Re: Claims and Multisource Journalistic Resources

On 2017-09-05 9:55 PM, Adam Sobieski wrote:
> For those interested in decentralized solutions, here are 
> some hyperlinks on DOI:
> _https://doi.org_ <>
> _https://www.crossref.org_ <>

I looked into this for science publishing some time ago, and found 
that the DOI system requires fees, and as such is set up primarily for 
large organizations, not individuals.

Would you agree with this? And so it's appropriate for journalists 
working for larger organizations, but not for citizen journalists, 
individual bloggers, and so forth?

Fees would vary from different providers, and for yearly volume of 
But, for example, a minimum yearly for the smallest-scale publisher at 
Crossref is $275, plus various other fees per document.

Here's the fee structure at Crossref:

> _
> or
> _

I'm getting file not found on these.


Received on Wednesday, 6 September 2017 15:21:48 UTC