German Translation WCAG 2.1 - Disapproval

Dear W3C,


this is a note regarding the proposed German translation of WCAG 2.1 at


We, the undersigning members of the committee "Principles of Accessibility"
of the German standards institute DIN, hereby disapprove the proposed German
translation for the following reasons:


1.	Our input sent to the German translation team on 17th July 2021 was
ignored. It contained about 200 comments included in a translation table
(see attachments).
2.	The German translation only affected the changes from WCAG 2.0 to
WCAG 2.1 while obvious translation problems of the German WCAG 2.0
translation were not touched.
3.	The translation team ignored several opportunities to harmonize the
WCAG 2.1 translation with the German translation of EN 301 549 v3.2.1, and
vise versa. Both documents are strongly related to each other and a
consistent wording would be highly appreciated and most beneficial for the
community. The draft DIN EN 301 549 was out for public comments for 3 month
in summer 2021. It is going to be published in May 2022.  Note: In EN 301
549, the WCAG 2.1 success criteria are incorporated as chapter 9. 



*	The DIN committee on accessibility is responsible for the German
translation of EN 301 549.  Our proposed translation for WCAG 2.1 resulted
from this work.
*	Please find attached our about 200 comments which we provided to the
translation team last year. The only changes in the documents are the
insertion of comment numbers, which we added for better referencing.


Best regards,

*	Klaus-Peter Wegge, Siemens Accessibility Competence Center 
*	Constanze Weiland, Siemens Accessibility Competence Center 
*	Thorsten Katzmann, IBM Germany 
*	Friederike Saxe, DIN
*	Gottfried Zimmermann, Invited Expert of W3C APA



Received on Friday, 29 April 2022 12:18:49 UTC