DIDKit: A Cross-Platform Toolkit for VCs + DIDs

Hi all,

At Spruce Systems, Inc., we've been working on a cross-platform implementation for handling VCs + DIDs called DIDKit. We wrote the core functionality in Rust, using a combination of cross-compilation and C ABIs to achieve cross-platform support. It currently has early support for Rust, C, Java, Android, iOS, and Flutter, with more on way including WASM. There are also command line utilities and a VC-HTTP-API v0.0.1 implementation to easily integrate.

I'm happy to share that yesterday we released this project open source under the Apache 2.0 license. Thank you to the community, as this project would not have been possible without the community group work items, contributors here, and W3C + IETF specifications to begin with. A special thank you to the direct contributors, especially Charles Lehner, and also to Simon Bihel, Juan Caballero, Tiago Nascimento, Kelsey Rhoda, Gregory Rocco, and Victoria Woo for making this possible.

Even at this early pre-release stage, DIDKit is passing many test suites, including those for Verifiable Credentials, RDF normalization, and JSON-LD. We support select LD-Proofs and cryptographic library selection at compile time. While we chose an initial set of DID methods to support, they are implemented using Rust traits to be modular, inspired by the design of the DID resolution spec, so any DID method implemented as a trait could also be supported. Anyone working on Universal Resolver drivers and/or contributions to the Universal Registrar project at DIF should get in touch, particularly if they would be interested in using Rust or WASM.

I hope the community finds DIDKit useful, reinforcing of our work items, and that you will consider its use in your future projects. We will also be releasing a mobile credential wallet built on DIDKit and Flutter in the near future. Please reach out if you have any questions or would like assistance using DIDKit; user feedback is critical to us.

You can find our tweet about it here:

Our blog post:

The DIDKit and SSI libraries:

Documentation website:

- Wayne

Received on Thursday, 28 January 2021 18:35:35 UTC