Hi all,
The chairs would like to apologize for this last minute notice, but we are
canceling tomorrow's meeting (2/27) because we are short on topics. Also,
we could use the extra time to prepare for RWoT next week.
A reminder that we are also canceling next week's meeting, which coincides
with RWoT in Santa Barbara. This means that the Credentials CG meeting will
be canceled for the next 2 Tuesdays -- 2/27 and 3/6.
Again, we apologize for this cancelation and late notice. We look forward
to seeing many of you next week in Santa Barbara.
— W3C-CCG Co-Chairs: Christopher Allen, Joe Andrieu & Kim Hamilton
Kim Hamilton Duffy
CTO & Principal Architect Learning Machine
Co-chair W3C Credentials Community Group
400 Main Street Building E19-732, Cambridge, MA 02139
kim@learningmachine.com | kimhd@mit.edu
425-652-0150 | LearningMachine.com