Re: AXAPI Role mappings for DPub and Graphics AAMs

Hey Chris.

I made the changes according to what you stated and did a pull request
[1]. Rich Schwerdtfeger reviewed my changes and pointed out something I
hadn't noticed, namely quite a few of these DPub roles subclass the ARIA
'landmark' role:

* doc-acknowledgments
* doc-afterword
* doc-appendix
* doc-bibliography
* doc-chapter
* doc-conclusion
* doc-credits
* doc-endnotes
* doc-epilogue
* doc-errata
* doc-foreword
* doc-glossary
* doc-index
* doc-introduction
* doc-part
* doc-preface
* doc-prologue

Could you please confirm that for the above items, the subrole should be
AXDocument* and not AXLandmark* (or AXDocumentLandmark*)?

Thanks again!


On 07/01/2016 02:23 PM, wrote:
>> On Jul 1, 2016, at 11:08 AM, Joanmarie Diggs <> wrote:
>> Hey Chris.
>>>> 1. doc-abstract
>>>>   AXRole: AXGroup
>>>>   AXSubrole: TBD
>>> AXDocumentAbstract
>>>>   AXRoleDescription: 'abstract'
>>>> 2. doc-acknowledgments
>>>>   AXRole: AXGroup
>>>>   AXSubrole: TBD
>>> AXDocumentAcknowledgements
>>>>   AXRoleDescription: 'acknowledgments'
>>>> 3. doc-afterword
>>>>   AXRole: AXGroup
>>>>   AXSubrole: TBD
>>> AXDocumentAfterword
>>> and so on...
>> Got it. That's easy. We'll make those changes. Looking over the
>> AXRoleDescriptions that are currently there, most struck me as
>> reasonable. The exception is:
>>>> 39. doc-toc
>>>>   AXRole: AXGroup
>>>>   AXSubrole: AXLandmarkNavigation
>>>>   AXRoleDescription: 'doc toc'
>> You'll want 'table of contents' instead, right?
> Yes
> AXDocumentTableOfContents
> Thanks!
>> Thanks again!
>> --joanie

Received on Friday, 1 July 2016 19:43:16 UTC