I have a crazy idea

Here's a crazy idea...

 1. Let's print out three versions of the DID and VC spec doc's - the
    very first one, the most recent one, and the final draft that is
 2. We mail them around so all the named principal authors autograph them
 3. Once done, we do a high res scan of the fully autographed documents,
    and place the scans in an encrypted vault
 4. We burn the originals on video, and the co-authors attest via VCs
    that they'll never do this again to back a scarcity play
 5. Create NFTs attached to those encrypted files
 6. Auction the NFTs along with a fundraising effort
 7. All funds raised go to the non-profit org

What do you think?


PS, I'm also brainstorming how to create an anti-hate blockchain, which 
is a very interesting and difficult challenge, because every idea I have 
devolves into a shit list to outing racists. Would anyone like to zoom 
with me sometime to brainstorm it?


*Moses Ma | Managing Partner*

FutureLab provides strategy, ideation and technology for breakthrough 
innovation and third generation blockchains.

Learn more at /www.futurelabconsulting.com/ 
<http://futurelabconsulting.com>. For calendar invites, please cc: 

Or whet your appetite by reading /Agile Innovation/ 
| /Quantum Design Sprint/ 
| my blog at /psychologytoday.com/ 

Received on Wednesday, 31 March 2021 02:39:54 UTC