- From: Sailesh Panchang <sailesh.panchang@deque.com>
- Date: Tue, 27 Jan 2009 15:58:45 -0500
- To: <public-comments-wcag20@w3.org>
H81: Identifying the purpose of a link in a nested list using link text combined with the parent list item under which the list is nested Thank you for taking note of my input and adding a user agent note to H81. (Ref: your email dated Oct 3, 2008) So in reality H81 is not a sufficient technique today. If the parent item is marked up as a heading, the context of the link can be queried without losing focus. In other words apply H80 to it. So please consider modifying the technique to: H81: Identifying the purpose of a link in a nested list with reference to the parent list item marked up as a header. An h3 or h4 tag should be added to the parent items in the examples. Thanks, Sailesh Panchang Accessibility Services Manager (Web and Software) Deque Systems Inc. (www.deque.com) 11130 Sunrise Valley Drive, Suite #140, Reston VA 20191 Phone: 703-225-0380 (ext 105) E-mail: sailesh.panchang@deque.com
Received on Tuesday, 27 January 2009 20:55:49 UTC