ld4lt-ISSUE-4 (terminology): Terminology and linked data

ld4lt-ISSUE-4 (terminology): Terminology and linked data


Raised by: David Lewis
On product: 

Many localisation and terminology management tools use the XML Term based eXchange format (TBX) [1][2] to exchange terminological data. How can this interoperate with lingustic linked data that supports term or phrase translation, e.g. babelnet [2]?

Further TBX resoruces can be found at [3]

[1] http://www.ttt.org/oscarStandards/tbx/tbx_oscar.pdf
[2] http://babelnet.org/
[3] http://www.ttt.org/oscarStandards/tbx/

Received on Tuesday, 20 May 2014 12:52:23 UTC