Re: [Agenda] WG/CG Telecon Thurs Feb 18 9:00 am PST

Attendees: Ruth John, Jeff Switzer, Hongchan Choi, Raymond Toy, Athanasios


   - V1
      - CR and Rec Status
         - Testimonials
            - Raymond: How many do we need
            - Chris: Need about 6 testimonials min.  IF there are too few,
            it's probably best not to include any.
            - Raymond: BBC will have one.  Hopefully browsers will
            have one.  I'll try to contact Michel Buffa and X3D for
testimonials since
            they're W3C members.
            - Chris: Probably won't meet original deadline of Apr.
            - Chris: Proposed press release:
            - Chris: More concerned about issues where there's no action.
            - Ruth: The blocker is issues, not testimonials.
            - Ruth: What would the next deadline be?
            - Chris: Sometime after next AC meeting.
            - Chris: Have asked about testimonials from invited experts,
            but no info yet.
            - Ruth: Priority should be to get to V1.
         - 9 Outstanding issues
         - ABSN.start control messages
         - Invoking JS in the rendering loop needs a bunch of setup that
         doesn't seem to be in the spec
         <> and
         between event-loop of AudioWorkletGlobalScope and rendering loop
         - [Raymond:  Paul has a PR up and Hongchan has started reviewing
         - Implementation and test reports need updating
            - Chris: Updated impl report as wpt tests are updated.  Test
            report hasn't been updated.
            - Raymond: I'll update chrome soon, but firefox and safari have
            to update it themselves.
         - PRs
      - Fix #2248: Clean up ABSN start algorithm
         - Admin: Fix #2291: Add script to create a zip for for CR
         - V2
      - Admin
         - Get Travis CI working to deploy the v2 spec.
            - [Raymond: Paul not on call so no progress]
         - New Issues
         - AudioWorklet should have a 'oversample' and 'bufferSize'
         property. <>
            - [Raymond summarizes issue]
            - Hongchan: oversampling seems difficult
            - Raymond: Really increases processing in worklet
            - Chris:  worklet should do it itself to manage tradeoffs.
            - Hongchan: Many vst plugins do their own oversampling.
            - Chris: We should close the issue, but explain why.
            - Raymond: I'll do that.
         - priority-1 issues
      - Expose AudioBuffer to DedicatedWorker
         - Raymond: Any news?
            - Hongchan: Want feature fast, and PR is already there.
            Generally agreed it's not really harmful.  But waiting to
discuss with Paul
            one last time [who isn't on the call].
         - Render capacity
         - Hongchan: still need to discuss with the privacy team and still
            need to work on it.
         - Render quantum size
         - Raymond: Said he'd clean up the proposal but hasn't done that.
            - [Raymond summarizes]
            - Hongchan: What happens when latencyHint and render size are
            both specified?
            - Raymond: render size is fairly simple.  Interaction with
            latencyHint is hard.  We'll have to specify this somehow.
Not sure right
            now what to do.
            - Hongchan:  Could latencyHint be replaced by render size?
            - Raymond: Maybe, but units are different.
            - Hongchan: Concerned that some blog post will say to set
            rendersize to 32 and latencyHint to 0 to get best latency
            - Raymond: That's probably the best way, actually.
            - Hongchan: What about fingerprinting?
            - Raymond: If the user specifies a (weird) value, then you
            probably won't learn anything that you didn't already know
from the UA
            string.  But requesting "hardware" will provide a lot more
information that
            you wouldn't get from the UA string.  We'll need to think
about that.  But
            this would be closely coupled to what baseLatency
fingerprinting provides
         - Select audio device
         <>, get
         device change notification, audio config
         - [No discussion]
         - Headphone detection
            - Hongchan: depends on device and OS.  Windows can detect
            headphones or speakers.  Chrome OS and Android can provide
this info in
            some way.  Needs more investigation.
            - Raymond: What about USB devices where I could plug in
            headphones or speakers?
            - Hongchan: Might not be detectable
            - Raymond: I guess that's ok; we don't have to work 100%
            - [Raymond: Other comments that I didn't catch.]
         - Others?
         - priority-2  issues
      - AOB
      - F2F in late Apr?
         - Raymond: It's been about 6 mo since the last TPAC.  I'll set up
         a poll soon on potential dates
         - Ruth: Any info on TPAC?
         - Chris: Will be virtual again. No dates yet.

On Wed, Feb 17, 2021 at 4:27 PM Raymond Toy <> wrote:

> Here's the agenda for our WG/CG meeting.
> Meeting venue
> Agenda:
>    - V1
>       - CR and Rec Status
>          - Testimonials
>       - 9 Outstanding issues
>          - ABSN.start control messages
>          <>
>          - Invoking JS in the rendering loop needs a bunch of setup that
>          doesn't seem to be in the spec
>          <> and Integration
>          between event-loop of AudioWorkletGlobalScope and rendering loop
>          <>
>          - PRs
>       - Fix #2248: Clean up ABSN start algorithm
>          <>
>          - Admin: Fix #2291: Add script to create a zip for for CR
>          <>
>          - V2
>       - Admin
>          - Get Travis CI working to deploy the v2 spec.
>          <>
>       - New Issues
>          - AudioWorklet should have a 'oversample' and 'bufferSize'
>          property.
>          <>
>       - priority-1 issues
>       <>
>       - Expose AudioBuffer to DedicatedWorker
>          <>
>          - Render capacity
>          <>
>          - Render quantum size
>          <>
>          - Select audio device
>          <>, get
>          device change notification, audio config
>          - Others?
>          - priority-2  issues
>       <>
>       - AOB
>       - F2F in late Apr?

Received on Thursday, 18 February 2021 18:26:12 UTC