[MINUTES] W3C Credentials CG Call - 2018-10-16 12pm ET

Thanks to Andrew Hughes for scribing this week! The minutes
for this week's Credentials CG telecon are now available:


Full text of the discussion follows for W3C archival purposes.
Audio from the meeting is available as well (link provided below).

Credentials CG Telecon Minutes for 2018-10-16

  1. Introductions and Reintroductions
  2. Announcements & Reminders
  3. Progress on Current Action Items
  4. Work Items
  5. TPAC Planning
  6. Feedback on charter
  Christopher Allen and Joe Andrieu and Kim Hamilton Duffy
  Andrew Hughes
  Mike Lodder, Manu Sporny, Heather Vescent, Ganesh Annan, Dmitri 
  Zagidulin, Christopher Allen, Jeff Orgel, Dan Burnett, Bohdan 
  Andriyiv, Lucas Parker, Ken Ebert, Kim Hamilton Duffy, Dave 
  Longley, Joe Andrieu, Andrew Hughes, Ted Thibodeau, Nate Otto, 
  Matt Stone, Lionel Wolberger

Christopher Allen: Voip 19a is ChristopherA
Jeff Orgel: Present +
Andrew Hughes: Scribe achughes
Andrew Hughes is scribing.
Kim Hamilton Duffy:  Reviews the IPR rules and how to queue to 
Nate Otto: Hi, @manu. Glad to be here.
Kim Hamilton Duffy:  Nominates Heather to be reintroduced!

Topic: Introductions and Reintroductions

Heather Vescent:  Runs a strategic consultancy, in the tech 
  industry 20+ years, futurist. Published a comprehensive SSI 
  research report - ask for details.
Heather Vescent:  SSI similar to previous digital asset grid work 
  at SWIFT

Topic: Announcements & Reminders

Kim Hamilton Duffy: https://w3c-ccg.github.io/announcements/
Kim Hamilton Duffy:  Two events next week
Kim Hamilton Duffy:  TPAC in Lyon and IIW in Mountain View
Kim Hamilton Duffy: https://www.w3.org/2018/10/TPAC/
Kim Hamilton Duffy: http://iiw.idcommons.net
Kim Hamilton Duffy: 
Kim Hamilton Duffy:  W3C workshop on strong authentication and 
  Identity December 10, 11 in Redmond

Topic: Progress on Current Action Items

Manu Sporny:  A good forum to discuss DIDs prior to establishing 
Kim Hamilton Duffy: 
Manu Sporny:  Workshop is invitation-only - must submit a 
  position statement - group will be selected based on submissions
Joe Andrieu:  For W3C workshop - should the application survey 
  include the position statement? or send the position separately?
Manu Sporny:  Cover your bases and send a separate position 
  statement in addition to the survey
Joe Andrieu:  Does the workshop need more publicity?
Manu Sporny:  Can you resend the 'position paragraphs' item? I 
  missed the details. [scribe assist by Lionel Wolberger]
Manu Sporny:  These are specialist workshops, technical, 
  standards focused, not general attendace. So not really 
  appropriate for a newsletter.
Lionel Wolberger: Is it IIW only?
Lionel Wolberger: OK, but it's at Mountain View, (not Lyon) 
Manu Sporny:  Workshop is open to anyone, but deep into strong 
  authentication topics. W3C workshop is in Redmond
Joe Andrieu: It's in Seattle in December
Lionel Wolberger: Sorry, missed the place of the workshop. 
Lionel Wolberger: Got it. Thanks.
Dave Longley: 10-11Th
Kim Hamilton Duffy: 
Redmond is near Seattle
Kim Hamilton Duffy: https://github.com/w3c-ccg/community/issues/2
Nate Otto: Seems like the whole audio bridge is having some 
  trouble. Hopefully it recovers.
Joe Andrieu: =(
Kim Hamilton Duffy:  Spec text video editing
Lucas Parker: Better now
Nate Otto: Getting better!
Joe Andrieu: A bit better now
Andrew Hughes:  Bohdan has stepped up and edited the video
Andrew Hughes:  Andrew wants to view the edited video (60 
  minutes) and will circulate the link this week
Kim Hamilton Duffy:  Work items

