Credentials CG Telecon Minutes for 2014-09-16

Thanks to Mary Bold for scribing this week! The minutes
for this week's Credentials CG telecon are now available:

Full text of the discussion follows for W3C archival purposes.
Audio from the meeting is available as well (link provided below).

Credentials Community Group Telecon Minutes for 2014-09-16

  1. Introduction to Pat Adler, US Federal Reserve
  2. W3C TPAC Preparation
  3. Mark as Liason to IMS Global and PESC
  4. Charter Vote Result
  5. Web Payments Use Case Review
  Manu Sporny
  Mary Bold
  Mary Bold, Manu Sporny, Evgeny Vinogradov, David I. Lehn, Pat 
  Adler, Tim Holborn, Chris McAvoy, Dave Longley

Mary Bold is scribing.
Meeting convened at top of hour by Manu Sporny.
Manu introduced the scribing process to the group. With this 
  meeting, rotating scribes will follow the schedule in the 
  announcement. Transcript errors can be corrected after the call.
Manu Sporny:  We will wait until 5 after the hour and then get 
Manu Sporny:  Evgeny, are you going to be able to come to TPAC in 
  the U.S.
Evgeny Vinogradov:  Unsure.
Manu Sporny:  Let's go ahead and get started. Our agenda is 
  linked on screen. We need to discuss Mark Leuba's offer to 
  liaison to higher ed standards groups.
Manu Sporny:  Agenda items-- are there any other requests for the 
David I. Lehn:  None.

Topic: Introduction to Pat Adler, US Federal Reserve

Manu Sporny:  Pat, would you give a quick self-intro?
Pat Adler:  US Federal Reserve. We have a lot of interest in this 
  work. As an organization, we are going through the formalities of 
  joining the W3C. Until that time, my comments should be taken as 
  not speaking for the Federal Reserve. At this point, I am 
  speaking only as myself.
Manu Sporny:  Is your background more technical or policy? What 
  is your hope to get out of the work here?
Pat Adler:  Right now my role is chief architect for FedLine so I 
  am very technical. My work is also policy. Not just domestically 
  but globally there is a deep desire to make credentials and 
  identity more inter-operable and portable. For a number of years, 
  work in identity, lots of experience with multi-factor 
Manu Sporny:  To ground my hope and speaking from a personal 
  standards-setting role perspective, to create exactly what you 
  outline: portable identity, portable credentials that are adopted 
  by organizations like the US Federal Reserve, banks, and 
  financial institutions.
Manu Sporny:  We're in line in what we hope to accomplish.
Manu Sporny:  Other comments about Pat's or my comments?
Tim Holborn:  I think all of us here are on the same page wrt. 

Topic: W3C TPAC Preparation

Manu Sporny:
Manu Sporny:  W3C TPAC preparation: the link to TPAC registration 
  form is on screen.
Manu Sporny:  We are hoping to have the Web Payments group 
  approved, with expectation of approval but not known until 
  mid-October. We are seeing a lot of support.
Manu Sporny:  On the Monday and Tuesday of W3C TPAC, will be 
  meetings of the Web Payments group. Monday & Tuesday, 11-3, hours 
  for "ad hoc" meetings. Presumably, that's when CCG can meet.
Manu Sporny:  In the Web Payments group, there will be break-out 
  discussions for government, education.
Manu Sporny:  If you are attending TPAC, definitely plan for 
  Monday and Tuesday. If you can attend Wednesday, that's for 
  larger meeetings and the Gala.
Manu Sporny:  Between now and end Oct, we need to think about 
  what topics need to be addressed, e.g., we think identity is not 
  an optional thing on the web, education and government identity 
  are a part of this, topic is broader than just financial 
Manu Sporny:  Register via the link. Non-members can attend but 
  must be "cleared" by W3C to attend. Let me know if you want to go 
  and I'll connect with the people to get you into the meetings.
Manu Sporny:  Stephane Boyera and Karen Myers are the contacts 
  that we can communicate with to have you vetted as an invited 
Manu Sporny:   Other q's on TPAC?

