[MINUTES] W3C CCG Verifiable Credentials for Education Task Force Call - 2021-05-10 12pm ET

Thanks to  for scribing this week! The minutes
for this week's CCG Verifiable Credentials for Education Task Force telecon are now available:


Full text of the discussion follows for W3C archival purposes.
Audio from the meeting is available as well (link provided below).

CCG Verifiable Credentials for Education Task Force Telecon Minutes for 2021-05-10

  1. IP Notes
  2. Introductions and Re-introductions
  3. announcements and reminders.
  4. The Problem with Payloads
  Wayne Chang and Kim Hamilton Duffy and Heather Vescent
  Kim Hamilton Duffy, Phil Long, Simone Ravaoli, Kerri Lemoie, Jim 
  Goodell, Nate Otto, Phil_Barker, Adrian Gropper, Anthony 
  Camilleri, Adam Lemmon, Brent Shambaugh, Dmitri Zagidulin, John 
  Gasper, Jeff McCullough, Jim Kelly, Keith Kowal, Juan Caballero, 
  Marty Reed, Matt Lisle, James Chartrand, Stuart Freeman, Stuart 
  Sutton, Taylor Kendall, David Ward, Jarlath O'Carroll, Nick 
  Hathaway, Kayode Ezike, Balázs Némethi, Victoria Feng, Peter 
  Mackinnon, Eric Kuhn

Topic: IP Notes

<kimhd> Okay IP note anyone can participate in these calls, 
  however, all substantive contributors to any cct work items must 
  be members of the cce with full IPR agreement signed.
<kimhd> And i'll include a link to the w three Community group.
<kimhd> credentials Community group site to join and you need to 
  ensure, you have a w three web account this is free.
<kimhd> And then, lastly, the text of the Community contributor 
  license agreement is available at this location.
<kimhd> Call notes the these Minutes in an audio recording of 
  everything set on this call are archived at the CC G github 
  meetings repo.

Topic: Introductions and Re-introductions

<kimhd> introductions in reintroductions Is there anyone new to 
  the call that would like to introduce themselves.
<kimhd> Okay, I see a bunch of regulars here, which is great.
<kimhd> Would anyone like to reintroduce themselves.

Topic: announcements and reminders.

<kimhd> I don't really have anything does anyone have any 
  announcements reminders for the group.
<phil-t3> I have one. There is a T3 network kickoff may 25 for 
  the new.
<phil-t3> New tranche of work that is going forward so it's out 
  there and I will endeavor to put a link in the chat.
<kimhd> Thanks phil.
<simone_ravaioli> Kim this is some on it, I don't know if it's a 
  reminder, but just.
<simone_ravaioli> pointing out that last week we had a good chat 
  and indeed the product manager calls around the theme open badges 
  are very five look financials, which is very connected to.
<simone_ravaioli> The topic that we're dealing with here and i'll 
  share the link to the recording in the chat and then this 
  Thursday in the ieee i'll our call, we also we are going to be 
  addressing also another Bay related team, which is a payload 
  quote unquote so more on that later thanks.
<kimhd> Okay, we made it through all the beginning stuff which is 
  great, because we have a nice meaty presentation from carrie i'll 
  include the link to it in chat.

Topic: The Problem with Payloads

Kim Hamilton Duffy: Presentation: 
<kimhd> And i'll turn over to Kerri you should have permission to 
  share your screen and she will present the problem with payloads 
  and it was.
<kimhd> Basically, the timing of this is to help us make progress 
  on the rest of the work carry a lot of effort into sort of 
  aligning different definitions of how we think about credentials 
  and so thanks carrie for for getting this together.
<kerri_lemoie> Sure, I don't need it right now right.
<kerri_lemoie> morning everybody or afternoon or early evening I 
  think for some folks um I i've been spending a lot of time 
  thinking about you know what we're doing in this group and.
<kerri_lemoie> The work we're doing, and the work that's 
  commodity the LCR to what I did was I started putting together 
  all of these notes.
<kerri_lemoie> And then I wanted to like chunk these notes up 
  into a way that made sense, so I could like get to where I was 
  trying to get to you, and then I realized well I might as well 
  just put it into a sideshow and then other people can see it too, 
  and I can suggest that I bring this here today.
<kerri_lemoie> That I don't really think there's a problem with 
  that, by the way the PR work at all i'm i'm a fan of alliteration 
  so and it gets a lot of attention so when I see the problem with 
  payloads I really just opening up discussion with some 
<kerri_lemoie> You can all see my slides right.
<kimhd> Yes, we can see it okay.
<kerri_lemoie> There is a ton of content in these slides so i'm 
  there, the content is there i'm going to breeze through the 
  content, primarily, so we can get to this discussion.
<kerri_lemoie> To at the end, which I think is more important 
  than all of the slides before so think of the slides as sort of a 
  resource that we can get back to later, you can read later.
<kerri_lemoie> And also, there are folks on this call, who have 
  way more knowledge about le ar and also vc So if I have something 
  wrong in here, something that you think should be.
<kerri_lemoie> updated either, let me know today or like you know 
  drop me a line, so we can make the changes or go into the slides 
  and add your own comments that's totally fine.
<kerri_lemoie> here's what we're going to go through is um So 
  what is the car and what are payloads, what are the self 
  contained education standards as payloads I kind of made up that 
  term self contained and you'll see what I mean what are some 
  examples of education content standards payloads.
<kerri_lemoie> A comparison review of like le ar and vc and then 
  some vc EDU assumptions that we've been making, I think, or that 
  i've made and we'll see if other people have made these two.
<kerri_lemoie> And then some the challenges we're facing with the 
  education occupational payloads and then discussion on like you 
  know how to go from here and Kim i'm not only going to be keeping 
  an eye on the chat So do you mind interrupting me if something 
  comes up that I should.