Topic: Work Items

Kim Hamilton Duffy: 
Manu Sporny:  DID WG Prep - the DID Primer docs got a few updates
Kim Hamilton Duffy: Thanks Bohdan (re video)
Dan Burnett: Manu can you drop the link to the new primer?
Manu Sporny:  We have really good support - 81 orgs responded, 
  ~60 are commercial orgs - most are supportive
Manu Sporny:  Support to create a new DID WG
Kim Hamilton Duffy: DID Primer: 
Manu Sporny:  The use cases are representative of the ones the 
  orgs are interested in.
Manu Sporny:  Where can we see the list of 80+ companies 
  supporting the DID as a WG? [scribe assist by Lionel Wolberger]
Mike Lodder: When are we going to finalize those PRs?
Manu Sporny:  Next up for the DID Spec is LD signatures, COSE, 
  JWT discussions
Manu Sporny:  DID Spec and Use cases need to be cleaned up a bit 
  in prep for the WG startup (assuming it goes)
Manu Sporny:  The supporting companies list is only for W3C 
  members - confidential
Mike Lodder: Yes
Manu Sporny: https://w3c-ccg.github.io/did-wg-proposal/
Kim Hamilton Duffy:  DID PR finalization - discussion about 
  having deep-dive calls soon. Focus was on TPAC prep.
Mike Lodder: :Thumbs_up
Kim Hamilton Duffy:  Mike and Drummond will be talking together 
  at IIW to resolve big issues
Manu Sporny: Member-confidential list of supporters of W3C DID WG 
Mike Lodder:  So, there’s no movement planned prior to IIW?
Manu Sporny: +1 To process DID spec changes.
Mike Lodder:  Probably won’t be able to resolve all PRs at IIW - 
  so should we use this call to discuss?
Kim Hamilton Duffy:  Yes, some of it can be on this call - and 
  also separate deep-dive calls
Kim Hamilton Duffy:  These would be official ccg calls

