Comment LC-1118

Comment 91:

(Issue ID: LC-1118)

Examples: The two examples should be moved to Advisory Techniques

Response from Working Group:

The working group believes that these examples are just specific instances
of some of the already listed future advisory techniques. There are many
ways of meeting this success criterion and we don't want to give undue
weight to particular instances by providing advisory techniques about some
methods and not others.

The example titled "Additional Help for Correcting An Input Error" would be
covered in the "Displaying errors and suggestions in the context of the
original form (for example, re-displaying a form where input errors and
suggestions for correction are highlighted and displayed in the context of
the original form)" technique.

The example about correcting the input of months would be covered in the
technique titled, "Providing a text message that contains information about
the number of input errors, suggestions for corrections for each item, and
instructions on how to proceed".
Response from GSW:
Can you please remind me as to which SC this refers to?

Received on Friday, 6 July 2007 13:47:09 UTC