<kerri_lemoie> Okay, so I took this content specifically right 
  off of the earlier.
<kerri_lemoie> Earlier rapper and wallet document which there's a 
  link to at the bottom of the slide.
<kerri_lemoie> To an earlier is a digital record of learning and 
  work that can be linked to an individual and combined with other 
  digital records for use in pursuing educational and employment 
<kerri_lemoie> And that specifies a universal across genders 
  container for us to provide guidance implemented lpr using vc 
<kerri_lemoie> And this creates an open architecture for any 
  given to me to use it extend upon their their use case.
<kerri_lemoie> And essentially what what this says, in a 
  nutshell, is that is it expansion of or extension of verifiable 
  credentials in a way to insert.
<kerri_lemoie> What we're going to refer to in this call anyways 
  payloads which are other standards that can fit inside of a 
  verifiable credential right it's focused on global approach.
<kerri_lemoie> And the payload kind of goes inside the envelope 
  of the vc and has it on its own properties, to define it so that 
  you can do things that support or make the verify APP understand 
  what that payload might be.
<kerri_lemoie> To the rapper has seen properties as a verifiable 
  credential is, essentially, it is a verifiable financial aid, it 
  requires a context and type in a proof.
<kerri_lemoie> um it does have a credential subject, although it 
  has an alias called the record, there is an ID in the subject but 
  it's referred to as an alias of a PSC ID.
<kerri_lemoie> There is an issuer called an issuer ID in the car 
  and there's issuance date the car is a date.
<kerri_lemoie> It also has some optional properties that are not 
  in vcs just named description and image.
<kerri_lemoie> So the record property.
<kerri_lemoie> Which is also the credential subject in a vc 
  contains this payload property and the payload property requires 
<kerri_lemoie> And format and encoding compression encryption and 
  payload record, which is where the content of the payload goes um 
  I do see that i'm pure see I don't know a P O stands for the PLC 
<kimhd> Proof of control.
<kimhd> Oh yeah.
<kerri_lemoie> Also.
<kerri_lemoie> It contain multiple pilots.
<kerri_lemoie> Okay you'll hear me OK, so my headphones for 
  button wonky.
<jim_goodell> sounds but it sounds fine.
<kerri_lemoie> i'm back.
<kerri_lemoie> On you hear me better now.
<kimhd> yeah.
<kerri_lemoie> That sounds good okay good Thank you.
<kimhd> And maybe I should add some more context, some proof of 
  control that is meant to enables a decentralized identifiers or 
  anything any identifier, that is amenable to proof of control 
  like an authentication ceremonies were relying party we give a 
  challenge and.
<kimhd> ask you to sign control over some identifier that's in a 
  credential and then you could you know sign it sign a claim with 
  the challenge and the private key corresponding to that 
  decentralized identifier or similar identifier.
<kerri_lemoie> Can that be the case for Santa in a presentation 
  of our pilot presentation that key would map to that proof 
  control ID.
<kimhd> commonly in a verifiable presentation, for in the holder 
  equal subjects scenario is the the holder Well, this is for non 
  minimizing disclosure kind of signature sweets.
<kimhd> The holder ID would match some ids that are subjects in 
  the verifiable credentials in that presentation I don't know if 
  that made it diagrams might help there but yeah typically so.
<kimhd> that's meant to be holder versus subject but frequently 
  in in the scenarios we're talking about holder is the subject, 
  except for things like.
<kimhd> which I don't want to open this can of worms like see 
  till our is is often not holder equal subject is what it appears 
  in at that level of concern, but we'll get to that later much, 
  much later.
<kerri_lemoie> yeah and, in fact, a we probably won't get into 
  the details ocr or or presentations either.
<kerri_lemoie> Right we're gonna we're going to stick to what we 
  have here, for now, because we can easily get down some kind of a 
  rabbit hole there.
<kerri_lemoie> So here we have we have this like ler and it can 
  have a payload the payload can have they can be multiple payloads 
  and they have these these required properties.
<kerri_lemoie> And it sort of looks like this.
<kerri_lemoie> The payload is inside of the record and then we 
  have this payload type the form encoding question so type, I 
  think I have this define.
<kerri_lemoie> sort of here, and this next slide i'll just stay 
  there for a minute just to make sure folks and sort of see this 
  document is in the.
<kerri_lemoie> rapper documents I just pulled it from there, so 
  you can go there and look at it later and read this section and 
  detail if you weren't sure like what we're discussing today.
<kerri_lemoie> i'm just a few more details about the payload 
  property so it's intended to be compatible with any standard 
  whether it's you know xml or json or xml D or a PDF.
<kerri_lemoie> And this can be encoded for transport, so it could 
  be native json ld it can be multi base like basically, for it can 
  be json it can be compressed and then display label and encrypted 
  once again there's a link at the bottom, if you want to go to 
  that section and look into that more.
<kerri_lemoie> In this section what I wrote about was.
<kerri_lemoie> What these payloads are right so some payloads are 
  self contained credentials and they contain content that 
  describes a an achievement i'm gonna use like words loosely here 
  but achievement.
<kerri_lemoie> And issued instance of that achievement, and also 
  how it's verified some contain only like content description or 
  reference competencies or skills, but if they're not the actual 
  instance to have the credential.
<kerri_lemoie> And some contain an array of suppose contain both 
  medical kind of descriptions and some issued instances and push 
  it there's like multiple payloads.
<kerri_lemoie> And, as I said in the previous slide there's 
  various formats and multi formats and, in some cases, all of this 
  is combined.
<kerri_lemoie> which the reason why I started going through all 
  of this, by the way, folks on the call is that if i'm building a 
  verification APP or a wallet or.
