[MINUTES] W3C Credentials CG Call - 2017-10-31 12pm ET

Thanks to Mike Lodder for scribing this week! The minutes
for this week's Credentials CG telecon are now available:


Full text of the discussion follows for W3C archival purposes.
Audio from the meeting is available as well (link provided below).

Credentials CG Telecon Minutes for 2017-10-31

  1. Status of Action Items
  2. Credential Handler API
  3. W3C TPAC Planning
  4. Post RWoT DID Spec
  Kim Hamilton Duffy and Christopher Allen
  Mike Lodder
  Mike Lodder, Kim Hamilton Duffy, David Chadwick, Christopher 
  Allen, Ryan Grant, Dave Longley, Joe Andrieu, Manu Sporny, Susan 
  Bradford, David I. Lehn, Adrian Gropper

Mike Lodder is scribing.

Topic: Status of Action Items

Kim Hamilton Duffy:  Will cover the DID PR
David Chadwick:  Lifecycle document - haven't updated the 
  document to Markdown yet.
Christopher Allen:  Need more clarity on the webpage about what's 
  been reviewed work items as opposed to what still needs to be 
Christopher Allen: Also not sure about WoT items having been 
  approved / voted
Ryan Grant: +1
Kim Hamilton Duffy:  I will clarify work items that have been 
  voted on vs approved
Dave Longley: +1
Kim Hamilton Duffy:  Deadline passed last week for DID PR
Joe Andrieu: Can we get the PR url?
Manu Sporny:  We just want to know if the new set of changes are 
  a step in the right direction. We still need to fix some language 
  things from RWOT
Christopher Allen: +1
Kim Hamilton Duffy: Pr: 
Manu Sporny:  Does everyone believe that the PR overall improves 
  the spec?
Christopher Allen:  No issues with PR but I haven't done a formal 
Ryan Grant:  Believe the PR is ok with direction
Dave Longley: I recommend +1 for merging -- and outstanding 
  problems get a new, specific github issue
Mike Lodder: +1 Dlongley
Ryan Grant: It doesn't have "//" that results in a location
Manu Sporny:  DID are URL's, maybe introduce the concept of DID 
  needs to be redone

Topic: Credential Handler API

Kim Hamilton Duffy:  DavidC should take the lead on discussing 
  API spec
Dave Longley: +1 Reword introduction, more focus on stable ID vs. 
  "new" thing that isn't quite a URL (which it isn't)
Dave Longley: 
  <-- slides from David Chadwick
Kim Hamilton Duffy: Credential API github issue: 
David Chadwick:  FIDO protocol was used and keys are stored not 
  the smartphones and computers
David Chadwick:  Presented to others from JOSE / Web 
  Authentication and they say its now out of date
David Chadwick:  To look at other specs at W3C
David Chadwick:  The interface is easy to use and tested with 
  hospital patients
David Chadwick:  Hospital patients like it much better
David Chadwick:  With his interface users didn't need to enter 
  usernames or passwords
Dave Longley: https://w3c-ccg.github.io/credential-handler-api/
Dave Longley:  Web authentication should be viewed as 
  complementary vs alternative to credential handler api
Dave Longley:  What are the reasons why your approach is easier
Dave Longley:  How does this stuff work on the web?
David Chadwick:  Credentials are on the device
David Chadwick:  Its easier to use because there are less steps 
David Chadwick:  Manu's was cumbersome and complex
David Chadwick:  The phone handles the logic and allows the user 
  to choose consent
Dave Longley:  Credentials handler can potentially live on the 
  device or can live on the web in a secure location
Ryan Grant: That was/is my question: how are credentials 
  reestablished in case the device is lost?
Dave Longley:  The interface is dependent on the software 
Dave Longley:  The point is to have the browser do the minimum 
  amount of work
David Chadwick:  The protocols need to be standardized to allow 
  for mixing and matching
Ryan Grant:  Where are the separation of concerns addressed?
David Chadwick:  I would like the protocol between the inspector 
  and holder to be standardized
Dave Longley: +1 For standardizing the "policy"/"query" and 
David Chadwick:  Whatever approach we choose should be compatible 
  with how browsers are today
Ryan Grant: I understand the focus and will consider lost devices 
  a problem to be solved by implementaitons.
Manu Sporny: Agree that the way to get browser adoption is to 
  make the browser vendors do as little as possible.
Mike Lodder:  +1 Rgrant, that problem is up to the vendor To 
Dave Longley:  Credential handler api is lower than the layer 
  that DavidC was talking about
Christopher Allen: Time check. TPAC review is critical path.
David Chadwick:  Allowing multiple wallets adds lots of 
Dave Longley:  Different wallets can provide different 
Kim Hamilton Duffy:  Do we have any action items to close out 
  this topic
Ryan Grant: Do we have consensus that it fits?
Ryan Grant: I think so
Manu Sporny:  I don't think this is an item that gets closed out
Kim Hamilton Duffy:  Manu will guide us through TPAC

Topic: W3C TPAC Planning

Manu Sporny:  Give a heads up to W3C group about what we are 
  trying to do
Manu Sporny: A Vision for a Self-Sovereign Web: 
Joe Andrieu: +1 On slide deck, btw. That's my review. =)
Manu Sporny:  This shows how to combine: credential handler, 
  DIDs, and web payments
Manu Sporny:  And addresses some use cases
Manu Sporny:  Here's how we are doing it
Manu Sporny:  How to refine the pitch for self sovereign web
Kim Hamilton Duffy:  What time constraints are there for the 
  chairs to review our proposals
Ryan Grant: Go Oma!
Kim Hamilton Duffy:  To start a slide deck to address the action 
Ryan Grant: Very visual slides, loved it
Christopher Allen: I'm limited on time. I'm hoping that I don't 
  have to spend all day Wednesday.
Ryan Grant: Meh
Christopher Allen: We said last week there will be no call next 
David Chadwick: +1

Topic: Post RWoT DID Spec

Christopher Allen: We should first dive into post #RWOT spec 
  first, then Post IIW DID spec.
Susan Bradford: Drummond is confirmed to attend
Kim Hamilton Duffy:  No meeting next week but we will dive into 
  DID spec stuff after that

Received on Tuesday, 31 October 2017 18:30:54 UTC