- From: Dmitri Zagidulin <dzagidulin@gmail.com>
- Date: Wed, 16 Sep 2020 21:19:50 -0400
- To: sds-wg@dif.groups.io, Credentials Community Group <public-credentials@w3.org>
Received on Thursday, 17 September 2020 01:20:19 UTC
Dear all, This is a reminder that the DIF / CCG Secure Data Storage Working group weekly call will be happening on Thursday at 4pm Eastern / 1pm Pacific / 22:00 CEST. Agenda link: https://hackmd.io/QhJCRlTvQ9qr7FsWL_-FXg Meeting link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84828031746?pwd=V0xGTnJ2Zm15RHlSRFpNTlRPQzdLUT09 Specification: https://identity.foundation/secure-data-store/ Specification repository: https://github.com/decentralized-identity/secure-data-store Audio recordings and transcripts of previous meetings: https://dif.groups.io/g/sds-wg/wiki/19633 As always, the IPR policy requires that you can only make substantive contributions if you sign the IPR Release Form. Please follow the instructions at https://dif.groups.io/g/sds-wg/wiki/Home *Secure Data Storage WG Agenda* 1. IPR Reminder 2. Introductions and Re-Introductions 3. Authorization: Criteria Selection 4. (if time) Issue Review Thank you, The Chairs
Received on Thursday, 17 September 2020 01:20:19 UTC