<kerri_lemoie> or something that wants to understand this it's a 
  lot to wrap my head around what, if I am new to this i'm like 
  What is all this stuff and what does it all mean and how do I do 
  something with all of this data, which is what we really want to 
  encourage in the long term right.
<kerri_lemoie> Okay, so some examples of self contained 
<kerri_lemoie> And these are the seven right, these are the three 
  that I know of the most one is IMS global from badges which is 
  json ld and it's a single issued instance typically.
<kerri_lemoie> is little car, which is an array of issued 
  instances from one or more issues issuers.
<kerri_lemoie> And the incident issues may be different from the 
  CLS publisher some of those instances could be open badges.
<kerri_lemoie> And then I have passed down here, which is a 
  single transcript permissions I don't know that much about past 
  i'm going to pause here for a second you see and Jim do you have 
  a second to talk about passing by asking a couple questions if 
  not we can come back to it.
<jim_goodell> assume you mean Jim_Kelly.
<kerri_lemoie> I do i'm sorry, yes I didn't look at the 
  participants list sorry.
<kerri_lemoie> hey what I do understand is that there is a json 
  ld group working and i'm past and I don't know the standing of 
  that but i'm gonna be included on the self contained list for 
  now, and we can we can get to that at some other point.
<jim_goodell> yeah been plugged in a little bit into that and 
<jim_goodell> So there will eventually be a json ld version of 
  the transcript pass transcript i'm not sure when that cookie.
<jim_kelly> This is Jim Kelly, yes i'm here and i'm listening i'm 
  trying to talk um.
<jim_kelly> There is a JSON group meeting it's it's very active 
  right now we're pulling in resources to.
<jim_kelly> To help us better understand make some choices.
<jim_kelly> On json ld vs Jason and and what those use cases and 
  advantages and disadvantages might be to that's happening right 
  now to try and move the Jason ball forward with with pests and 
  we're we're looking at.
<jim_kelly> A wide variety of things right now, so do trying to 
  be tired trying to take a complete approach to to how we think 
  this is kind of getting used going forward so that's.
<jim_kelly> that's happening right now, obviously, there is the 
  the existing xml standard which has been in place for many years 
  and is fairly robust and mature.
<jim_kelly> So.
<jim_kelly> You had a question mark about single transcript per 
  issue yeah.
<jim_kelly> I you know what I meant by this sort of a note to be.
<kerri_lemoie> Jim but there's more about.
<kerri_lemoie> I use I guess what i'm referencing there is, are 
<kerri_lemoie> Is the group looking into doing.
<kerri_lemoie> sort of a vc native version of past.
<kerri_lemoie> Where maybe the.
<kerri_lemoie> Student information.
<jim_kelly> Is is more in the verifiable credential or in the 
<kerri_lemoie> And then say the past is the rest of the content 
<kerri_lemoie> The achievements, or the transcript.
<jim_kelly> We haven't been looking at that it's been it's been 
  we have been looking at this purely as a payload.
<jim_kelly> But that's an interesting idea arm, it is so when you 
  say single issuance their transcript can include multiple.
<jim_kelly> Achievements so so it could include multiple degrees, 
  so the transcript can be more than just a single thing.
<kerri_lemoie> I think it'd be great so we do a call about pests, 
  we cannot understand it a little bit better but that's okay.
<jim_kelly> Okay, what am I have to pull in someone with a little 
  more payload expertise on that, but but.
<jim_kelly> Education and expertise split up.
<kerri_lemoie> Great awesome i'll drop you a line about it, thank 
<kerri_lemoie> So these are list of some of the education content 
  standards as payloads and I pulled this list, out of the car 
  unless, but I know that there's more than this, but these are 
  some of the ones that are included in that document.
<kerri_lemoie> Okay, so now we're going to just talk a little bit 
  or I missed a little bit about.
<kerri_lemoie> differences, and this is where like if I got 
  anything wrong, please feel free to chime in, and let me know.
<kerri_lemoie> Okay, one has to do with a payload and clear 
  properties, so the rapper has the record payload it has those 
  properties that despite the type of format and coding and 
  compression and encryption but.
<kerri_lemoie> The BC credential subject assume json ld it does 
  not have implicit properties, to explain formats it's very loose.
<kerri_lemoie> But it allows the flexibility for a context file 
  to be provided to explains properties and, as I noted after I 
  like le R is a verifiable credential and it has its own context 
  file that does this.
<kerri_lemoie> And can do you take a second just to explain how 
  the aliases work I didn't really put anything in here about that 
<kimhd> um yeah so actually i'll dig up some links to share it 
<kimhd> This the way that the LCR.
<kimhd> Standard did it was use json ld to alias or kind of 
  rename some fields, but this context defines this context link 
  right here the.
<kimhd> scribe some mapping to.
<kimhd> Those names to verify the credential data model names, so 
  that it's the same in terms of rdf graph.
<kimhd> context can be an array at the beginning of the file and 
  so by pointing to this that's what enabled them to sort of 
<kimhd> or rename critical subject to record and things like 
  that, and so the ability to do that comes from the json ld spec.
<kimhd> it's kind of obscure I don't think that it wasn't clear 
  if the people behind json-ld verified credentials were especially 
  happy that that we came up with this clever idea but.
<jim_goodell> Can I just interject that there were some.
<jim_goodell> good reasons from the standpoint of the LER work 
  group for doing this that and we did discuss, do we really want 
  to alias things, but it was, it was important to those 
  participating that.
<jim_goodell> This we didn't that would given the impression that 
  this is broader kinds of records and credentials so using terms 
  like record.
<kerri_lemoie> Okay issuer.
<kerri_lemoie> start at the bottom dippin for later because been 
  talking about this with Anthony he brought up some some concerns 
  about issuer and.
