- From: Greg Gay <g.gay@utoronto.ca>
- Date: Tue, 02 Sep 2003 08:15:11 -0400
- To: public-comments-wcag20@w3.org
As an accessibility auditor, and as a learning disabilities specialist here's my take on WCAG 2.0. My overall sense it that it is missing something. Since most of our work focuses on reviewing the accessibility of HTML content, I would guess that Techniques or HTML Accessibility will help clarify the general guidelines presented in WCAG2. Others have expressed this in other post, so I'll try to stay focused on how these guidelines affect evaluation, and affect people with specific cognitive disabilities. I would also suggest synchronizing WCAG guidelines with components of the IMS ACCLIP specifications. ACCLIP http://www.imsproject.org/accessibility/acclipv1p0/imsacclip_infov1p0.html Perceivable 1.1 Include an example of a non-meaningful non-text element with an NULL text equivalent used to force AT to ignore the element (empty Alt text specifically). A spacer can be "expressed in words" but should not be, otherwise it interferes with comprehension of the meaningful content on the screen, particularly for those with cognitive disabilities. (see proposed "reduce clutter" guideline in "Understandable") 1.3 Are tables used for layout (i.e. to structure content) a violation of this guideline? Evaluation: Enforcing non-table layouts is not possible at this time for any more than Web sites with simple presentations. Clients will often respond to minimizing the use of layout tables, but not to removing them completely. This will likely change as browsers become more consistent in the support of CSS layout properties. Minimal table layouts pose no accessibility barriers for relatively current assistive technologies. 1.4 I had a hard time understanding what this guideline was talking about. Needs more examples. Are the use of 8859 and windows charsets etc. still legal, under the assumption that these charsets can be mapped backed to unicode (utf-8/16)? Does this mean a developer must provide a utility that will convert other charsets to unicode? Need more explanation of "mapped back to Unicode". Should Best Practice 1 for Checkpoint 1.4 be included with guideline 3.2 instead? 1.5 Association between table headers and data cells in many cases is a necessary feature of tables for comprehension by blind users (I'm assuming this guideline fits here). Limited short term memory otherwise makes it difficult to mentally make header to data cell associations beyond the first few rows of a large data table. This should probably be a Core requirement, retaining its P1 designation from WCAG 1.0. Form labels are less critical provided they are position next to a form field, so they could probably remain an extended guideline. 1.6 While contrast can usually be assessed through subjective experience, how will it be objectively measured if for instance foreground and background contrast levels are questionable. Operable 2.1 [Exception: onclick, in reality, has become a device independent event handler, normalized through broad adoption by Web browser and AT developers]. 2.4 50,000 words is a lot of words. Any single screen over a few hundred words could provide a means to navigate among the major sections of the page, if they exist, and aid comprehension by providing an overview of the page and quick navigation to specific points in a page (anchors before primary headings and a linked table of contents at the top of the document). Take the WCAG 2.0 document itself. It contains less than 14000 words. One of the other commenters suggests that the common table of contents anchor links that are found at the top of many long document interferes with effective navigation through a page because this can be done more effectivley by listing the headings on the page. But, from a cognitive perspective, a table of contents at the top of a long document can be an invaluable tool for learners with learning disabilities. I myself find them quite useful for providing a quick summary of a page without having to scroll through the page and keep headings in mind as I move through multiple screen fulls of content. In this instance I would suggest that the table of contents be a feature for page that include more than 5 subsections and 5000 words, and be optional as per the ACCLIP useTableOfContents preference. A screen reader user can benefit from having TOC turned off, while an LD user can benefit from having them turned on. Site navigation mechanism: what are "dynamic fisheye views"? Is it a TOC? 2.5 Required criteria for this guideline applies to success feedback as well as error feedback. When a screen reader user for instance, submits a form that performs a particular action, they will often want to verify that the operation was successful. Without success feedback it can be very time consuming to make this verification. "2. after a successful operation , provide the user with confirmation feedback". Success feedback might have its own guideline (2.6, though it might fit as 3.4 (3c)) since it is fundamentally different from error feedback, and error recovery. However, both error and success feedback could be consider "graceful recovery". We distinguish between error, warning, and success feedback in ATutor. Error messages state the problem that occurred and provide courses of action. Warnings state that a possible error has occurred and provide a means to revert to a previous state our take an alternative course of action. Success feedback provides simple confirmation (in most cases) ATutor Instructor Demo (see the feedback system as an instructor by performing various tasks such as creating, updating, or deleting content, modifying preferences, posting announcements....) http://www.atutor.ca/atutor/demo.php See "Learning from Your Mistakes" for more about fundamental cognitive differences between error and success feedback http://www.ldrc.ca/projects/projects.php?id=23 Understandable 3.2 Best Practice for Checkpoint 3.2 #2.b is not related to the guideline itself? How is a summary related to unambiguous presentation of abbreviations or acronyms. Nor do some of the definitions or benefits listed with this guideline seem relevant. A separate guideline is needed to outline the need for summary or context information such as table summaries, frame titles, list priming, ... 