Re: BabelNet 2 Lemon - Guidelines (

Hi Tiziano,
Thanks for sharing this. You may have seen that we raised an issue in 
the LD4LT group on requirement for using linked data in terminology 

I'll cross reference this document there to help inform the debate, and 
hopefully we can examine related requirements in more detail with some 
of the companies at FEISGILTT in Dublin.

Further to the BPMLOD call today, it would be really useful to include 
some sample SPARQL queries in this document, especially if people could 
try them out on the existing SPARQL endpoint you have at:

This would go a long way to helping people who are new to linked data to 
understand the power of the model and of SPARQL. For example something 
that simply returns an entry in another specified language, or returns 
the definition. People building localisation tools are often interested 
in seeing these simple use cases first as these are ones they can easily 
understand and integrate, e.g. the term lookup feature we saw the 
wikipedia translation guide present at MLW in Madrid last week. Only 
then are they likely to look into the full power of linked data and sparql.


On 22/05/2014 09:11, Tiziano Flati (via Google Docs) wrote:
> I've shared an item with you.
> Document 	BabelNet 2 Lemon - Guidelines 
> <> 
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> trust.
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Received on Thursday, 22 May 2014 09:56:11 UTC