Re: Diagrams for VC HTTP API work [was Re: [AGENDA] VC HTTP API Work Item - August 17th 2021]


 Manu, I wanted to mention that the   diagrams    in the VC    Data Model really are superb. Kudos to    Dave Crocker!
 I once had a client who asked for more simplicity in the design of an app, and after the third or fourth revision, I whined, “if we make it more simple, it’s going to hurt”. His reply was… “Finally, we’re getting somewhere.”
Moses Ma | FutureLab Consulting Inc (  | (
v   +1.415.952.7888 (tel:+1.415.952.7888)  | m   +1.415.568.1068 (tel:+1.415.568.1068)  | skype mosesma


> On Aug 21, 2021 at 5:36 AM,  <Manu Sporny (>  wrote:
>  On 8/21/21 1:18 AM, Moses Ma wrote:  >  If you, or any of the others, think this might have some potential for better  >  explaining how VCs would work than the more "programmer centric" diagrams you  >  produced, I'd love to participate in a small work project with a small number  >  of us to figure out a meaningful standardized approach to visualizing VC  >  processes. Yes x 1000! One of the biggest problems with the way we present material (for any technical standard, really) is that it exposes the reader to far too much detail. Case in point, the Web Authentication API:  We spent an enormous amount of effort to get these diagrams right in the VC Data Model:  With an enormous shout out to Dave Crocker, who was fundamental in getting us to "leave out all the important details". I really like your first cut Moses... now, to make it even SIMPLER! -- manu -- Manu Sporny -  Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc. News: Digital Bazaar Announces New Case Studies (2021)   

Received on Saturday, 21 August 2021 15:51:25 UTC