Comment LC-1116

Comment 89:

(Issue ID: LC-1116)

Examples: The example implies that this SC requires that correctly filled
out fields are kept available after reload - is this what this SC requires?

Proposed Change:

Clarify the SC

Response from Working Group:

You are right that the success criteria doesn't require all correctly filled
out fields to be kept available after reload. We don't believe we can
require this at Level A, however, as there may be valid reasons, such as
security and privacy, for not doing this. We have modified the example to
use an alert instead of a page reload. If authors use this technique, a good
benefit is that the user's original entries will be preserved even though
the success criterion doesn't require it.
Response from GSW:
Does this alert require client-side scripting and if so, should WCAG2 be
requiring the use of a particular technology? Is it possible to say "keep
fields after reload unless information has security or privacy requirements
and instead then provide an alert"? If you can remind me of which SC this
refers to I can comment more accurately.

Received on Friday, 6 July 2007 13:51:37 UTC