperate ...using open id connect.... 
  [scribe assist by Kim Hamilton Duffy]
Kim Hamilton Duffy:   Authentication mechanism is whatever the 
  issuer wants to use...this is just an issuing entity....anything 
  beyond that is also out of scope...in DCC we wanted to reuse that 
  existing authentication [scribe assist by Kim Hamilton Duffy]
<kimhd> another fun aspect...what does it mean to verify a 
  verifiable credential...verification vs. validation vs. ... all 
  of these things....verification... and veracity... has it been 
  well formed
<kimhd> has it been tampered with...up a layer to 
  validation....these are cross cutting in intent....with a 
  verifiable ....validation library....these are things that you 
  would not expect a standard
<kimhd> verifiable credential library to do for your you....maybe 
  that is specific to some kind of trade...some other sector kind 
  of check....we can continue to iterate on that....maybe this 
  would be
<kimhd> in a the next.... or the implementors guide.... verifying 
  a verifiable credential...what bucket does this belong to...this 
  is a general verifiable credential...
Nate Otto:  Question about open source restful api. [scribe 
  assist by Kim Hamilton Duffy]
Kim Hamilton Duffy:  Initial draft developed for DCC; everything 
  we've done builds on that...would like to build out through 
  vc-edu. Another example is oidc credential provider...that is a 
  draft standard. [scribe assist by Kim Hamilton Duffy]
Nate Otto:  In all of these vc http api...in all of the those... 
  the issuer in the resource server...any entity can take any 
  role...a given entity .... a role of resource....right that is 
  true....2 things) in our implementation of it [scribe assist by 
  Kim Hamilton Duffy]
<kimhd> we stood up we created a library and a restful 
  layer....the wallet could prove control over an identifer....it 
  wouldn't be receiving restful requests....some wallets in the 
  wallet angent....some stand up...
<kimhd> we are not making any assumption in terms of the student 
  wallet spec
Nate Otto:  I am ...basically looking for simplicity.... [scribe 
  assist by Kim Hamilton Duffy]
Kim Hamilton Duffy:  Moving on, so next steps...contribute to any 
  part you are interested in...data model...contribute there 
  because tht benefits all wallets.... the wallet 
  requirements....ssi type credential implemention....any final we 
  are very close to time. let me know if you are interested in 
  contributing to any part of this. also interested in high level 
  feedback. [scribe assist by Kim Hamilton Duffy]

Received on Monday, 24 May 2021 19:04:18 UTC