<kerri_lemoie> I just want to make sure we didn't get into those 
  now, so we can move on, but I do think we need to talk a little 
  bit more about what issuer means in terms of verify look 
  credentials and education, especially in terms of a movie of 
  publishers to.
<kerri_lemoie> um so the rapper does not imply that the issuer is 
  the same as the issuer is contained in the pilot so for their 
  self contained standards, like a car or a badge that could be 
  conflicts or misunderstandings.
<kerri_lemoie> Because you can, if you put in full manage our car 
  in there, they could have different issuers, it will be very hard 
  for a consuming application to really understand which, which is 
<kerri_lemoie> And then vcs implied there's one issuer for all of 
  the claims that might be in a credential subject.
<kerri_lemoie> And some of the self contained standards, like the 
  car do you contain records that have different issues like I said 
  said above.
<kerri_lemoie> And then there's differences between recipient and 
  learner approach so i'm for the rapper record is issue to a 
  single individual in learner.
<kerri_lemoie> And there may be multiple payloads but only one 
  record that's really associated associated with that a PSC ID, 
  which is a learner and now I know proof of control it.
<kerri_lemoie> A vc credentials object actually may contain 
  claims about more than one individual vc edgy we've talked about 
  not doing that.
<kerri_lemoie> But it's possible to do that a verifiable 
  credential can be issued to more than one person, at the same 
<kerri_lemoie> And then revoking so I could not find anything in 
  the documentation and mentioned revoking in terms of the 
  credential status, which is a verifiable credential property.
<kerri_lemoie> um I assume it could use that the one or two 
  because it is a verifiable credential.
<kerri_lemoie> And then the the vc does have that critical status 
  that can be used to see whether or not a vcs suspended or about.
<kerri_lemoie> Jim_Goodell do you want to say anything about 
  revoking and ellie our stuff.
<kerri_lemoie> In the car work.
<jim_goodell> I don't recall the discussion about that, but i'm 
  sure that we didn't i'm sure that that was.
<jim_goodell> So something that we didn't want to exclude.
<jim_kelly> tmi I recall that discussion as as kind of something 
  that we thought we didn't have time to to get into.
<jim_kelly> we didn't have the time to work through completely 
  and that we wanted to push it off and let you know, let the 
  Standards Organization who picked it up later handle it.
<jim_goodell> I think  you're right Kerri that the group didn't 
  do anything to exclude the concept of status.
<jim_goodell> yeah we didn't want to explicitly say here's how 
  you handle status .
<kerri_lemoie> Okay cool, thank you, I want to just clarify my 
  understanding of where all that stood so that's very helpful.
<kerri_lemoie> Okay, those are the different major differences 
  that I could find aren't really that many right um.
<kerri_lemoie> I, made a list of assumptions i'm going to go 
  through these and you feel free to jump in anybody and correct me 
  on this, this is about vc edgy i'm not vc it's.
<kerri_lemoie> Not about earlier, this is just sort of if we were 
  just looking at vc edgy without le ar we're thinking about what 
  we were doing with the verifiable critical for education.
<kerri_lemoie> To number one is that it's intended to be a 
  verifiable instance of a single awarded issued education or 
  occupational credential.
<kerri_lemoie> That it must have only one issue identity, 
  although there are any could represent more than one issuer 
  that's come up like a did could represent a group of issuers a 
  consortium of some kind.
<kerri_lemoie> i'm making that up, but I think that they use case 
  came up at some point i'm 30 of us have one recipient identity.
<kerri_lemoie> And that's what we had decided at some point in 
  PCA do I don't know if it's documented but i'm pretty sure that 
  that's what was decided at some point.
<kerri_lemoie> However, that identity, the recipient, it could be 
  more than one person, just like with the issue, it could be a 
  group or any did could be a group.
<kerri_lemoie> A URL could represent a group even I mean i've had 
  it says, an open badges were an email, I presented it live or 
<kerri_lemoie> And number for the claim the claim within the.
<kerri_lemoie> credential subject must contain only one 
  achievement, or one one payload as we've been talking about this, 
  but a vc at you credentials make him more than one claim.
<kerri_lemoie> The claim has only one achieve him, but it can 
  have multiple claims.
<kerri_lemoie> And this is an assumption that the claims are made 
  by the same issuing identity to 10s of an issue to the same 
<kerri_lemoie> You can ignore see that's a note that I don't know 
  what I was saying there.
<kerri_lemoie> And D, if one claim is revoked they're all revoke 
  so the credential status, you know, like someone clicks on a URL 
  for credential status and it's gone.
<kerri_lemoie> Then it's gone for you know all of them are gone, 
  at the same time and then six is just a reminder note that we 
  have been looking at this has potential property.
<kerri_lemoie> which has one values the schema.org property has 
  one value, which is education, no occupational credential which 
  looks very much like the content description right it's not about 
  the instance it's about it's more global definition about the 
<kerri_lemoie> Okay, so some challenges.
<kimhd> slide yeah phil mentioned see probably it's just issued 
  on the same date, and that makes.
<kerri_lemoie> that's good to call the date.
<kimhd> The outer thing which yeah so how did those dates all 
<kerri_lemoie> I don't know why, but I, you know honestly you 
  look at something a million times and you misspell something, 
  yes, that is exactly what I meant here right Thank you.
<kerri_lemoie> Okay we're almost done getting through the steps 
  we get the discussion.
<kerri_lemoie> Okay, so some of the challenges we've already gone 
  through this really some pillars are self contained content 
  credentials and they contain.
<kerri_lemoie> Everything the content issued instance and the 
  verification, and this is a challenge for vcs and ellie os 
  because the vcs really are the instance right there, like the 
  envelope that describes the instance itself.
