WCAG 2.0 comments: Issue 496

Hello Greg,

Thank you for your comments on WCAG 2.0 [1].  This email shows how the WCAG 
WG has attempted to address one of your concerns.  We will send a separate 
email for each of the issues you raised. Please let us know if we have 
adequately addressed your issues.

Issue 496 [2]

Greg Gay writes:

3.4 An extreme change can be identified after the change has occurred,
such as a "close new window" link as the first feature of a popup
window, or presenting a feedback message after server side redirecting a
user from the content editing screen to the content display screen when
editing is completed (feedback like "content was successfully updated"
see guideline 2.5 above).

guideline should read "..., but not necessarily identical".

This guideline was significantly rewritten in the March 11, 2004 Working 
Draft [3].  However, the draft does not include anything about success 
feedback. It is not clear whether the recommendation to include this 
feedback is something for the guidelines or techniques.  If you feel this 
should be included as a success criteria, please propose an edit to the 
latest draft.

Thank you,

[2] http://trace.wisc.edu/bugzilla_wcag/show_bug.cgi?id=496
[3] http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/#consistent-behavior

-- wendy a chisholm
world wide web consortium
web accessibility initiative

Received on Friday, 16 April 2004 13:51:46 UTC