Comment LC-1117

Comment 90:

(Issue ID: LC-1117)

Situation A - If a mandatory field contains no information: also add "and
provides an example of a correct answer"

Proposed Change:

For example, incorrectly filled out fields have a message that says "This
field has been filled out incorrectly. Please enter your age, for example
"18" "

Response from Working Group:

The Working Group does not feel that requiring examples of mandatory
fields is required in all situations.    For example, an example for a
required first or last name field is generally not necessary. Likewise,
there is no description needed for a drop down selection. However, we have
added a note that some of the situations may be combined.

Note: In some cases, more than one of these situations may apply. For
example, when a mandatory field also requires the data to be in a specific
Response from GSW:
Thank you for addressing my comment.

Received on Friday, 6 July 2007 13:48:43 UTC