Topic: TPAC Planning

Kim Hamilton Duffy: 
Lucas Parker: I can view it
Ken Ebert: I can't access it.
Kim Hamilton Duffy:  Adjusted the permissions on the document for 
Ken Ebert: That worked.
Kim Hamilton Duffy:  The interesting presentations related to 
  DIDs are called out in the schedule document
Kim Hamilton Duffy:  Tuesday - the big one is the 2 hour 
  Credentials CG meeting - slide deck needs lots of work and who 
  will present it
Kim Hamilton Duffy:  The structure of the CCG session: people 
  will be walking in and wanting to hear the overview of the work 
  and some light details
Kim Hamilton Duffy:  Need to avoid getting derailed - so need a 
  firm schedule of topics in the ccg meeting
Kim Hamilton Duffy:  Slide 9 has candidate items for deeper 
Kim Hamilton Duffy:  Need presenters for the items
Kim Hamilton Duffy:  Slide 8 has the full list of work items in 
  the ccg - Slide 9 is the focus topics
Kim Hamilton Duffy:  Need volunteers to present the ‘shallow’ 
  deep dive topics
Manu Sporny:  Should include Self-Sovereign data storage - 
  Microsoft Identity Hub / Data Hub
Dmitri Zagidulin: +1
Lionel Wolberger: I volunteer for a shallow-deep-dive
Manu Sporny:  Will be discussions on Digital Verifiaction Specs
Lionel Wolberger: Datamin is my favorite topic!
Lionel Wolberger:  Volunteers to do a shallow-deep-dive on data 
  minimization - will be at TPAC
Kim Hamilton Duffy:  Suggests 2-3 slides for each ‘deep dive’ 
Lionel Wolberger: Yes, I will be at TPAC.
Kim Hamilton Duffy:  Still need a person to present (manu 
Joe -- My W3C creds aren't working to see that DID proposal 
  member list, do I need to request access?
Manu Sporny: Chrisboscolo: No, more than likely you're not the AC 
  Rep for your org?
Kim Hamilton Duffy:  TPAC Wednesday - breakout sessions
Ah, yes that is truu
Kim Hamilton Duffy:  Most important: the W3C DID Working Group 
  session that Manu is running
Kim Hamilton Duffy:  The second breakout that we will propose is 
  Joe’s “Roadmap for Decentralized Identity"
Manu Sporny:  Ccg needs to keep focused on a few topics to avoid 
  slow progress and dissipation
Manu Sporny:  E.g. the way we are doing signatures in VC and DID 
  Spec is not locked down - commercial deployers need this to be 
  locked down
Manu Sporny:  Ccg stil needs to decide on what work should be 
Christopher Allen:  Still lots of ccg items to work on - such as 
  deep dives into individual methods - the DID WG wont necessarily 
  work on these things
Manu Sporny:  The natural place to work on method spec is the ccg
Dan Burnett:  Verifiable Credentials update - lots of people at 
  W3C are not aware of the vc work at all - has been quiet, people 
  not sure of status
Dan Burnett:  Might consider doing a separate breakout on 
  verifiable claims - as long as it does not compete with did wg
Christopher Allen:  Suggests that the verifiable claims primer 
  really helps people engage
Heather Vescent: Me/ sounds like this is a press/promotions 
Christopher Allen:  The ccg could hold some of the primers
Matt Stone: Heathervescent yes re: press/promotion challenge.
Lionel Wolberger: All this socializing at TPAC, would a T-Shirt 
  help? I know DIDs and VCs, and all I got was this lousy t-shirt
Manu Sporny:  Dan - is the sense that the W3C membership is 
  unaware? or the general public?
Heather Vescent: If only there was someone in the community who 
  was good doing that? ;-)
Lionel Wolberger: I would love a T-shirt saying Data 
  Minimization, Selective Disclosure, Progressive Trust
Matt Stone:  During a meeting last week - unlike the ccg work on 
  DIDs, there’s less blogging and public work on verifiable 
  credentials - so vcs are a bit under the radar
Matt Stone:  The VC WG needs to keep public visibility of the 
  data model in mind
Lionel Wolberger: Maybe with a binary joke: Ask me about these 
  110 words: Data Minimization, Selective Disclosure, Progressive 
Christopher Allen:  VC WG - concurs that visibility might be 
  lower - but verifiable credentials are the next big piece of work 
  after DIDs
Mike Lodder: Protocol
Manu Sporny: +1 To mike-lodder
Matt Stone: +1 Protocol
Christopher Allen:  Should map out the schedule of which topics 
  ccg might work on when
Manu Sporny:  W3C staff probably want more blog post material - 
  problem might be that the proof of concepts work are not public
Manu Sporny:  There’s lots of traction with verifiable 
  credentials and DIDs - but it’s not obvious from the outside
Manu Sporny:  When the verifiable credentials WG ends (spring 
  2019) - we can make lots of noise about the work
Matt Stone: Manu can you post a link to that news/announcement?
Kim Hamilton Duffy: Nate Otto and I will be able to make noise 
  about VCs via EDU/OCC use cases, and our work is public
Manu Sporny:  US Government says that DIDs/Verifiable Credentials 
  are necessary to do trade with US
Christopher Allen: Many, URL?
Heather Vescent: CBP has said they are using DIDs and VCs are a 
  part of the next generation solution. If you want to trade with 
  the United States, you will have to use DIDs and VCs.
Manu Sporny:  There were 35+ press releases around this
Manu Sporny:  The timing of spec development versus press 
  awareness is normally disjointed
Manu Sporny:  Next-generation-evolution of specs like verifiable 
  credentials typically goes back into community groups (like the 
Kim Hamilton Duffy:  Time check
Christopher Allen: And we should add that VC transition to CCG 
Matt Stone:  Noted to the W3C staff - the charter of the WG is 
  constrained to only the data model - but the magic sucess 
  ingredient is DIDs and Protocols
Matt Stone:  So the VC work has to be told in the whole, not as 
  the atomic parts
Dan Burnett:  The Verifiable Credentials WG will be discussing 
  their charter at TPAC - there are continuation options
Matt Stone: Hopefully you'll all be in that discussion :)
Heather Vescent:  Regarding promotion of the topics - many of us 
  are technical - press and others take control over the narrative 
  if this community does not put the story out there
Heather Vescent:  This community doesn’t like financially 
  supporting non-technical work
Matt Stone: +1 To heathervescent commentary about supporting the 
Manu Sporny: Perhaps we can do bounties for marketing, PR?
Heather Vescent:  For example the SSI report is a big piece of 
  work that supports things like PR and Marketing and outreach
Kim Hamilton Duffy: Amen, we absolutely need to be communicating 
  our work in compelling, human readable ways.
Heather Vescent:  Wants this community to control the narrative
Manu Sporny: +1 -- So, we need to figure out how to fund that.... 
  the vehicle.
Christopher Allen:  Heathervescent has floated the idea of 
  open-sourcing the SSI report if there is sufficient financial 
Heather Vescent:  Has privately floated the idea of bounties - 
  also creating updates to the SSI report, podcasts, other media - 
  needs financial support

