- From: John, Anil <anil.john@hq.dhs.gov>
- Date: Mon, 20 Apr 2020 15:02:23 +0000
- To: Credentials CG <public-credentials@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <BL0PR0901MB4322D8DA55C22C91D8C30FEFC5D40@BL0PR0901MB4322.namprd09.prod.outlook.>
Hello W3C CCG, I hope this message finds you safe and healthy. I wanted to provide an update on some work we are currently doing that may be of interest to this group in the area of standards-based multi-vendor interoperability. Background ---- * https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2018Nov/0124.html * https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2020Jan/0008.html Interoperability Plug-Fest ---- We believe that innovation should be built on a foundation of interoperability. To that end, the startup companies that we have awarded contracts to need to demonstrate to the Government, in Phase 1, a Minimum Viable Product that shows the adaptation of their Product to support, among other things and most critically, an interoperable implementation of DIDs/VCs. How that is demonstrated to the Government is flexible, so what DHS SVIP is resurrecting is the grand tradition (from WAAY back in the SAML and WS-* days) of the Interoperability Plug-Fest. "Interoperability Plug-fests are a safe environment to test your code's degree of conformance with a respective standard, and how well it interoperates with other implementations of the same standard. Ideally, standards would be interpreted identically by all implementers, and hence all implementations would interoperate, but often enough that is utopia (though standards authors work very hard to minimize this). Such situations, where tests fail, the analysis of the failures can discover shortcomings in the standard document itself, illustrate discrepancies in interpretation, or in formal testing settings, errors in the test suite used." Please find attached the high level Phase 1 test plan that provides information on what we will be testing and how we will be conducting the testing early next month. Feedback on the test plan to this list, directly to me, or to any of the participants is encouraged and would be appreciated. Best Regards, Anil Anil John Technical Director, Silicon Valley Innovation Program Science and Technology Directorate US Department of Homeland Security Washington, DC, USA Email Response Time - 24 Hours [https://www.dhs.gov/science-and-technology/svip]
- image/png attachment: image002.png
- application/pdf attachment: DHS.ST.SVIP-Call-Preventing-Forgery-Interop-Test-Plan-Phase-1.pdf
Received on Monday, 20 April 2020 15:03:23 UTC