Re: typo: many -> may

On Thu, Oct 20, 2011 at 9:20 AM, <> wrote:

> Name: Bruce Bailey
> Email:
> Affiliation: U.S. Access Board
> Document: UW
> Item Number: Understanding Conformance
> Part of Item: Examples
> Comment Type: editorial
> Summary of Issue: typo:  many -> may
> Comment (Including rationale for any proposed change):
> Not fixed in Editors Draft.
> “many not” should be “may not”
> Third (sub) bullet of second bulleted item in list.
> Proposed Change:
> The company many not legally be able to remove
> should be:
> The company may not legally be able to remove
> ================================
Response from the Working Group
Thank you for catching this. We have edited the document as you suggested.

Loretta Guarino Reid, WCAG WG Co-Chair
Gregg Vanderheiden, WCAG WG Co-Chair
Michael Cooper, WCAG WG Staff Contact

On behalf of the WCAG Working Group

Received on Monday, 28 November 2011 19:58:35 UTC