almost agree LC-974 [was: Re: Your comments on WCAG 2.0 Last Call Draft ...]

At 4:27 PM -0700 17 05 2007, Loretta Guarino Reid wrote:
>Comment 14:
>(Issue ID: LC-974)
>Navigation is a User Agent function enabled by structure in the
>content.  This is not a content guideline, but a user experience
>requirement handled in the User Agent.
>Proposed Change:
>Replace with a narrower provision that says "navigation paths defined
>in the content encoding correspond to the logical order information
>which is the subject of 1.3.3"
>Response from Working Group:
>Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We have added the
>following definition for the term "sequentially navigated":
>navigated sequentially
>   navigated in the order defined for advancing focus from one element
>to the next with the keyboard.
>We have also added the following explanation to the Intent Section 
>of SC 2.4.6:
>The way that sequential navigation order is determined in Web content
>is defined by the technology of the content. For example, simple HTML
>defines sequential navigation via the notion of tabbing order. Dynamic
>HTML may modify the navigation sequence using scripting along with the
>addition of a tabindex attribute to allow focus to additional
>elements. In this case, the navigation should follow relationships and
>sequences in the content. If no scripting or tabindex attributes are
>used, the navigation order is the order that components appear in the
>content stream. (See HTML 4.01 Specification, section 17.11, "Giving
>focus to an element").

This is better, but the problem is that we need a stronger requirement.

The content doesn't necessarily define a linear tour for the focus.

Even if the content doesn't define a sequential tour, we need a
covering tour, a tour that gets you around to the vicinity of all the
content. This may contain branches where the user has to choose.

There needs to be a tree of chunks of content, labeled suitably for
orienting the user to "what is there."

The content should further be asked to define a tour of labeled
starting points in the content that makes all content something that
the user would expect from the labels at the starting points.

This is not necessary sequential; it may be piecewise sequential with
branchpoints that function as menus. and also a hierarchical
structure of sections useful in explaining "what is there."

The order and nesting may be implicit if it is the textual order in
the transmitted file format and the labeling and nesting are as
defined in the specification of that format.

Where possible, this implicit ordering is preferred.  But yes, it must
make sense in that order.


Received on Monday, 9 July 2007 18:03:38 UTC