3.3 Evaluation: While I agree with all the points listed under Required Criteria from a learning disabilities perspective, evaluating the familiarity of terms and language structure, length and complexity, and coherence of paragraphs (1.abc) in many cases would not be possible without undue expense. While we evaluate technical compliance and practical usability in our accessibility assessments, in many cases it would not be realistic for us to review the integrity of the content itself. That would, in most cases, involve analyzing a significant amount of information, and would increase the assessment effort (and cost) excessively. Copy editors do this kind of work, and content reviewing represents an expertise on its own that can't be expected of an accessibility evaluator. Other reasons for not including language as a criteria for accessibility also come to mind: how to create an objective measure for automated evaluation utilities; at what point does a site fail this guideline; how might language usage requirements vary depending on the context or intended audience, and how would you measure that ... There's too much subjectivity. Measures of word and sentence length provide only a very rough estimate of language complexity. Word frequency stats would also need to be assessed to determine the complexity of language. This requirement might distinguish between language used in content or information and language used in the interface or application itself, the latter of which can reasonably be evaluated in most cases. In example 5, linking to a sound clip is providing an alternative format rather than providing a simpler form. A distinction needs to be made between simpler forms and alternative forms (i.e. Multi-modal presentations). As suggested in the Note in the Benefits section, providing a picture to supplement text information, suggests that an alternative format does not necessarily represent a simpler form. 3.4 An extreme change can be identified after the change has occurred, such as a "close new window" link as the first feature of a popup window, or presenting a feedback message after server side redirecting a user from the content editing screen to the content display screen when editing is completed (feedback like "content was successfully updated" see guideline 2.5 above). guideline should read "..., but not necessarily identical". Robust: 4.1 Does this include nonW3C technologies: Javascript, Active X, Flash,... used according to specification? Can developers use these technologies if they are designed with accessibility features. How would an evaluator determine if Javascript or perhaps Flash has been used to specification? Whose specification for Javascript. I also would imagine Javascript can be used to specification, but be innaccessible. In combination with the "device independence" guideline, this might work. (1c) Could be interpreted as "all" or "one of the" accessibility features have been used. Using enhanced features like accesskeys, explicit form labels where adjacent implicit labels are sufficient, and table summaries are not otherwise required for CORE compliance (ala WCAG 1.0 P3 items). Which accessibility features need to be used? Best practices "Benefits of Checkpoint 4.1" does not seem to apply to issues of specification validation. How does providing a search engine relate to using technologies according to specification. Scenario for testing Guideline 4.1 A developer creates a Flash MX presentation that makes use of all the accessibility features that are available. While the Flash presentation is accessible to JAWS 4.5 and Windoweyes 4.2, it remains inaccessible to all other assistive technology users. Is this Flash presentation WCAG 2 compliant? Given the majority of screen reader users are likely to be using pre 4.0 versions of these technologies, the Flash MX presentation will not be accessible to them. How has the "until user agents support..." problem in WCAG 1 been dealt with? Are there limitations on support for older technologies when newer versions of these same technologies are available that do support newer accessibility features? There needs to be some agreement on limitations to supporting older technologies. Do developers still have to support IE 3, or Netscape 3 (or Netscape 4 for that matter) given the percentage of users still using these technologies in miniscule, and likely nonexistent for users who require accessibility support? 4.2 Need a quantitative definition for "widely available". Widely available technologies in English is not likely the same as widely available in Farsi, for example. "Easily available" might be a better choice of words. 4.3 Keep this guideline but reword "versions" to "representations of the content", to suggest presenting the same content in different ways rather than presenting multiple copies. This guideline should be retained to discourage the creation of alternative versions (such as a text only site) when the original itself could be made accessible. Text only sites should be a transformation of the original content (such as wrapping an accessible header/footer around the same content that appears in another less accessible header/footer)? Two versions of the same content should still be discouraged, but transformations of the same content should not. New Guideline Suggested for Section 3 Understandable 3.5 [EXTENDED] Minimize the use of repetitive and non-meaningful content. A guideline is needed to encourage reducing information overload for screen reader users, and users with cognitive disabilities, essentially minimizing, or providing a means to minimize complexity. Within the Understandable guidelines an additional extended guideline should be introduced that requires minimizing the amount of irrelevant or non-meaningful or repetitive information. Such instances might include using an empty Alt attribute to cause AT to ignore meaningless images, using and empty summary attribute for irrelevant layout tables, or using empty Alt for icon links reproduced as alternative text links so links are not announced twice.... Concession for necessary violations: In the previous draft of WCAG2 there was a concession for necessary violations which allowed developers to document these violations as necessary, in many cases for backwards compatibility. For example, we use the Target attribute as a backup access strategy for popup windows controlled by Javascript. If Javascript support is not present, then the new window opens in a window defined in the target attribute. Target is deprecated so this would be a violation of 4.1, but without this violation we are not aware of another strategy that would allow developers to use new windows in a fully accessible manner. I am aware of the arguments against the use of new windows, though I think it is unrealistic to expect developers not to use them. In fact not using them in some instances impedes accessibility from a cognitive perspective. Help windows for instance are often more useful if they are opened alongside the screen they reference so users can read the help information in one windows, and apply the help suggestions in another, rather than trying to flip back and forth between help and its reference in the same window. Another example is the use of EM as a font size measure (as well as a number of other style attributes used within tables), which do not function effectively, or function adversely in Netscape 4. With limitations on the backwards compatibility this may not be an issue, but many clients require their sites to function effectively in Netscape 4, and as such need to be able to violate certain guidelines to do so. There's lots of other instances where violations are likely to be necessary. Developers need to be able to use workarounds that violate guidelines, provided they are necessary and they are documented in an accessibility statement. Greg Gay Adaptive Technogy Resource Centre University of Toronto
Received on Tuesday, 2 September 2003 08:17:47 UTC