Re: [AGENDA] W3C CCG Verifiable Credentials for Education Task Force Call Mon, September 21, 11am EDT,8am PDT

Thanks Manu! I will update our invite accordingly.

While I forgot to hit "record" yesterday, Chris Winc was a great scribe. We
had no crashes, etc, despite having a higher amount of attendees than usual
and screen sharing.

On Mon, Sep 21, 2020 at 12:11 PM Manu Sporny <>

> On 9/20/20 8:35 PM, wrote:
> > TL;DR Please note new connection info;
> > Modeling EDU VCs
> Note: You Education folks have your own channel:
> ... with recording, ccgbot, dial-in number and all the bells and whistles.
> I just tested it -- all seems to be working.
> You have to remember to start the recording and stop the recording.
> Meeting starts when the first person joins. Meeting ends when the last
> person leaves (and you stop the recording).
> -- manu
> --
> Manu Sporny -
> Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
> blog: Veres One Decentralized Identifier Blockchain Launches

Received on Tuesday, 22 September 2020 18:36:09 UTC