- From: <kimdhamilton@gmail.com>
- Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2021 14:43:44 +0000
- To: public-credentials@w3.org, anthony@knowledgeinnovation.eu, kimhd@mit.edu
TL;DR Learner Wallet Discussion NEXT MEETING: Monday, April 26, 2021 Time: 8am PDT / 11am EDT / 4pm BST, 5pm CEST (see: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html?iso=20210426T150000&p1=tz_pt&p2=tz_et&p3=tz_bst&p4=tz_cest) Zoom: https://mit.zoom.us/j/99166694346 One tap mobile +16699006833,,99166694346# US (San Jose) +16465588656,,99166694346# US (New York) Meeting ID: 991 6669 4346 US : +1 646 558 8656 or +1 669 900 6833 International Numbers: https://mit.zoom.us/u/aeuenauoWe Join by SIP: 99166694346@zoomcrc.com Join by Skype for Business: https://mit.zoom.us/skype/99166694346 Text Chat: http://irc.w3.org/?channels=ccg irc://irc.w3.org:6665/#ccg Add to calendar https://calendar.google.com/event?action=TEMPLATE&tmeid=N2JucGsxYWlkOHZqcGswcWhmbTRjbmpiMDRfMjAyMDExMDJUMTYwMDAwWiA2YTRicTE3bm84NHNzbmFkY2NtMGoyMTMzZ0Bn&tmsrc=6a4bq17no84ssnadccm0j2133g%40group.calendar.google.com&scp=ALL Duration: 60 minutes MEETING MODERATOR: Kim Hamilton Duffy PROPOSED AGENDA: 1. Agenda Review (2 minutes) 2. IP Note: (1 minute) Anyone can participate in these calls. However, all substantive contributors to any CCG Work Items must be members of the CCG with full IPR agreements signed. https://www.w3.org/community/credentials/join a. Ensure you have a W3 account: https://www.w3.org/accounts/request b. W3C COMMUNITY CONTRIBUTOR LICENSE AGREEMENT (CLA): https://www.w3.org/community/about/agreements/cla/ 3. Call Notes (1 minute) a. These minutes and an audio recording of everything said on this call are archived at https://w3c-ccg.github.io/meetings/ 4. Introductions & Reintroductions 5. Announcements & Reminders 6. Learner Wallet Discussion - https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Zp89z_bSkEyLc0rvp1ln6XwjNmewaFAawxFe8K44I34/edit#slide=id.gd34895ce5b_0_38
Received on Monday, 26 April 2021 14:43:58 UTC