Topic: Feedback on charter

Kim Hamilton Duffy: https://github.com/w3c-ccg/did-wg-charter
Heather Vescent: @Bigbluehat yes that is the theory.
Kim Hamilton Duffy: https://w3c-ccg.github.io/did-wg-proposal/
Kim Hamilton Duffy: https://w3c-ccg.github.io/did-wg-proposal/
Kim Hamilton Duffy: https://w3c-ccg.github.io/did-wg-charter/
Kim Hamilton Duffy:  The second link is the correct one - DID WG 
  Proposal that will be discussed at TPAC
Kim Hamilton Duffy:  The did-wg-charter url is the correct one
Joe Andrieu:  There were 2 issues he knows of
Joe Andrieu:  ‘Machines’ cannot ‘own’ anything - the first 
  paragraph states that machines can own DIDS
Joe Andrieu:  There is a github issue on this
Dan Burnett: +1 To control
Manu Sporny:  Thought that all the ‘owner’ statements were 
  replaced by ‘controller’
Kim Hamilton Duffy: Machines don't own things: 
Manu Sporny:  The web of things and IoT community wanted ‘owner’ 
  in there specfically
Lionel Wolberger: LOL
Heather Vescent: Love that Manu - Machines are people too.
Lionel Wolberger: Don't put the car before the horse.
Manu Sporny:  JoeAndrieu was OK with change to ‘controls’ and 
  that should satisfy the WoT group
Kim Hamilton Duffy: DID resolution: 
Dan Burnett: This has always been the point:  we are talking 
  about identifiers, not identities.  No ownership, just control 
Christopher Allen:  We need to communicate the ‘control’ 
  preference over ‘owner’ words
Christopher Allen:  Ccg needs to communicate the reasons for this
Kim Hamilton Duffy:  Marcus’ DID Resolution - needs a separate 
  section for this
Manu Sporny:  You were looking for a volunteer, I am not clear 
  what it was for... [scribe assist by Lionel Wolberger]
Dave Longley: Maybe more language about how DIDs are identifiers 
  that are designed to better express independent existence of 
  individuals, orgs, machines, etc .... instead of strongly binding 
  them to unrelated services (that might be better in the spec than 
  the charter though)
Kim Hamilton Duffy:  Will follow up by email
Lionel Wolberger: Thanks Kim!
Meeting adjourned
Matt Stone: Bye all

Received on Monday, 5 November 2018 03:09:16 UTC