<kerri_lemoie> And the second one is that.
<kerri_lemoie> Some contain an array of both content descriptions 
  and issued instances so that's like a clo, for instance, or 
  possibly like a pass transcript.
<kerri_lemoie> This means we have problems because there isn't a 
  verifiable instance between the relationship of the issuer and to 
  the claims.
<kerri_lemoie> And then, lastly, and the varied formats and the 
  option to contain multi formats.
<kerri_lemoie> And this is the challenge for vcs because vcs are 
  structured only be in json ld and don't really have these 
  properties to describe these various formats on their own unless 
  we're using the context to have those properties.
<kerri_lemoie> Okay, here we are discussion, I mean.
<kerri_lemoie> Okay, so I have, I have an idea, but I just want 
  to bring to the group first and then a few we agree, we can move 
  on to the next, slides.
<kerri_lemoie> And this is to work on the self contained payloads 
  first, and that includes of badges and then see lr and then and 
  then pass as far as we can get while they're doing their work in 
<kerri_lemoie> And then get to the work that we've kind of been 
  doing all along, which is back to vcs you credentials that aren't 
  self contained payloads and how much we will lean on le RS and 
  that work.
<kerri_lemoie> And, and the reason for that is this is that the 
  self contained payloads already have their own verification 
  methods right and we can't change that vcs like they are what 
  they are in those standards they verify the way they do.
<kerri_lemoie> Ideally, we hope that suffering students would 
  create vc native versions.
<kerri_lemoie> Without having their own verification methods, 
  because that way we can really use the other valuable properties 
  of those standards and let the vcs handle the verification 
<kerri_lemoie> But in the meantime, if we want to really get out 
  the vc versions of these things like open badges and CLS then 
  we're going to just make some compromises to get that happen.
<kerri_lemoie> And then we can move on to the other work, I think 
  that we stall here for too long, then it's really hard to get 
  other things done and there's a lot of people who are already 
  using the standards and try to implement them as vcs and I really 
  struggling with it.
<kerri_lemoie> And then my my biggest suggestion here, and this 
  is where we get to the deeper discussion with all of you is start 
  with open badges.
<kerri_lemoie> And that's because it's the simplest because car 
  is based on badges and because past because you know they're busy 
  working on the json ld version right now.
<kerri_lemoie> So what I put together in the slides are five 
  different approaches that have been discussed it's some point or 
  another about doing this.
<kerri_lemoie> A budgeting of badges as json ld.
<kerri_lemoie> let's see what should we should, how should we go 
  about this part can.
<kerri_lemoie> Say open up each one maybe we can look at them.
<kimhd> yeah That would be good.
<kerri_lemoie> To this first approach.
<kerri_lemoie> Is the rapper listen, a new type approach.
<kerri_lemoie> This is one that I am so they have the least 
  amount of experience with and can maybe you have more 
  knowledgeable knowledge about this one, and I do within the 
<kimhd> let's see probably nate would be the most authoritative 
<kimhd> The I think sort of drove a lot of the open badge paste 
  examples here mind.
<ottonomy> First, I can briefly talk to this one, which is that.
<kerri_lemoie> When certain eight before you get started, you 
  know what maybe you want to talk to the first three mind.
<kerri_lemoie> No, no i'm still on one so.
<ottonomy> Number One.
<kerri_lemoie> All right, all right.
<ottonomy> Number one is you saw carrie talk a little bit about 
  the aliases that were present in the Le our.
<ottonomy> context that appears here up at the top, and so this 
  is essentially a.
<ottonomy> claim that users that vocabulary to and it open badges 
  as the value, so the payload is a piece of json ld which is.
<ottonomy> You can see the payload type alumni json ld 3.0 
  application ld plus json and then the data is the json of the 
  actual assertion so.
<ottonomy> Where you see the data line, all the way there through 
  the curly brace that sort of closes the batch that just is an 
  open badges to point out blob of json and I believe at the top, 
  if this is done correctly, that would mean that the.
<ottonomy> context for open badges appears somewhere, so I don't 
  see the context so things like a badge property yeah so if this 
  were done correctly, there would be the open badges context would 
  probably appear within the data.
<ottonomy> payload the payload data section, so what.
<kimhd> happened with this was, I think that we were having 
  problems loading account like so we were actually.
<kimhd> reusing these contexts across something else that was 
  doing using them in code and we were having problems loading the 
  open badges content, so it just pop removes, so it should be back 
  there so yeah.
<ottonomy> Sure yeah yeah absolutely no criticism of how this 
  came together, whatever just so people can understand what it 
  would mean to embed json ld inside a payload is you'd have that 
<kerri_lemoie> So, essentially, this is like an open badge.
<kerri_lemoie> Within the wrapper recommendation.
<kerri_lemoie> that's that's The intention of this one.
<kerri_lemoie> Does that make sense.
<kimhd> yeah that's right okay.
<kerri_lemoie> Nate you still there.
<ottonomy> Oh yeah sorry I muted myself exactly right.
<kerri_lemoie> Okay okay well I listed some pros and cons here to 
  this approach, so we could discuss it, this is not a finite list 
  of pros and cons it's what I came up with.
<kerri_lemoie> The pro is that a contain all the assertion a 
  badge last property, so all of the data can be accessible and in 
  that that envelope of the vc firms and it's pretty complex is 
  unclear of the role of the issue of the vc and the issue of the 
  badge assertion.
<kerri_lemoie> Sorry.
<kerri_lemoie> there's a question of how the PLC ID results with 
  the bad recipients and.
<kerri_lemoie> I don't know I put this in X it's clearly a vc, 
  but I also listed Is this a vc or verifiable presentation and 
  maybe maybe because there's some confusion as to what what that 
<kerri_lemoie> Okay option 2.
