Re: Feedback on Zoom & Jitsi for CCG Meetings

We are not just another standards group. I think there's a larger issue
here because we are working on self-sovereign standards. To be
self-sovereign means that you don't need to license software or standards
as part of your community activities. For this reason, I try to avoid
referencing pay-to-see standards from ISO, IEEE, the American Medical
Association, etc... These put up access barriers that lock out the Free and
open source software communities that are essential to self-sovereign
technology. I have participated in more than one group where we had to seek
special favor from IEEE or ISO in order to share access to a standard that
the group wanted to reference and potentially design in or out.

Whatever we do with Zoom vs. Jitsi, I hope we keep in mind other
self-sovereign communities and groups that will want to build on what we
have started.


On Fri, Nov 13, 2020 at 5:15 PM Steve Capell <> wrote:

> Heather & Manu
> Whilst it is certainly true (to heathers point) that the primary purpose
> is developing open DID and VC standards, it is also important to engage all
> contributors. And since there is often some correlation between enthusiasm
> for open standards and enthusiasm for open source, i think it sends the
> right message to prefer open source where practical.
> Personally I’m not fanatical about it and would use either.  But I’m
> certainly happy to use jitsi etc if it means the work effort can retain
> valuable contributions from those that do have stringer feelings.
> To Manus questionnaire I’d say I don’t have capacity to contribute
> maintenance effort but am certainly willing to substitute some small
> financial support of say $1000/ year
> Kind regards
> Steven Capell
> Mob: 0410 437854
> On 14 Nov 2020, at 9:29 am, Heather Vescent <>
> wrote:
> Manu,
> I sincerely appreciate the work you have done to make Jitsi feasible, but
> I have to think you may have lost sight of the purpose of the community,
> which is to focus on VCs and DIDs and credentialing technology, not
> re-build infrastructure. I will simply copy a comment someone shared with
> the chairs:
> "I don't think it's important to use an open tool like Jitsi. Zoom is
> fine. We're not the group that's building an open teleconference platform;
> we're the group that's building DIDs and VCs. We don't have a problem using
> PDFs (a proprietary format); why should we have a problem using a
> proprietary teleconference tool?"
> I am committed to making this group and our work items accessible to the
> broadest community. I refuse to allow us to get distracted re-inventing the
> wheel.
> We have bigger fish to fry, especially if we are going to be serious about
> increasing global participation.
> -Heather
> On Fri, Nov 13, 2020 at 1:21 PM Manu Sporny <>
> wrote:
>> On 11/12/20 6:32 PM, Heather Vescent wrote:
>> > The chairs are gathering feedback about using Zoom and Jitsi for our
>> > regular Tuesday CCG call.
>> The poll does ask the community what their preference between the two
>> conferencing systems is... and the "volunteer to maintain Jitsi" is
>> misleading -- it's really "volunteer to maintain the CCG
>> infrastructure", which includes a variety of things other than Jitsi
>> (which shouldn't take a lot of effort once things are stable). I don't
>> know why Jitsi maintenance will take 2-12 hours a month if the system
>> works?
>> I expect the outcome is that most of us will show up no matter what
>> system is used because we value the discussion over the infrastructure.
>> I also expect that it will be difficult for people to volunteer to
>> "maintain Jitsi" just as it will be difficult for people to volunteer to
>> "maintain the CCG infrastructure" -- it's a vague ask.
>> Can we please reword the survey so we can capture people's preferences
>> on our infrastructure?
>> Some suggestions:
>> 1. How often do you attend the Tuesday CCG meeting?
>> 2. Given equivalent functionality, do you prefer to use an open
>>    source or closed source for our video conferencing system?
>> 3. Given equivalent functionality, do you prefer to use an open
>>    standards or proprietary solution for our video conferencing
>>    system?
>> 4. What features are important to you in a video
>>    conferencing solution?
>>    * Works in my Web browser
>>    * Native client
>>    * Stability
>>    * Phone-based dial-in
>>    * SIP and VoIP connection options
>>    * Accessibility
>>    * Other: ____________
>> 5. Are you willing to volunteer to maintain the tooling
>>    that the CG uses to hold meetings and generate
>>    meeting minutes (jitsi, scribe tool, system administration,
>>    documentation)?
>> 6. Are you willing to financially support the CG tooling?
>>    * No
>>    * Yes, $25/year
>>    * Yes, $50/year
>>    * Yes, $100/year
>>    * Yes, $___/year
>> 7. If you plan to volunteer, please list the things
>>    you feel comfortable helping with:
>>    * Server Maintenance
>>    * Software Maintenance / Coding
>>    * Minute Cleanup/Publishing
>>    * Updating Documentation
>>    * Other: ____________
>> The above would give us a better idea of preferences in the community.
>> -- manu
>> --
>> Manu Sporny -
>> Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
>> blog: Veres One Decentralized Identifier Blockchain Launches
> --
> Heather Vescent <>
> Co-Chair, Credentials Community Group @W3C
> <>
> President, The Purple Tornado, Inc <>
> Author, The Secret of Spies <> (Available Oct 2020)
> Author, The Cyber Attack Survival Manual
> <> (revised,
> Dec 2020)
> Author, A Comprehensive Guide to Self Sovereign Identity
> <>
> @heathervescent <> | Film Futures
> <> | Medium
> <> | LinkedIn
> <> | Future of Security Updates
> <>

Received on Friday, 13 November 2020 23:59:04 UTC