[Agenda] WG/CG Telecon Thurs Feb 25 9:00 am PST

Here's the agenda for our WG/CG meeting.

Meeting venue https://meet.google.com/wgg-wjtd-kdu


   - V1
      - CR and Rec Status
         - Testimonials
      - 9 Outstanding issues
         - ABSN.start control messages
         <https://github.com/WebAudio/web-audio-api/issues/2248> which is
            - Be explicit that initial transition to running needs to take
            [[suspended by user]] flag into account?
            - Inconsistencies with "control thread state"
         - Invoking JS in the rendering loop needs a bunch of setup that
         doesn't seem to be in the spec
         - PRs
      - Fix #2248: Clean up ABSN start algorithm
         - Admin: Fix #2291: Add script to create a zip for for CR
         - V2
      - Admin
         - Get Travis CI working to deploy the v2 spec.
      - priority-1 issues
      - Expose AudioBuffer to DedicatedWorker
         - Render capacity
         - Render quantum size
         - Select audio device
         <https://github.com/WebAudio/web-audio-api-v2/issues/10>, get
         device change notification, audio config
         - Others?
         - priority-2  issues
      - AOB

Received on Thursday, 25 February 2021 00:19:10 UTC