<kerri_lemoie> You know i'm going to pull out any quality for 
<kerri_lemoie> So this is one of the first approaches to say to 
  an open badge as a verifiable credential This is also currently 
  in the modeling Doc and, I believe, also in the.
<kerri_lemoie> Review of CREST paper and in.
<kerri_lemoie> Open badges.
<kerri_lemoie> Issues.
<ottonomy> yeah Okay, so this one, the credential subject area, 
  the idea is that it has has an ID have a credential subject here.
<ottonomy> Did and then there is a property and we've been 
  talking a lot about schema.org has credential property that makes 
  the claim that this recipient.
<ottonomy> has met the criteria of a particular define the 
  achievement, so they have the credential that as a badge class 
  That means that the outer vc itself is.
<ottonomy> functioning in the same role as the open badges 
  assertion and, in fact, you see the ID of the vc is example.com 
  slash assertions.
<ottonomy> 1001 and essentially saying this is the assertion this 
  entire thing.
<ottonomy> And then, it has an issue where it has a type, it has 
  a credential subject the claim the central claim that the 
  assertion makes is that the subject to the learner has met the 
  criteria of a defined achievement and therefore has a credential.
<kerri_lemoie> Excellent Thank you um that you'll see when we get 
  to number three of the options that we have so far, it looks very 
  similar to this one.
<kerri_lemoie> And the pros of this is much less complex, it has 
  the idea that references the assertion.
<kerri_lemoie> Look at this the cons, is that it doesn't contain 
  vc proof in the example, but I think that just might be what the 
  example is right now.
<kerri_lemoie> Or, or it might be relying on the assertion, but 
  that might just be how the example is set up.
<kerri_lemoie> And then also it links to the assertion, so the so 
  it's positive it's that has an idea, the assertion but also links 
  to the assertion and if the data doesn't match, then you know, 
  there may be some misaligned values between the two.
<kerri_lemoie> Okay um next one has to be, which is also another 
  approach of matches a verifiable financial and then one more here 
  for you.
<ottonomy> All right, I have the challenge of these are the first 
  time that i've actually click these links in a few months so 
  quickly rocking it and presenting at the same time, so.
<ottonomy> Oh yeah indeed.
<ottonomy> Actually, this looks really similar, what is the 
  difference here.
<ottonomy> Is the schema has credential to a badge class again.
<ottonomy> It has an issue or an issue and state issued on etc, 
  this one also actually has the open badges assertion content 
  mixed in here somewhat duplicative Lee with the.
<ottonomy> verifiable credentials content So you see that the 
  type at the top of this file is a verifiable credential comma 
<ottonomy> Meaning that it is both an open badges two point O 
  assertion and a verifiable credential and So you see, like 
  issuance date and issued on it shouldn't state comes from the vc 
  vocabulary and issued on comes from the open badges vocabulary, 
  the recipient.
<ottonomy> component comes from the open badges vocabulary and it 
  identifies a recipient of type email, with a particular identity.
<ottonomy> The credential subject comes from verifiable 
  credentials and is basically exactly as we had just St looked at.
<ottonomy> This case we look like schema has achieved instead of 
  house credential I don't think that any material difference 
  between the last example in this one in terms of which schema.org 
  proposed term would be selected as material here.
<ottonomy> But then, you also see below the credential subject 
  area there's the badge property, which is the open badges way of 
  identifying which.
<ottonomy> define the achievement has been conferred and then 
  there's a proof, which is the vc method and the verification 
  property, which is the imagined method.
<ottonomy> This is a interesting franken hybrid a piece of json 
  ld that is both a valid verifiable credential and a valid open 
  badges assertion that makes the same claim at the cost of some 
<kerri_lemoie> Excellent freakin hybrid is an excellent way to 
  call it, you should rename it later.
<kerri_lemoie> Some of the pros and cons or just would need to 
  say that it contains pros it contains all of the assertion a 
  badge properties somewhere in the envelope, and it could also be 
  verified as as a hosted assertion, in addition to the vc but it 
  duplicates the properties duplicates of verification.
<kerri_lemoie> Also, once again, like the other way that links to 
  a hosted assertion to as this potential for misaligned values and 
  also I don't have it on here, but it is much more complex.
<kerri_lemoie> And there's a lot of like potential for or for 
  like errors and typos and things between the duplicate 
<kerri_lemoie> Okay, so the next one, has not been proposed, yet 
  this is three, this is one that.
<kerri_lemoie> I talked to one who, I think, is on the call and 
  Wayne on Friday.
<kerri_lemoie> And we started talking about this approach is very 
  close to.
<kerri_lemoie> The first approach of open badges and i'll discuss 
  this one so essentially What it does is it says.
<kerri_lemoie> It puts the information of the badge in here, so 
  it has the badge class and, by the way, this is not good, I don't 
  know if this is correct.
<kerri_lemoie> I ran into the payload but that's not like 
  critique Jason mostly it's just be illustrated so it has the 
  batch class information and it does reference the assertion.
<kerri_lemoie> What it doesn't do is duplicate things like the 
  date and the issuer and the verification, the proof it assumes 
  that the verifiable credential is the instance.
<kerri_lemoie> And that the badge class information is the 
  content, but it does include the assertion, so that if you know 
  the verify or wanted to go retrieve the assertion, they could.
<kerri_lemoie> That is the main difference between now and and 
  and and the other so it's very close to to a except that it 
<kerri_lemoie> It contains a difference there's a difference, I 
  can remember, I now sorry.
<kerri_lemoie> Oh, I know what it is it's instead of including ID 
  appear for the assertion linked to the assertion it actually 
  includes assertion within the credentials object that's really 
  the only difference between this and to a.
<kerri_lemoie> And so the pros, for this is that it contains all 
  the verify looking for properties to verify to receive it 
  contains the batch class and the assertion data.
