Re: xAPI Badges integration(Including references to badge assertions in Experience API activity streams)

On 02/04/2015 04:51 PM, Nate Otto wrote:
> Friends and Badgers, (CC: Credentials Community Group)
> Andrew Downes, Jason Lewis, Ryan Smith and a few others have been doing
> some good work on defining how it might be possible to transport badges
> within xAPI "activity streams." (These streams are essentially
> collections of statements like "<entity> <verbed> <object>", or in this
> case, "Nate earned Badge #5"

That sounds just like RDF. JSON-LD is an RDF syntax; if you want
"triples" like "<subject> <predicate> <object>" then you simply use the
JSON-LD toRDF API to convert any JSON-LD to that format. Also, the
Social Web Working Group at W3C is working on Activity Streams and they
use JSON-LD. It seems there may be some reinventing of existing or
ongoing standards work at W3C going on here.

Dave Longley
Digital Bazaar, Inc.

Received on Wednesday, 4 February 2015 23:08:36 UTC