Topic: Mark as Liason to IMS Global and PESC

Manu Sporny:
Manu Sporny:  Mark Leuba has been on the call before but is not 
  present today. He would like to be the liaison to IMS and PESC. 
  Standards bodies for learning, education. IMS interest is 
  identity. PESC, I don't have knowledge of. Mark has history with 
  both organizations. We have talked with IMS and they are 
  interested in the work.
Manu Sporny:  Comments?
Chris McAvoy:  I don't have a problem with Mark (lots of 
  experience) but I am interested in talking with him. Can we have 
  a special session to discuss how we are going to position this to 
  the IMS?
Manu Sporny:  You have Mark's email address. It would be good to 
  pull in Bill Gebert from ETS and Mary or Eric from Accreditrust. 
  There's no reason we cannot have more than one liaison, if you'd 
  like a liaison from Badge Alliance of OBI.
Manu Sporny:  Maybe we should set aside time in next call to 
  discuss these matters.
Chris McAvoy:  Yes.
Manu Sporny:  We'll carve out time on the next call.
Tim Holborn:  Seeking higher ed subject matter experts
Manu Sporny:  We are heavy on the Western regions. Would help to 
  have someone from Australia / Asia-Pacific, for example.
Tim Holborn:  Sub-committee for education?
Manu Sporny:  My concern is that we might duplicate work of Badge 
  Alliance. Chris may have opinion. We'll trying to keep the work 
  tightly on technical here.
Chris McAvoy:  I agree. I don't want to say that we should talk 
  about that stuff only in Badge Alliance groups.
Chris McAvoy:  IMS is the 800lb. gorilla in the room in terms of 
  education standards. They will be involved at some point.
Manu Sporny:  Tim, you should definitely reach out to involve 
  more people.
Tim Holborn:  I need to reach out and identify someone for the 
  education space. Work out some connections with universities. I 
  am not ready to nominate someone at this point.
Tim Holborn:  Badge Alliance, I am aware of.
Manu Sporny:  If nothing else on this topic, we'll pick  it up 
  next week.

Topic: Charter Vote Result

Manu Sporny:
Manu Sporny:  Result of charter vote: 2-week open vote, results 
  are visible on the linked  page.  Great turn-out from this small 
  group, with unanimous approval. Anyone can object to the charter 
  at any point and call for a vote to update or change the charter 
  at any time.
Manu Sporny:  Anyone can call for changes; having a current 
  charter does not mean it is set in stone. I believe Tim already 
  has a set of changes or additions. Proposed on the mailing list 
  and then we will schedule discussion and another vote.
Tim Holborn:  Shared google-doc? Or some other collaborative doc?
Manu Sporny:  The doc you have, it's difficult for me to pick out 
  the changes; there does not appear to be track-changing.
Manu Sporny:  Might be easier for people to indicate "please 
  change this..." and then re-send to the group?
Manu Sporny:  I don't know if it should be a collaborative doc?
Tim Holborn:  Taking it offline; will come up with something that 
  will work. Thank you.
Manu Sporny:  Thanks, Tim. Any comments about the charter vote?  
  Other comments?