<kerri_lemoie> The wallet wallet, so this is what came up in the 
  discussion with me and one is that while it's don't need to 
<kerri_lemoie> How to go retrieve and understand in a batch it 
  can just put has the data right there, and if that's all they 
  want to display that's what they can display and then What it 
  does is it puts the verification on on.
<kerri_lemoie> Like gives the onus to the actual verify of the 
  credential from the wallet not to the wallet itself.
<kerri_lemoie> If the world wants to they can verify the host 
  assertion, but they don't need to.
<kerri_lemoie> But once again, like the other ones, the cons, is 
  that it links to a hosted assertion that you know that it could 
  be different, it could be that by the time the verify looks at 
  the credential it's in the wallet things have changed on a hosted 
<kerri_lemoie> Okay, and this last one.
<kerri_lemoie> This one was my am and now I look at it seems a 
  little silly, but we should pretty much talk about it anyway, 
  this is the very simplest approach.
<kerri_lemoie> This doesn't include anything except it says, who 
  the recipient is and it gives a link to the assertion.
<kerri_lemoie> And it says hey everybody here's a verifiable 
  credential it goes to this person has been issued by this issuer 
  here's how you can prove it, if you want any of the other data, 
  then just go pull it out of the assertion.
<kerri_lemoie> This is probably the laziest approach, and you 
  know i'm a lifelong web developer pretty much at this tip So this 
  is the approach that I took it still kind of like it honestly, 
  but I think it puts a lot more work on the wallets then we want 
  to do.
<kerri_lemoie> That So those are the total five approaches, so 
  what I was wondering, is what if folks think about any of these 
  approaches what other approaches are we missing and then what 
  are, what are the next steps.
<kerri_lemoie> So it came from there, I just want to open it up 
  to discussion, I think.
<kimhd> yeah so everyone feel free please add yourself to the 
  queue I wanted to start with something carry on the lazy approach 
  like I the last one I think that has advantages and the drift.
<kimhd> We can do something with that just by say like content 
  integrity hashes of the link to content, something like that, so 
  you know, there are ways to make sure that they.
<kimhd> are, at least if they do drift that it can be noticed 
<kimhd> yeah I don't know I sort of like that in terms of 
  people's ability to just get started with with that.
<kimhd> i'll go through i'll moderate or run through the Q Keith 
  you're up next.
<keith kowal> yeah great Thank you so i've been following this 
  work for a while and I think.
<keith kowal> My perspective always is, I think we we do a good 
  job of looking at it from this from the issue or the holder 
  perspective i'm always very curious how this is going to work 
  from the verify or perspective so.
<keith kowal> let's say someone has like 100 badges in their 
  wallet representing all sorts of different things, I mean the 
  nice thing about the vc architecture is like presentation 
  exchanges, I can say.
<keith kowal> Please give me all of your course badges or all of 
  your degree badges and you know and that's supported through 
  things like.
<keith kowal> Common schema is in the vc world that kind of 
  breaks down when you talk about badge classes just the way that 
  open badges are designed at every issue or has different badge 
  classes, so I mean I just think.
<keith kowal> Maybe my feedback is we don't look look at these 
  problems enough from the verify your perspective, how this fits 
  in with the standard like presentation exchange where you can do 
  things like selective disclosure things like that.
<keith kowal> Or maybe i'm just missing, something I guess that's 
  one of my my feedback.
<kerri_lemoie> that's totally true case and we do need to do more 
  of that.
<kerri_lemoie> across the board, I don't think we do that enough 
  in credentials I don't I think what am I goals was to get some 
  verification use cases in our list, but I haven't gotten there 
<kerri_lemoie> I would like to look at this from the approach 
  outerwear fire, though, if your application is trying to absorb 
  this data consumers data.
<kerri_lemoie> Your what what is easiest and also by the way, I 
  think these all of these solutions are in terms I don't think 
  this is forever, I think this is what we look at for now.
<kerri_lemoie> And right now there is damage verification going 
  on, unfortunately, but I think we should still keep that angle as 
  a critical one.
<kimhd> Definitely let's see we have phil next he wrote it out so 
  wait King phil can you read that Phil_Barker.
<phil_barker> yeah it was just a simple question that we did 
  these are looking at the special cases of open badges but you 
  know we'd like to have something I think that's generalizable to 
  other cases, so my question is which do you think of which of 
  these approaches, do you think is the most generalizable.
<kerri_lemoie> I don't know I mean.
<kerri_lemoie> Last one really is as general as you can get 
  really in terms of it open match that could be anything.
<kimhd> And everyone feel free to add yourself to the queue if 
<kerri_lemoie> Have others have answers to these questions yeah 
  please jump in.
<kimhd> Adrian.
<agropper> I sorry I only come to these very occasionally but I 
  love this conversation, because I am a broken record in the 
  Community, saying that we have to elevate the authorization 
  component of the protocols that we're using.
<agropper> And the discussion we're having about the difference 
  between you know self contained and hosted credentials in the 
  real world is exactly the discussion that I think we should be 
  having in the broader context.
<agropper> Because of well everything that's been said so far.
<agropper> So, in other words, I do not consider the fact that 
  there could be a mismatch between the.
<agropper> The The self contained and the hosted thing to be a 
  bug I consider it to be a feature the bug is that we, as a 
  community are combining the control layer with the data layer
<agropper> And this is not sustainable and I think the 
  presentation today shows why we need to design for separating the 
  control or the authorization layer from the data layer while 
  using the vcs and dates and everything else, thank you.
<kerri_lemoie> Great.
<kimhd> Thanks Adrian.
<kimhd> And let's see nate is on the queue next.
