Thanks Stephen sir ,
I was thinking to use the xmpp or socket for mobile to mobile connection
and didcomm for encryption and decryption . I am going in right direction ?
On Tue, 25 Feb 2020 at 21:16, Stephen Curran <>
> The use case for the two approaches is pretty different. If you are just
> trying to create a browser/web site chat app and don't need encryption, it
> looks like is made for that based on the quick review I did.
> DIDComm could be used for a chat app by giving you a secure, encrypted
> (using DIDs), transport-agnostic, flexibly-routed messaging channel. Once
> established, the messaging channel can be used for many protocols,
> including chat. However, beyond the simple "basic message" protocol, no
> chat app protocols have been created on DIDComm.
> Hope that helps.
> On Tue, Feb 25, 2020 at 2:20 AM sethi shivam <>
> wrote:
>> Hi Team,
>> I am have to develop DID-comm based chat app .
>> I was thinking to implement it using ,but we already have xmpp
>> server setup .
>> Could someone please do me a favor by guiding which one is better
>> approach to follow.
>> Regards
>> Sethi Shivam
> --
> Stephen Curran
> Principal, Cloud Compass Computing, Inc. (C3I)
> Technical Governance Board Member - Sovrin Foundation (
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