Does HTML using pt or px meet this with today\'s user agents?

Name: Cynthia Shelly
Affiliation: Microsoft
Document: W2
Item Number: Success Criterion 1.4.4
Part of Item: 
Comment Type: technical
Summary of Issue: Does HTML using pt or px meet this with today\'s user agents?
Comment (Including rationale for any proposed change):
Since you can zoom in Internet Explorer 7 and Opera, and since FireFox allows resizing of pt and px fonts, can we consider HTML resizable?  If so, we need techniques for pt and px fonts to ensure that there isn\'t truncation or overlap when fonts resize.  

Proposed Change:
1) Add techniques for preventing truncation and overlap when using pt and px fonts. 

2) Add user agent notes about zoom vs. font-size in IE.

3) Add techniques about not using images of text 

4) Add something (not sure where, maybe in understanding, maybe techniques) about technologies that don\'t support resizing.  One of the questions we seem to get a lot is why we need this SC if all text is resizable works in HTML.

5) Consider adding a minimum font size for text rendered in an image or other technology that doesn\'t support resizing.

Received on Friday, 29 June 2007 02:48:22 UTC