disagree LC-963 [was: Re: Your comments on WCAG 2.0 Last Call Draft ...]

At 4:26 PM -0700 17 05 2007, Loretta Guarino Reid wrote:

>Comment 7:
>Source: http://www.w3.org/mid/p06110403c0bf326d6713@[]
>(Issue ID: LC-963)
>This success criterion delivers less in the user experience than UAAG
>1.0, checkpoint 3.1. UAAG makes this subject to user profiling.
>Single-switch users, for example, rely on context changes that are
>animated by the system, not triggered one by one by the user.
>Low-vision users will come down on different sides of this question
>depending on how much of the content they can see at once and how much
>of the session structure they can hold in their head.
>Proposed Change:
>Make equivalent facilitation (now 4.2) a principle. Include user
>configuration of the user experience under one of the forms of
>alternative recognized. State user experience requirements separately;
>define these by reference to UAAG 1.0. State data-on-the-wire
>requrements separately.  These have two options:
>turnkey format -- player meets UAAG requirements directly.
>open format -- format populates machinable content model (c.f.
>rewritten 4.1) with information and actions that let UA manage and
>provide this capability.
>Response from Working Group:
>Determining equivalent facilitation at this granularity so that it is
>testable is beyond the scope of  WCAG 2. User agents and assistive
>technology may present alternative renderings of the content tailored
>for the user, but the author should present a base set of behaviors in
>which changes of context are initiated only by user request.


The user should have this behavior available.  The author should not
be asked to make it the default.  WCAG should defer to UAAG for this

This rule is as backward-looking today as was the request to make
all web pages work with scripts turned off in 1999.  Let's not make
that sort of mistake again.

The user's requirement is that the system behavior be something that
the user would expect.  There will be lots of automated tours emerging
as the Web and TV experiences merge.  Expecting a pure-pull navigation
"balance of mixed initiative" as the authored behavior is not reasonable
in this emerging Web.


Received on Monday, 9 July 2007 17:41:54 UTC