Topic: Web Payments Use Case Review

Manu Sporny:
Manu Sporny:  Last week, we began use case reviews and got about 
  half-way through. (Link on screen.)
Manu Sporny:  The last use case was pair
Manu Sporny: Last time we ended at this - Use Case: A payer 
  executes a transaction without revealing secrets that are not 
  vital to the transaction (e.g. identity, passwords, PINs or other 
  information that the merchant does not need to know).
Manu Sporny:  This is just a pass to go over the use cases and 
  design criteria. We will return to discuss in detail.
Manu Sporny:  At high level, are they manageable and useful?
Tim Holborn:  I have made comments, have you been able to see 
Manu Sporny:  Yes, if we get through these today, we'll pick them 
Manu Sporny:  These use cases came from the Web Payments CG and 
  have already been through 2 reviews since May.
Manu Sporny:  Took a long time but they are better because of the 
Manu Sporny: Design Criteria: Consider using existing, widely 
  deployed identity provider mechanisms (e.g. Facebook Connect, 
  OpenID Connect, G+ Sign-In, etc.) to integrate with the digital 
  credentials sharing and payments initiation process. Only invent 
  a new mechanism if the current identity provider mechanisms do 
  not provide the functionality necessary to achieve the use cases 
  promoted by the group.
Manu Sporny:  A use case is something you want to be able to do. 
  Design criteria are we want to be consider...
Manu Sporny:  Design Criteria - if we really care about customer 
  privacy, using OpenID Connect is problematic because tracking is 
Manu Sporny:  Questions or concerns about what this Design 
  Criteria means?
Manu Sporny:  Identity credential we have now covers reading and 
Manu Sporny:  There's only so much privacy possible bc of the 
  digital signature on it.
Manu Sporny:  We havent' come up with a set of best pracitices.
Tim Holborn:  Is there a mechanism for providing a badge?
Manu Sporny:  Badge and credential are interoperable in 
Dave Longley:  Badge is sub-set of a credential.
Manu Sporny:  Data rights of these cases. We should have some 
  mechanism to create data rights.
Tim Holborn:  Like Creative Commons, identify one data rights 
  mechanism from another. If not part of the decision-making 
  process of how a person decides to use their credentials.
Manu Sporny:  This design credential alludes to the possibility 
  of another, which is a new way of logging in on the Web.
Manu Sporny:  Log-in tokens: go to Web site and show govt-issued 
  credential to get access rights to a Web site. That's an open 
  question. The design criteria assumes that we could spawn a new 
  log-in mechanism for the Web that would be privacy protecting.
Tim Holborn:  We need to pay attention to data rights - the 
  ability to describe when mechanism the person is using. Facebook 
  Connect or OpenID -- is part of that specification  -- how that 
  credential is going to be used? Do you get what I'm coming from?
Manu Sporny:  There are 3 separable things here: 1) data rights, 
  2) how credentials are used with legacy systems, and 3) is there 
  a way to use credentials for log-in? 3 separate questions.
Tim Holborn:  Web ID isn't in that list, it probably should be.

USE CASE: Transact with a merchant without revealing any 
  identifying information. Identifying information is available to 
  the payment processor.

Manu Sporny:  Anything else about this particular design criteria 
  before moving on?
Manu Sporny:  Use case - interact with merchant - 
  pseudo-anonymous transaction wrt. merchant, but known identity 
  wrt. payment processor..
Tim Holborn:  Does the transaction include receipt?
Manu Sporny:  Yes, and that could lead to an accidental violation 
  of privacy, for example if name in URL is visible.
Manu Sporny:  Anonymous purchase - candy bar or magazine or under 
  $10K purchase, benign, you should be able to communicate with the 
  merchant in an anonymous way.
Tim Holborn:  Separate use case for 5-cent?
Manu Sporny:  Falls more into the Web Payments. Do you think 
  there's a case of micro-payments that needs attention for 
  credentials in this group?
Tim Holborn:  Yes, how credentials might be commercialized. 
  Transaction of 5-cents, such as a contribution to a Web site.
Tim Holborn:  You would have to declare who you are. Are you able 
  to give them that money?
Manu Sporny:  You can be anonymous with merchant but the payment 
  processor knows your identity.
Tim Holborn:  When is it possible to do fully anonymous 
Manu Sporny:  Depends on the country.
Manu Sporny:  Pseudo-anonymous transactions every day in 
  convenience stores.
Pat Adler:  Question - kinds of transactions that require 
  credentials sent  to the merchant? These are all aspects of the 
  transaction. Some transactions require lots of identity 
  information, others none.
Pat Adler:  Identity belongs to the consumer; some instances the 
  identity belongs to the corporation asserting the validity of 
  that identity.
Manu Sporny:  Technologies we have right now allow that to 
Manu Sporny:  In other cases, you shouldn't have to give any of 
  it over to the merchant if you don't want to. The choice is with 
  the consumer (or the entity that holds the identity credentials, 
  which is often the entity that the credential is about).
Dave Longley:  The technology is built for minimum amount of 
  information, then decide to give more.
Pat Adler:  Are there ways of maintaining my identity ... not 
  rely on those credential providers?
Manu Sporny:  All of the technologies we're creating here are 
  completely consumer-focused. The entity with final say is the 
  person whose identity is being expressed.
Tim Holborn: FYI:
Manu Sporny:  Govt-issued passport; you keep that in your 
  personal store; you decide how to share with a merchant or third 
Manu Sporny:  Assure this is like your wallet. You decide where 
  to store it and who to give it to.
Tim Holborn:
Tim Holborn:  Links posted.
Manu Sporny:  We're trying to create a lot of consumer choice. 
  Today online, the corporation knows where you are logging into 
  and then bundles that information and sells it.
Manu Sporny:  Pat, does this make sense?
Pat Adler:  Yes, I was hoping that was what your answer was going 
  to be. Even in the corporate world, transport across 
  organizations is problematic, a dynamic that might be down the 
  road for this. Pluggable, transportable identity.
Tim Holborn:  Everyone has the right to identity. ... accessible 
  by Web applications from a storage location... at the core of it. 
  Depending on how you want to interact... different relationships 
  with different entities. I hope that helps.
Pat Adler:  Yes, and the links are helpful.