<ottonomy> I think phil's question about what's most 
  generalizable from these examples is a great one, and I also 
  really want to elevate what Kerry mentioned is, we should be 
  thinking about these.
<ottonomy> options, from the perspective of the verifiers those 
  who need to consume this data and need to write software that 
<ottonomy> Go rocket and and implement whatever verification 
  components are necessary in order to get the full meaning of the 
  of the claim at its core open badges assertions make a.
<ottonomy> claim that we've been talking about in this group, a 
  lot, which is the has achieved or has credential claim, and so, 
  if if I were going to answer the question about which of these 
  approaches is most generalizable I would definitely lean toward 
  the approaches that use the.
<ottonomy> You know the product claims like that, where we have a 
  credential subject that identifies a credential by or recipient 
  by a.
<ottonomy> Did or some other form of IRI identifier, and then 
  makes a claim that that recipient subject has.
<ottonomy> met the criteria and has been conferred a credential 
  definition that works for all open badges claims, as well as 
  others i've been taking a look at some of the the other 
  properties that are like to present and I am slr around how we 
<ottonomy> Specifically, do the other use case that's been really 
  close to my heart, which is a skill claim that any issue or might 
<ottonomy> And I think that can be accomplished in a very similar 
  manner to this using some properties from the car which is around 
  like a result, the idea that there's a result description in the 
  defined credential and a result in the.
<ottonomy> credential itself that's getting a little bit off 
  track which approach is most generalizable.
<ottonomy> Specifically, from the perspective of air fire, I 
  think the has credential type claim is the one that best stands.
<ottonomy> The test of time and i'm really excited that that we 
  have so many implementations in the open badges community that 
  are thirsting for vcs that we might.
<ottonomy> really be able to get some pilots, or something off 
  the ground where we do a coordinated approach to achieve these 
  open badges use cases pretty soon.
<kimhd> Thank you in yes, I was actually so we have Adrian on the 
  queue twice, I was going to ask, as well, because I think Adrian 
  you just described it in a way that made it.
<kimhd> Clearer I think i've wanted to sort of reduce drift, but 
  as long as it's clear, as long as the schema is sort of separate 
  who's responsible for what I mean that's that's great with me 
  it's just not it's not been clear to me.
<kimhd> Until now, which part the vc is responsible for on that 
  issuer field versus whatever else, so I was just wondering if you 
  can will will queue up Adrian for a few comments that he has.
<agropper> Well it's really just one comment that it is the 
  answer to brent's.
<agropper> In my solution if you were to my perspective, is that 
  the subject needs to be always be given the choice, both at 
  issuance and the verification.
<agropper> of saying, I want to self contained or hosted 
  credential or both, and the issuer's and the verifiers can choose 
  to only respect one of those options.
<agropper> But by separating the control from the content layer, 
  that is what I mean is, do not by design presume that it has to 
  be one at the issuer or the verify or level that it has to be one 
  or the other, always give the self sovereign subject the choice 
<kimhd> Right and I guess just a note on that, so the ideas which 
  which seems like a path that we had been Okay, with all along, if 
  we're just saying the issuer is.
<kimhd> You know, issuing this or making this claim about a 
  subject just keeping it very vc data model than what you're 
  calling the content that can have its own.
<kimhd> You know sort of trust implications, based on whatever 
  reference schema that that wants to use which we're not, I think, 
  like that's the part that we're saying.
<kimhd> Might vary per different target schema that we're using 
  here we're not forcing one at one understanding on all of these, 
  which I think has been some of the what's bog us down in the 
  discussion so far as trying to push everything out to the vc 
  issue or layer
<kimhd> I don't know if that's accurate, though.
<kimhd> But just in terms of like what is that issuer and you 
  know sort of how did, how does it relate to the payload.
<kerri_lemoie> Do you think that is I put in the chat that I 
  think this is what we've come close to with versions to a and 
<kimhd> yep Is that correct.
<kimhd> I think, so I need to look at them again P one Europe.
<phil-t3> yeah thanks I just wanted to.
<phil-t3> express that the having the perspective of both the 
  verifiers and the holder and looking at things from those 
  different lenses I think is really important we've really 
  concentrated on the issue or today, which I understand but.
<phil-t3> When it comes to the issue of drift is the concern I 
  have is that the holder needs to know if a credential their 
  packaging and sending to be to a relying party has in fact been 
  invalidated or not.
<phil-t3> I liked the idea of separating out those two but there 
  needs to be a way for the holder to get.
<phil-t3> And relatively instantaneous notification that 
  something that they're holding has changed, and so I just want to 
  make sure that we do take that step back and look at each of the 
  examples from those three parts.
<kimhd> yeah carrie will close with you carry.
<kerri_lemoie> Oh yeah so I was going to say that um the the 
  drift is one of my biggest concerns that I agree with separating 
  the authentication from the content, except that the recipient 
  could never know if the hosted values change.
<kerri_lemoie> So they wouldn't necessarily be able to know which 
  one to share that has what they want in there, which is actually 
  how I got to.
<kerri_lemoie> The very last concept, which was just present the 
  assertion, which makes it harder for the wallet but you know does 
  present I think separates the two simply and potentially prevents 
  you know them getting on not like you know i'm saying.
<kerri_lemoie> i'm sorry so we're at noon Kim i'm thinking of one 
  of all of you could sort of review these we can get to the size 
  and review them this week and next week, maybe we can really 
<kerri_lemoie> discuss these examples again and see if we can 
  reach a consensus on which way we'd like to go for ready to do 
  that by next week.
<kimhd> that's great Thank you so much Gary and have a great week 
<kerri_lemoie> And thank you everybody.
<phil-t3> girl good very nicely done.
<kerri_lemoie> Thank you.

Received on Monday, 24 May 2021 20:05:04 UTC