Re: WebDriver Test Suite


This is something that Tobie and I talked about at great length before,
and, form memory I think it's come up in a f2f before.

I'll add an agenda item for us to discuss (and decide) on the
implementation language for the tests. Until then, I think David's
suggestion is sound: let's get the code up for review so that we can have a
reasoned discussion based on data rather than gut feel and instinct.


On Thu, Jun 26, 2014 at 10:20 PM, John Jansen <>

> Hello everyone,
> I've been working on building tests for the WebDriver spec and am to the
> point where I want to submit a batch (about 40-50 tests). There is an
> issue, though, so I'd like to get your advice.
> I Forked the PYTHON test suite that is up on GitHub [1]. I then converted
> the tests to be JavaScript based instead of PYTHON. I'm using Node and some
> custom code to make it all work.
> I chose to modify the tests because I don't know PYTHON myself, but also
> because I feel like every web developer who will care about the test suite
> will know JavaScript but only some percentage of them will know PYTHON.
> So, I was hoping for some advice: do you think I should put the
> modifications to the test suite I made up on GitHub as a sibling to the
> PYTHON tests so everyone can take a look and we can talk about it at the
> Face-to-Face?
> I could also put it on the Internet Explorer GitHub location if you think
> it's too messy to have them both in the same place.
> -John
> [1]:

Received on Friday, 27 June 2014 09:31:51 UTC