USE CASE: Enable truly anonymous transactions such that the 
  identity of the payee is not discoverable by payees, merchants, 
  or payment processors.

Manu Sporny:  Next use case is one that we decided in Web 
  Payments Group not to put into Version 1.
Tim Holborn: Right to identity + persona…  persona (psuedo anon) 
  and ID (declared, etc.)
Manu Sporny:  Basically, untraceable cash online. Rejected this 
  use case bc not technically feasible. Runs afoul of regulatory.
Manu Sporny:  True anonymity online -- for the credentials case, 
  we support a certain amount of anonymity. Last week, discussed we 
  need to be careful about "true anonymity" and "pseudo anon."
Manu Sporny:  Cannot say we support true anonymity. Best we can 
  say is we support pseudo-anonymity.
Dave Longley:  We just support varying degrees of pseudo-anon
Manu Sporny:  We'll come back to it -- Dave Longley's statement 
  of supporting varying levels.

USE CASE: Jack (payer) wants to send Jill (payee) some money and 
  asks Jill for a short, memorable payment identifier. Jill sends 
  the payment identifier to Jack via an SMS message. Jack makes a 
  payment using the short payment identifier; the payment processor 
  translates the short payment identifier into a destination 
  financial account for Jill.

Manu Sporny: For example, Jill could SMS text Jack the following 
  message: Send $5 to ~JillJackson
Manu Sporny:  Jack could put that into his payment client and 
  "JillJackson" would be expanded to an identier.
Manu Sporny:  Ripple Labs brought up this use case -- another use 
  case, next in the list, concerns this.
Manu Sporny:  Requires a new protocol for short identifiers. 
  Should this be a Version 2 feature?
Manu Sporny:  If we create this short payment identifier 
  expansion mechanism...
Tim Holborn: About http?
Manu Sporny:  No, about a new identifier on the Web for mapping 
  to a new URI, potentially with a decentralized-hash-table 
Evgeny Vinogradov:  Version 1 can consider credential
Manu Sporny:  Yes, Version 1 on basic identifiers. Version 2 can 
  say, we can shorten those identifiers.
Manu Sporny:  We're out of time
Evgeny Vinogradov:  The SMS message, distinction is you're 
  creating a short identifier from a long one. We need the long 
  identifiers first, then we can choose how to shorten them later.
Manu Sporny:  We need to discuss this more deeping to decide if 
  we want to tackle this in the Version 1 work.
Manu Sporny:  Needs to be generalized if any traction at W3C.
Manu Sporny:  We are out of time. Same call, next week. Anything 
  we should be aware of before the call next week?
Pat Adler:  Best way to send feedback on the use cases?
Manu Sporny: Mailing list is best. There is a "respond to this 
  message" link at the bottom of mailing list messages -
Manu Sporny:
Tim Holborn: Join up here:
Manu Sporny:  These are Tim's use cases. Do you mean the wiki use 
Manu Sporny:  Mailing list is the best place. "Mail options" link 
  will open your email client. You have to be in the community 
  group before you can respond.
Manu Sporny:  Thanks, everyone.

Received on Tuesday, 16 September 2014 17:05:29 UTC