from July to September 2014 by subject

[Bug 20860] WebDriver Level 1

[Bug 20975] [WebDriver Spec]: Undefined behaviour for Cookie setting against a Session that has had no Navigation yet

[Bug 23020] The use of "window" to mean "top level browsing context" is confusing.

[Bug 24063] Don't mandate augmenting the the WebDriver interface

[Bug 24133] quit is not documented.

[Bug 24364] Define what the capture area is on takeScreenshot

[Bug 24792] [WebDriver Spec]: "Page load strategies" constants are ambiguous

[Bug 24793] [WebDriver Spec]: "5.2.1 Methods" are more descriptive than normative

[Bug 24988] It might be better to have 'fullscreenWindow' throw 'unsupported operation' if fullscreen is unsupported

[Bug 24994] Remove id parameter for Element state methods.

[Bug 24995] Add additional element state methods

[Bug 25008] Add delete cookie method

[Bug 25010] Rename timeouts method to setTimeout

[Bug 25013] Remove or change misleading Character types

[Bug 25014] Should sendKeys just take a string rather than string[]?

[Bug 25096] Mapping commands to protocol should be protocol-neutral

[Bug 25148] Provide ability to change a mutable capability value "on the fly"

[Bug 25286] Define whether pixel-based operations occur using device pixels or CSS reference pixels

[Bug 25490] [WebDriver Spec]: Section 5.1.1 Constants - Conservative and Normal have the same behaviour

[Bug 25676] getWindowSize doesn't tell that it returns outerWidth/outerHeight

[Bug 25694] 16.2 section isn't needed as it's possible to take screenshot of "html"/"body"

[Bug 26151] [WebDriver Spec]: 2.6 Simplify JSON wire protocol to use one URL

[Bug 26158] JSON serialization of element does not make clear that JSON represents an element

[Bug 26250] [WebDriver Spec]: WebIDL for some WebElement methods missing 'id' param

[Bug 26250] New: [WebDriver Spec]: WebIDL for some WebElement methods missing 'id' param

[Bug 26259] getElementText is absent from the spec

[Bug 26259] New: getElementText is absent from the spec

[Bug 26263] 10 - different sorting order of methods in WebIDL summary and after it

[Bug 26263] New: 10 - different sorting order of methods in WebIDL summary and after it

[Bug 26266] New: Webdriver command batches suggestion

[Bug 26269] 10 - getElementTagName - typo

[Bug 26269] New: 10 - getElementTagName - typo

[Bug 26275] New: Make specification more precise

[Bug 26277] maximizeWindow - typo

[Bug 26277] New: maximizeWindow - typo

[Bug 26278] getElementText - no info about U+200E, U+200F

[Bug 26278] New: getElementText - no info about U+200E, U+200F

[Bug 26282] [WebDriver Spec]: ato to research root element behavior HTML / XML

[Bug 26282] New: [WebDriver Spec]: ato to research root element behavior HTML / XML

[Bug 26283] New: [WebDriver Spec]: JohnJansen minimize window

[Bug 26284] New: Define frame in section 6.1

[Bug 26285] New: Add a note about that you can use extension mechanisms to add location strategies

[Bug 26286] New: Add prefix to JSON URLs

[Bug 26287] New: Describe how we send files across the wire

[Bug 26288] New: Remove id location strategy

[Bug 26288] Remove id location strategy

[Bug 26290] New: element.send_keys needs to talk about implicitly unsetting the modifier keys

[Bug 26291] New: investigate setting up a mechanism to determine which requirements in the spec have tests

[Bug 26292] "pixel" should be changed to "pixels" in most of occurences

[Bug 26292] New: "pixel" should be changed to "pixels" in most of occurences

[Bug 26293] getElementRect - improper formatting

[Bug 26293] New: getElementRect - improper formatting

[Bug 26295] New: Page source not defined

[Bug 26296] New: Fix description of "invalid element state" error

[Bug 26304] Give reason/reference as to why BODY (and HTML) is always considered visible

[Bug 26304] New: Give reason/reference as to why BODY (and HTML) is always considered visible

[Bug 26318] New: Section 4.1 (Creating a Session) references command name but does not specify HTTP endpoint

[Bug 26318] Section 4.1 (Creating a Session) references command name but does not specify HTTP endpoint

[Bug 26367] New: W3c Doctype

[Bug 26367] W3c Doctype

[Bug 26391] New: Proxy support isn't specified

[Bug 26406] New: Security section isn't present

[Bug 26406] Security section isn't present

[Bug 26407] New: Items in "Mapping to HTTP and JSON" section don't contain HTTP methods

[Bug 26408] New: Typos in description of getWindowSize

[Bug 26408] Typos in description of getWindowSize

[Bug 26409] New: Differences between cookie prose and RFC 6265

[Bug 26428] Location interface (section 9.1) uses "strategy" attribute name, which is inconsistent to existing implementations

[Bug 26428] New: Location interface (section 9.1) uses "strategy" attribute name, which is inconsistent to existing implementations

[Bug 26472] New: testing

[Bug 26472] testing

[Bug 26485] New: getWindowHandle does not define which context to operate on

[Bug 26486] New: Close window should define which content is active after window closes

[Bug 26487] New: Element location strategies for link text and partial link text references example

[Bug 26488] High-level sendKeys command ( uses "keysToSend" attribute name, which is inconsistent with existing implementations

[Bug 26488] New: High-level sendKeys command ( uses "keysToSend" attribute name, which is inconsistent with existing implementations

[Bug 26494] New: Missing use cases

[Bug 26495] Missing endpoint for deleting session

[Bug 26495] New: Missing endpoint for deleting session

[Bug 26496] New: Closing a window refers to "quit" which doesn't exist

[Bug 26497] New: Return type "void" is misleading

[Bug 26527] Delete IME-related status codes

[Bug 26527] New: Delete IME-related status codes

[Bug 26528] New: Change of window close endpoint seems unnecessary

[Bug 26529] New: Window commands should not take window_handle

[Bug 26529] Window commands should not take window_handle

[Bug 26586] New: getCookie method in 12.1.2 is declared as HTTP GET, but contains parameter

[Bug 26613] New: POST /session/{id}/timeouts should take an array of timeouts

[Bug 26704] ElementRect uses doubles instead of JSON compatible number type

[Bug 26704] New: ElementRect uses doubles instead of JSON compatible number type

[Bug 26705] CSS Selectors uses now defunct CSS Selectors API reference

[Bug 26705] New: CSS Selectors uses now defunct CSS Selectors API reference

[Bug 26706] New: Ordering of array of web elements returned is undefined

[Bug 26707] New: WindowSize dictionary uses double when it should use number

[Bug 26708] New: Getting window position isn't defined

[Bug 26709] New: Merge getting window size and position to a single endpoint

[Bug 26710] New: Unclear what happens if maximizeWindow maximizes window and is called again

[Bug 26711] New: maximizeWindow inaccurately talks about resizing a window

[Bug 26712] New: maximizeWindow needs an algorithm

[Bug 26743] New: 14.3.3 - Clarify behavior when typing into non-interactable elements

[Bug 26831] <!doctype html>

[Bug 26831] New: <!doctype html>

[Bug 26849] New: Interactable elements displayed except <input type=file>

[Bug 26900] New: [WebDriver Spec]: Timeout persistence is undefined

Aborting navigations

F2F at TPAC, October

getAttribute Wording

Logistics for WebDriver Face to Face in London

Minutes from Browser Testing & Tools F2F, July 7-8

Status indicating intermediary server problems

Test Suite modifications and Action items from the Face to Face

Last message date: Saturday, 27 September 2014 21:24:23 UTC