from August 2015 by subject

"i18n-ISSUE-481: Inconsistent data type for temperatures

[auto-wg] minutes - 25 August 2015

[IG-SP] Review of Security&Privacy Requirements Catalogue

[Minutes] 2015-08-04 Auto WG

APTPOD Visual M2M presentation

F2F Minutes 2015-07-28 & 29

Fwd: [IG-SP] Review of Security&Privacy Requirements Catalogue

Fwd: JLR CAN Firewall project

High Level Use Case Process Overview

i18n-ISSUE-482: Inconsistent data type for levels

i18n-ISSUE-483: Temperature data type for Temperature Interface uses different data types

i18n-ISSUE-484: Use BCP47 instead of ISO 639-1 for identifying languages

i18n-ISSUE-485: Inconsistent use of data type for tilts and pans

i18n-ISSUE-486: Should units of speed vary in the specification

i18n-ISSUE-487: Consider adding a language tag to indicate the language of an error message

REMINDER: W3C Automotive WG Phone Meeting

W3C Automotive WG Phone Meeting

Last message date: Tuesday, 25 August 2015 16:55:32 UTC