Re: Drafty VCTF Use Cases

On 3/7/16 3:15 PM, Shane McCarron wrote:
> But the draft use-cases are up at

Not much to complain about!  :-)
FWIW, Comments:

3.1 How a Verifiable Claim Might be Created
3.2 How a Verifiable Claim Might be Used

Both graphics, following the steps, worked smoothly for me. Nice.

4.1.2 Credential Verifiability
Contains typo with redundant words “is a”:
Eunice…..Her government issued identity certificate is a is 
acceptable, as…

And also IMO best to add hyphen for the compound adjective 
“government-issued”, so correct sentence to:

“Her government-issued identity certificate is acceptable, as…”

4.3.3 Pseudo-Anonymity
“...encourages free discussion about issues controversial in Freedonia.”

IMO this example treads a fine line and does it well: makes it clear 
what the mechanism will be without presenting a high-stress (or 
otherwise potentially frightening) scenario. Good job in a tricky 
situation!   :-)

Steven Rowat

Received on Tuesday, 8 March 2016 04:20:59 UTC